Recently Obama had the CEO's of all the major banks at the whitehouse and told them "My administration is the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks," much to their astonishment. Yet here's the guy who goes around the world telling other countries WE'RE arrogant? He's the personification of arrogance if you ask me. I'm sick of his apology tour and disgusted too. We're the greatest nation on the planet and feed the world. We've helped others out of their dire straights. Europe would not be what it is today if not for us. We saved their ass twice in WW1 and WW11 and he goes and apologizes? He hates our history, he hates our economic way of life and he hates America.
Former army colonel and war correspondent Ralph Peters, hit it right on the head in his latest column describing the Obama Doctrine when he said, " The Taliban devours Pakistan and we want to talk. Hugo Chavez destroy's Venezuelan democracy and we want to talk. Iran pursues nuclear weapons with refreshed enthusiasm and we want to talk." Now I don't mind meeting with your enemy to get a handle on where they are coming from, but if Obama did any research he would know that there is no talking with these leaders instead of cozying up to them..It's either their way or the hiway which is why we don't negotiate with them.
Peters goes on to say "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thinks the solution to piracy is a generous program to rebuild Somalia. (been there done that). She'd also like to hand Hamas a billion bucks. (Barack already has that in his stimulus bill). The Las Vegas law applies: You can buy sex, but not enduring love. We can't defeat terror with welfare checks." Never forget the movie Black Sunday where Robert Shaw's Isreali agent just kills a terrorist who went on a killing spree in San Francisco and says to Fritz Weaver' s police Lieutenant, "I warned you about that man Lieutenant. I should have let him kill you."
Peters ends his column saying "We now have a president who doesn't know Pakistan was founded as a democracy, a secretary of state who thinks we created the taliban, a head of Department of Homeland Security who doesn't believe Islamist terrorists exist and a vice president who claims FDR gave televised speeches during the depression."
The day after North Korea launched a missile it claimed could reach the United States, Obama announced he was cutting our missile defense. A few days ago Air Force One buzzzed over Manhatten at 1000 feet unannouced with two F-16 jets behind it sending the populace running for their lives in another 9-11 scare. Obama claimed he didn't know anything about it at the time and Robert Gibbs the most incompetant press secretary in history said "I can't know where Air Force One is all the time." NY Senator Chuck Schumer blamed the Bush administration for appointing incompetant people to the FAA. Sure blame Bush. Given these situations I ask you, my faithful readers, to paraphrase Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, "Do you feel safe with Obama in charge? Do you? Do you?" Say what you want about Bush, but at least he kept us safe. Not like this punk in charge now.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Obama:Something must be done
Below is an article by columnist and radio host Mike Gallagher who hits it right on the head. Something has to be done about Obama. He's breaking the country up and destroying it so he can set up his socialist government. On Wed. to mark his 100th day, he's having a special press conference that the media is already drooling over and foaming at the mouth in eager anticipation. He's been urging congress to hurry up and pass the nationalization of healthcare so he can take credit for it. This is a disaster. Doctors will have to answer to bureaucrats who will decide if you should get an operation or not and who should get what drug, etc. There will also be rationing of doctors. It's clear Obama hates this country. He hates our history, he hates our economics and he hates our way of life. When he talked about change in the campaign, people thought he meant a change from Bush. I knew what he was really talking about. He was talking about making this a socialist state and having government control us from cradle to grave. I've been hearing alot of Obama voters lately regretting their vote so something must be done about this fascist, socialist, marxist scumbag. As Mark Levin so aptly put it today,"The man who has no experience in running anything is tearing our country apart."
Here is Mike Gallagher's article:
We continue to live smack dab in the middle of a “Twilight Zone” episode.
Every new revelation about the Obama Administration comes with the familiar musical notes of the Rod Serling TV classic ringing in my head: “Do-dee-do-do, do-dee-do-do...”
I know the mainstream media is frantically trying to cover for this train wreck, but are Americans paying attention?
