Monday, March 30, 2009

Actress Called Racist for Hating Obama

Today I read a story about actress Angie Harmon being called a racist for criticizing the way Obama is running the country. While I'm not all that familiar with Angie, I must say this is the typical lib reaction to anyone criticizing their messiah. Way to go Angie.:) I agree with you and salute you. I also agree with you about Sarah Palin too. So rather than tell the story myself, I'll let Angie tell it.

Actress Deemed 'Racist' for Hating Obama

(March 30) - Actress Angie Harmon dislikes the way President Barack Obama is running the country, calling him more "inexperienced" than Sarah Palin. While some are calling her racist, Harmon says ethnicity has nothing to do with it.
"If I have anything to say against Obama it's not because I'm a racist, it's because I don't like what he's doing as President and anybody should be able to feel that way, but what I find now is that if you say anything against him you're called a racist," Harmon told
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"But it has nothing to do with it, I don't care what color he is. I'm just not crazy about what he's doing and I heard all about this, and he's gonna do that and change and change, so okay ... I'm still dressing for a recession over here buddy and we've got unemployment at an all-time high and that was his number one thing and that's the thing I really don't appreciate. If I'm going to disagree with my President, that doesn't make me a racist. If I was to disagree with W, that doesn't make me racist. It has nothing to do with it, it is ridiculous," Harmon said.
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Harmon is still rooting for Republican John McCain. "I do think McCain would have done a better job, only because I think he has more experience. I also think if W or John McCain or Reagan would have gone and done a talk show, the backlash would have been so huge and in his face, and 'What is our president doing? How unclassy!' But Obama does it and no one says anything," Harmon said.
Harmon even thinks Sarah Palin would have done a better job running the country than Obama. "I admire any kind of woman like her. My whole motto is to know what I stand for and know what I don't stand for and have the courage to live my life accordingly and she does exactly that. The fact that this woman has made the decisions she's made and literally lived her life according to that and takes heat for it is absolutely disgusting to me," she added.
"I really think they're afraid of her and her morals, ethics and values and the fact that she hangs on them. Is she the most experienced person in the world? But she was running to be the Vice President, so we then put the most inexperienced person as the President. That didn't make any sense to me," Harmon said.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Danger of Obamanomics and Monsters and Aliens:A Review

In the early part of his career, folk singer Bob Dylan once said, "I can't believe I have to hate anyone and when I do it will be out of fear and I'll know it." I never hated Bill Clinton, I just thought he was a lying, cheating, underhanded, sociopathic, horndog. I hated his wife because I viewed her as a lying, scheming, witch of a woman with a dangerous agenda of an all consuming healthcare package that would control us all. Now with the Obamas in office I have good reason to hate and fear them with his agenda of destroying the country I so love and enjoy and watch as he turns it into a soviet style socialistic state.

When the soviet Union fell I said to myself. "Watch it fall there and rise here." At the time I didn't know how, but now I can see it happening. During the campaign we heard the people shout "change" after him. They were thinking of a change from Bush, after all they hated him so thanks to the liberal lies of the media, but the change he was talking about I knew at the time was different than a change in personnel. When he stated in his acceptance speech that they were going to "rebuild the government brick by brick," a lot of red flags went up in my mind. He's created chaos in the banking business and now is saying they should nationalize the banks as well as companies that don't need a bailout. This will be the government controlling the banks so they can transfer wealth. If any company doesn't abide by them they can always tax them at 90% like they threatened the AIG executives with. The Obama team also wants to cap salaries of people so the government will be telling you how much you can make. There was also talk early on of having a travel tax by charging a half a cent a mile, but that is put on hold for now. If that went thru that would be the government keeping track of its' citizens. Now tax cheat Treasury Secretary Geithner is talking about changing the currency to a global currency that China and Russia are changing too.Obamanomics Is Wrecking the Economy, Report Predicted It
Now the latest is universal healthcare again. The great unwashed with their hands out talk about the government giving them healthcare they can afford like in European countries. To those people I say look at what's happening in countries like England and France. You will have rationing of doctors and certain life saving drugs will be banned in order to afford it. You will also have a healthcare committee deciding who gets treatment and who doesn't. That's what's going on there OR if you can find a copy of Hillary's healthcare plan you will see things that will make your skin crawl as I did. It's already started with our dear speaker of the house Nancy (Stretch) Pelosi: PELOSI: Health-Care Bill in House Will Include Government-Run Option... The people voted for Obama by the color of his skin and not the content of his character. Martin Luther King must be turning in his grave. Our only hope now is that the Republicans will gain the majority in both houses again in November to keep the half black muslim at bay and stick once again to their conservative principles.