Let’s sum up just the past couple of weeks: President Obama goes to Europe and the Middle East, bowing and scraping (literally, just ask King Abdullah) and apologizing for the United States of America.
His Treasury Secretary announces that banks needing “exceptional assistance” under the TARP bail-out could be forced by his administration to make management changes akin to those that occurred with General Motors.
His Homeland Security Secretary sends a memo to law enforcement agencies warning them to be on the lookout for returning veterans and citizens who believe in state’s rights and are against abortion because we’re potentially violent “right-wing extremists.”
Later, this same Homeland Security disaster tells an interviewer that the 9/11 terrorists came across the Canadian border; this, on the heels of her stated position on CNN that sneaking across the border isn’t a crime, it’s a civil matter.
Obama rejects the advice of his own CIA director and decides to release specific details about the interrogation tactics our intelligence community used against some suspected terrorists, demoralizing and humiliating the men and women who are in the unenviable position of trying desperately to keep this country safe from another 9/11.
The president says that he has no intention of fulfilling the crazies’ desire to prosecute members of the Bush Administration who devised harsh interrogation tactics for harsh, murderous terrorists and then, a week later, changes his mind and leaves the door open for going after members of our intelligence community, all while seemingly ignoring the chorus of voices around him that are confirming that the tactics have actually worked.
If George Bush had such a disaster-plagued couple of weeks, I think the editors of the New York Times would be literally storming the White House with pitchforks and torches. First 100 days, indeed.
The silliest, most frustrating national dialogue has been this chattering about waterboarding and slapping around bad guys in order to extract information from them.
“We don’t torture” is the anguished cry of squishy people who have decided that trying to frighten terrorists by roughing them up is somehow the very definition of torture.
I watched former New York Times reporter Judith Miller wail about waterboarding on Fox News this week. She complained that she can barely complete reading the released documents because they are so grisly and awful.
I wonder how she compares putting a caterpillar in a cell with a bad guy to taking a knife and slicing off the head of a screaming college kid in front of a rolling video camera?
Rep. Pete Hoeskstra was a guest on my radio show and repeated something that the released documents about interrogation revealed. Do you know how many people our country “waterboarded” over six years ago?
Based on the hysteria we’ve been hearing, surely it’s a big number, right?
Well let’s take a multiple choice test.
How many suspected terrorists have we waterboarded?
A) 500B) 1200C) 3D) 900The answer, of course, is C.
Three people.
We poured water in the mouths of three stinking, miserable, murderous terrorists. And you’d think we re-enacted the Crusades.
Out of the thousands of terrorists we’ve managed to kill or capture, three people were subjected to waterboarding. And that causes bleeding heart liberals like Judith Miller seem to want to break out in tears and move to France.
It’s positively disgusting.
I have to believe Americans are paying attention. Thousands and thousands of us took to the streets last week in peaceful, spirited demonstrations against the way this country is headed.
Last Friday night, I spoke before a crowd of around 10,000 people in Greenville, South Carolina.
10,000 people in the heartland coming out to carry American flags and express indignation over the debacle of the first 100 days of the Obama Administration.
That’s powerful stuff.
Americans have had enough. The tea parties weren’t a one-time event. They are the start of a revolution.
The more insanity that comes from Washington, D.C., the stronger the loyal opposition becomes.
A movement is growing.
Let’s hope it’s not too late.
Here is Mike Gallagher's article:
We continue to live smack dab in the middle of a “Twilight Zone” episode.
Every new revelation about the Obama Administration comes with the familiar musical notes of the Rod Serling TV classic ringing in my head: “Do-dee-do-do, do-dee-do-do...”
I know the mainstream media is frantically trying to cover for this train wreck, but are Americans paying attention?
Let’s sum up just the past couple of weeks: President Obama goes to Europe and the Middle East, bowing and scraping (literally, just ask King Abdullah) and apologizing for the United States of America.
His Treasury Secretary announces that banks needing “exceptional assistance” under the TARP bail-out could be forced by his administration to make management changes akin to those that occurred with General Motors.
His Homeland Security Secretary sends a memo to law enforcement agencies warning them to be on the lookout for returning veterans and citizens who believe in state’s rights and are against abortion because we’re potentially violent “right-wing extremists.”
Later, this same Homeland Security disaster tells an interviewer that the 9/11 terrorists came across the Canadian border; this, on the heels of her stated position on CNN that sneaking across the border isn’t a crime, it’s a civil matter.
Obama rejects the advice of his own CIA director and decides to release specific details about the interrogation tactics our intelligence community used against some suspected terrorists, demoralizing and humiliating the men and women who are in the unenviable position of trying desperately to keep this country safe from another 9/11.
The president says that he has no intention of fulfilling the crazies’ desire to prosecute members of the Bush Administration who devised harsh interrogation tactics for harsh, murderous terrorists and then, a week later, changes his mind and leaves the door open for going after members of our intelligence community, all while seemingly ignoring the chorus of voices around him that are confirming that the tactics have actually worked.
If George Bush had such a disaster-plagued couple of weeks, I think the editors of the New York Times would be literally storming the White House with pitchforks and torches. First 100 days, indeed.
The silliest, most frustrating national dialogue has been this chattering about waterboarding and slapping around bad guys in order to extract information from them.
“We don’t torture” is the anguished cry of squishy people who have decided that trying to frighten terrorists by roughing them up is somehow the very definition of torture.
I watched former New York Times reporter Judith Miller wail about waterboarding on Fox News this week. She complained that she can barely complete reading the released documents because they are so grisly and awful.
I wonder how she compares putting a caterpillar in a cell with a bad guy to taking a knife and slicing off the head of a screaming college kid in front of a rolling video camera?
Rep. Pete Hoeskstra was a guest on my radio show and repeated something that the released documents about interrogation revealed. Do you know how many people our country “waterboarded” over six years ago?
Based on the hysteria we’ve been hearing, surely it’s a big number, right?
Well let’s take a multiple choice test.
How many suspected terrorists have we waterboarded?
A) 500B) 1200C) 3D) 900The answer, of course, is C.
Three people.
We poured water in the mouths of three stinking, miserable, murderous terrorists. And you’d think we re-enacted the Crusades.
Out of the thousands of terrorists we’ve managed to kill or capture, three people were subjected to waterboarding. And that causes bleeding heart liberals like Judith Miller seem to want to break out in tears and move to France.
It’s positively disgusting.
I have to believe Americans are paying attention. Thousands and thousands of us took to the streets last week in peaceful, spirited demonstrations against the way this country is headed.
Last Friday night, I spoke before a crowd of around 10,000 people in Greenville, South Carolina.
10,000 people in the heartland coming out to carry American flags and express indignation over the debacle of the first 100 days of the Obama Administration.
That’s powerful stuff.
Americans have had enough. The tea parties weren’t a one-time event. They are the start of a revolution.
The more insanity that comes from Washington, D.C., the stronger the loyal opposition becomes.
A movement is growing.
Let’s hope it’s not too late.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Memorial To My Good Online Friend Rawriter
It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of my good online buddy, Rawriter of Calif. Although I never met him, I felt very close to him thru the internet. He always replied to every e-mail I sent him even just to say "TY Jay". Just a few days ago I received a few thank yous from him for articles I sent him. He was a great follower of my blog and I also followed his blog called Rawriter's Musings which I am saving and will look at from time to time as a reminder of what a good man he was. I was always fascinated and impressed by his anti-American list he kept of people wishing to do us harm, mostly of Islamic descent. I was awed at his knowledge of the Islamic religion and the intent of the Islamic extremists. I'm going to miss his "TY Jays" to each of my e-mails , his sharp responces to my e-mails which were always short and to the point and am going to miss sending my e-mails to him. He was a true gentleman and a good family man. Raw you're a great American. You will be missed.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Obama Owns the Next 9/11
So the half black muslim known as Barack Obama is considering prosecuting Bush officials over allowing torture of the terrorists at Gitmo. He said he agonized for days over whether to release these documents or not. Yeah Right!!!! He agonized over what kind of dog to get more than he agonized over this. By releasing these memos he's giving secrets away to our enemy on what to expect if they are caught again. I agree with Dick Cheney who said they should release the results of these interrogations to see what they prevented. By waterboarding Khaliel Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11, we learned of a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the highest office tower in Los Angeles and the hijacking of planes from Britain and the United States and explode them over American and British cities. Prior to the waterboarding all Khaliel Mohammed would say when asked about what they plannned to do was ,"Just wait and see." Besides we don't kill our prisoners like they do like what they did to Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg by cutting their heads off.