On a more lighthearted note, my wife and I took my nephew to see the new animated movie Monsters and Aliens today. I must admit I'm not one much for cartoons, but I found this very enjoyable and fascinating. It is in 3-D which is making quite a comeback these days. Instead of the old red and green 3-D glasses they now have plastic polorized glasses that fit over your regular glasses. The animation was computer generated as they all are these days and crystal clear.What I found fascinating was the hair on the female characters and furry creatures flowed with every strand and the very noticeable depth perception of the 3-D effect. The story concerns a woman named Susan who is hit by a meteor on her wedding day and grows to gargantuan size. She's immediately snatched up by the military and thrown into a special prison with other deformed monsters from experiments gone awry who have been there at least 50 years. One is a mad scientist who is the result of an experiment where he has the head of an insect (shades of the old Vincent Price movie The Fly ) another is a blue gelatin mass with one eye in the center and no brain represents The Blob, but he can talk and gives comic lines. Another is the missing link and is supposed to be The Creature from The Back Lagoon, the giant insect is supposed to be Mothra and Susan is the fifty foot woman. Susan makes friends with them and the military releases them to fight giant robots and an alien army invading earth. The sequences are very imaginative and humorous. I certainly recommend taking your young ones to see this. It will be a treat for you also.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama,Dodd, Schumer and AIG=Quid Pro Quo

During the presidential campaign, AIG donated $103,000 to Sen.Dodd for his senatorial campaign and $100,000 to Sen.Chuckie (Schmuckie) Schumer for his campaign and a similair amount to Obama. The bonuses were included in the stimulus package that the senate voted on, but never read or debated because Obama gave them only 48 hrs. to vote on it. He and his handpicked Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, are trying to lay blame anywhere but upon themselves for not limiting compensation payouts as a condition for receiving public funds. Chris Dodd at first denied having anything to do with inserting any language in the bill about the bonuses and the very next day admitted he did have his language in there. We have Secretary (tax cheat) Timothy Geithner on tape talking, to a federal commision investigating the bail out of AIG, about the bonuses before they were discovered by the media. You can't tell me Obama didn't know about these bonuses. As soon as the bonuses were found out, everyone including Obama and Dodd and Schumer feigned shock and dismay at the idea of the bonuses being passed onto the executives when it was clearly their idea as a quid pro quo for donations to their campaigns in the first place. Now they are demanding the bonuses be sent back or they will tax them at 90%. That's gratitude for someone who supported you. Today the N.Y. Attorney General intimidated the executives by saying if they don't give the bonuses back they will release their names to the public. The media naturally goes along for the ride. Obama's super corrupt Chicago based organization ACORN even demonstrated in front of the executives homes. So my question is this: Since the executives have to give their bonuses back, shouldn't Obama, Schumer and Dodd have to give their bonuses back they received from AIG hmmmmm?

John McCaine in a recent interview with Sean Hannity said,"You would be surprised what's in the stimulus package." I can believe it. Like that little provision about if you are a senior citizen suffering from a malady attributed to old age, a doctor doesn't have to treat you or a company insure you. That is a preview of universal health care to come or how about the $900 million going to Hamas for so called rebuilding of Gaza. Yeah right!!!!!! .Or how about the $20 million to see that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians settle here and Zero will give them free housing and a food allowance. WHERE ???? Isn't every piece of available land already built up???? Yes McCaine is right. You'd be surprised at what's in the stimulus package that the senate voted on, but didn't read or debate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dems hypocrisy with AIG ,Obama out of control spending and service people paying their own insurance.

Democrats are now feigning outrage and anger over the AIG bonuses when it was their fault in the first place. Sure it is right to be angry at such greed and misdeeds at what AIG did by asking for millions in bailout money and then giving it all to their executives as bonuses,but treasury secretary Tim (tax cheat) Geitner approved of the bailout and knew about the bonuses more than a week ago. Chris Dodd put a measure in the stimulus package that the bonuses don't have to be taxed and now is trying to cover up his deed by saying it isn't true and demanding that the bonuses be taxed. It was also Dodd who put in contractual agreements with AIG in the stimulus package and it was AIG who donated $100,000 to Dodd's campaign. Now he's feigning outrage and surprise?? Give me a break. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York is saying if they don't pay back the bonuses "we will take it from you by taxing it all." That's pretty scary too because if they can do it to AIG they can do it to all of us. As Thomas Jefferson once said,"A government that is big enough to give you everything is also big enough to take it all away." Nice going Chuckie boy. John McCaine said yesterday that the American people are going to be surprised at what was in the stimulus package that the senators voted on without reading because Obama didn't give them time to read it. Sean Hannity and others are now calling for Geitner to resign which I agree too. This whole administration should resign for their total incompetance. We are now 11 trillion dollars in debt because of Obama's spending. He is bankrupting the country so he can set up his socialist state.