Obama Keeps Open Door on Prosecuting Bush Officials
Cheney Slams Weak Obama, Demands All CIA Docs Release
Obama is doing away with everything that protected us under Bush like the Patriot Act and closing Gitmo and cutting back on defense. The enemy must be licking their chops like a fox in the hen house. He's bringing us back to a pre 9/11 mode. He tremendously and naievely underestimates this enemy. If we are hit again it will be on his head. He owns it. AND IT COULD BE ANY OF US THIS TIME. This is a guy who hates his country, hates our economics, hates our history and probably hates himself because of his racially mixed heritage. That's why he's so narcisisic. It's always all about him.
Ruddy: Obama and Lies About Cuba
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Obamas and Obama media: Fakes,Phonies and Frauds
Well it seems the Obama media has once again stepped into Woody Allen's Orgasmatron from his movie "Sleeper" and is having huge wet orgasms over Obama's latest incursion with the Somali pirates. He was pretty silent on it for the first week and then was pretty quick to take credit for it after the captain was safely rescued. The Obama media was gushing all over him sayng how brave he was to make such a decision and this proves how fit he is to be commander in chief, yaddda, yadda, etc. The captain of the ship who gave the command to shoot the pirates said all it took was a ruling that said action could be taken if they felt the captain was in danger and he was in immediate danger. The military acted supremely and I was very proud of them. Now the Obama media who hated and blasted the military for the last eight years, suddenly loves them now because their guy is in office. One female reporter on CNN quipped,"That's one for the good guys." What fakes, phonies and frauds. It took two requests from the rescue ship to the Obama administration to get permission to fire. Dem punster Bob Beckle on Hannity last night said Obama was in secret negotiations with his staff on what to do for 17 hours behind closed doors. Bernard Goldberg who I admire and has a book out about the media's slobbering love affair with Obama, even said if Obama said anything before hand it could have jeopardized the captain's situation which coud have been true. Anyhow, my congatulations and admiration to the real heroes Captain Phillips and our brave Navy Seals who rescued him.
The Great American Jounal editor has an excellent piece on the rescue which I am inserting here:
"Congratulations with much appreciation to the Navy and military men who rescued Captain Philips. And a special commendation to Captain Philips for offering his own life to save his crew. Now we have two hero captains this year. America needs some heroes. They are hard to find in the news these days. So many distractions for Obama. Iran is a distraction. No. Korea is a distraction. His bow to the King is a distraction. Now it's pirates hijacking of a U.S. flagged ship that has become a distraction. The teleprompter can handle only one distraction at a time and had no comment on pirate hijacking for Obama. Gradually, the job of being president of the United States has become an annoying distraction for Acting President Obama. It just doesn't fit within his agenda. President Thomas Jefferson knew how to deal with Libyan pirates in his time. He created the Marine Corp and sent them to Libya to fight a 13 year long war to eliminate the pirates who had been terrorizing shipping on the high seas. Because of Jefferson's response to piracy, the high seas remained safe from piracy for 200 years. Now it's back and a similar response is needed. If the world had been made up of liberals who believe the government should take care of them from cradle to grave, the human race would never have lasted long enough to form governments.