Speaking of resigning, another dangerous dope in this administration is Homeland security head Janet Napolitano. She's changing the vocabulary of how we view terrorists and putting us back into a pre-9/11 mode and leaving us open for another attack. This is just what the Islamo fascists are waiting for. They are a very patient people. You can't say enemy combatants anymore, you can't refer to Gitmo, you can't say war on terror anymore and now her latest is replacing the word terrorist with "man made disasters" YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Dick Cheney is right when he said this administration is leaving us open to another attack by removing all the safety nets we had in place such as the patriot act and by treating prisoners with kid gloves. The Obama team also wants to put these enemy combatants in prisons here and give them civil rights too.That's unheard of in my book. Liberals are always of the notion and naievete that when it comes to enemies who want to destroy you, you be nice to them and they'll be nice to you. It's that mode of thinking that gets you killed in the first place.

Another thing this lowlife administration wants to do is have service men pay for their own insurace for their wounds. That's another boondoggle and mind blower. These young men and women have volunteered and sacrificed themselves to serve and protect their country and deserve to be treated by that same country that they are protecting and now the half black muslim refuses to let that happen and tells the head of the VFW that service men should have their own insurance. Truly outrageous!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Navesink and Sandy Hook Lighthouses

Today being a fairly nice change of weather from our previous cold winter, my wife and I decided to take a trip down to our favorite lighthouses at the Jersey shore, Navesink, the twin towers and Sandy Hook. Navesink is along brick building with two light towers on either side. Inside is a very attractive and interesting museum about the history of the lights. The building itself appears to be a stone fortress and guided freighter traffic in and out of the HudsonRiver from 1828 to 1953. The fortress like brownstone twin towers date back to 1861.They replaced the earlier structure at the beginning of the Civil War. By 1898, the government no longer saw the need for two lights and snuffed out the lamp in the north tower. The powerful south light could be seen for twenty two miles at sea and served until 1953 when it too was snuffed out. Today the station is part of the Twin Lights Historic Society and is administered by the New Jersey Park Service. You can go up in the South tower for a great view and some good pics. Admission is free and the grounds are beautiful with a great view of the New York skyline. Just a few minutes ride from Navesink is SandyHook Light which is the oldest lighthouse in the U.S. dating back to 1764 . Sandy Hook light is located in the old Fort Hancock which dates back to WW11. It is fascinating to drive through and see the old baracks and see the officers buildings and other old abandoned buildings. Some of the buildings are still in use today for environmental studies by the local colleges. Just across from the light itself is an old mortar battery that is really spooky to walk through. Like an old dungeon. Inside you can see the large circles where the mighty mortars once stood and signs on the outside explain all about the history of the mortar battery .

Monday, March 2, 2009

Media accuses Conservatives of being conspiracy theorists and rumors over Obamas birth

AOl and the mainstream media have their heads so far up the half black muslim Obama's ass they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel sort of speak :D. This week-end AOl and the mainstream media targeted conservatives who question Obama's birth right as conspiracy theories and rumors. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are facts not theories and rumors. First of all, we have his cousin and grandmother on film in kenya saying they witnessed his birth in Kenya. In the film they said his mother was too pregnant with him to fly to the states so she had him there. She then flew to Hawaii and had him registered there before flying to Indonesia and hooking up with his muslim stepfather. Obama has also refused to show his passports or college records. Anyone who refuses those things tells me they have something to hide.

The media takes at face value that Hawaiian officials say they have a birth certificate. So why don't they show it publicly? What Hawaii has is a Certificate of Live Birth which anyone can get who has a newborn and wants him registered there for some reason. His mother was also too young to have him registered as a U.S. citizen so in that regard he is an illegal. The birth certificate appearing on his website was proven to be a photoshopped version of his sister's birth certificate with his name substituted for hers. These are facts anyone can look up not rumors or conspiracy theories, but since when does the media check their facts today? Do we have to do their job for them?

The media also chastises the conservatives for saying he's a muslim when saying that he's a practising Christian. First of all, he didn't become a Christian until 20 years ago when he joined Rev.Wright's controversial church. So for his first 20 years he was a muslim and in the muslim religion, once a muslim, always a muslim. He writes in his book about reciting muslim prayers and attending muslim schools. In a recent interview with George Stephanopolus Obama referred to his Muslim beliefs to which George responded,"You mean your Christian beliefs" and Obama responded," That's what I meant, my Christian beliefs." AHA Gotcha Barack!!!!!!! or should I say Barry since that is your real name. Barack Obama is your muslim given name or doesn't the media know about that either or wants to dismiss that too as a conspiracy theory. Besides a true Christian wouldn't be pushing a leftist socialistic form of government on his country.
In this day and age where muslims are saying they want to make this a muslim state in 20 years and the goal of radical Islam is world domination, Obama is a scarey guy.

I also really can't stand this fawning over him for being the first African-American president. He isn't African American. He's only half black and a muslim. He's a half black muslim and always will be. The left's idol Martin Luther King said he envisioned a society "where we judged a person not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character." Today all the left says is he's the first black president. Martin must be turning in his grave.