How the rescue happened The AP is reporting that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that is misleading. He did affirm the military's authorization to use force if the captain's life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement. The AP is making it sound like there was an active rescue ordered by the President. It was not, there was an imminent threat and the local commander gave the order to fire. Obama's involvement in the decision to authorize lethal force was legally required, officials said, because it was a hostage situation, not combat, and unrelated to the already authorized U.S. effort against Al Qaeda and other terror groups, officials said."
Michelle Obama is another fake, phony, fraud with now having a make-up artist accompany her on trips abroad. She needs it. The artist says she looks too mean and will highlight her eyebrows and other features to make her look less aggressive. The media all gushes all over her and said how she wowed France with her fake eyelashes. Have you noticed her skin is getting lighter too? The media also gushes over her fashion sense which I don't think much of beings I am in the retail end of the fashion industry. I think the green dress she wore at the Inauguration was deplorable and ugly, but that's just my opinion. In any event, they are all fakes, phonies and frauds.
The Great American Jounal editor has an excellent piece on the rescue which I am inserting here:
"Congratulations with much appreciation to the Navy and military men who rescued Captain Philips. And a special commendation to Captain Philips for offering his own life to save his crew. Now we have two hero captains this year. America needs some heroes. They are hard to find in the news these days. So many distractions for Obama. Iran is a distraction. No. Korea is a distraction. His bow to the King is a distraction. Now it's pirates hijacking of a U.S. flagged ship that has become a distraction. The teleprompter can handle only one distraction at a time and had no comment on pirate hijacking for Obama. Gradually, the job of being president of the United States has become an annoying distraction for Acting President Obama. It just doesn't fit within his agenda. President Thomas Jefferson knew how to deal with Libyan pirates in his time. He created the Marine Corp and sent them to Libya to fight a 13 year long war to eliminate the pirates who had been terrorizing shipping on the high seas. Because of Jefferson's response to piracy, the high seas remained safe from piracy for 200 years. Now it's back and a similar response is needed. If the world had been made up of liberals who believe the government should take care of them from cradle to grave, the human race would never have lasted long enough to form governments.
How the rescue happened The AP is reporting that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that is misleading. He did affirm the military's authorization to use force if the captain's life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement. The AP is making it sound like there was an active rescue ordered by the President. It was not, there was an imminent threat and the local commander gave the order to fire. Obama's involvement in the decision to authorize lethal force was legally required, officials said, because it was a hostage situation, not combat, and unrelated to the already authorized U.S. effort against Al Qaeda and other terror groups, officials said."
Michelle Obama is another fake, phony, fraud with now having a make-up artist accompany her on trips abroad. She needs it. The artist says she looks too mean and will highlight her eyebrows and other features to make her look less aggressive. The media all gushes all over her and said how she wowed France with her fake eyelashes. Have you noticed her skin is getting lighter too? The media also gushes over her fashion sense which I don't think much of beings I am in the retail end of the fashion industry. I think the green dress she wore at the Inauguration was deplorable and ugly, but that's just my opinion. In any event, they are all fakes, phonies and frauds.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
OBAMA Ignores Declaration of Independence
At the G20 meeting in London, President Obama agreed to create of an international board with authority to intervene in U.S. corporations by dictating executive compensation and approving or disapproving business management decisions, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
Political consultant Dick Morris said that by agreeing to create the Financial Stability Board, Obama is a "willing accomplice" to a decision that effectively repealed the U.S. Declaration of Independence and abrogated the sovereignty of the United States.
The final communiqués coming out of the G20 meeting in London April 2 included a document entitled "Declaration on Strengthening the Financial System."
"By agreeing to the stipulations in this document, President Obama gave the blessing of the United States to the G20 decision to elevate the Financial Stability Forum into the Financial Stability Board," Corsi wrote. "The United States has only one vote in the newly constituted Financial Stability Board, a group that will be largely controlled by European central bankers."
The new global regulator now has the authority to examine all U.S. banks, brokerage firms and corporations – including non-financial companies such as the Big Three automakers – to examine operations and determine risk.
The Financial Stability Board then has the international authority to set policies in these corporations, including compensation packages the private boards of directors in the examined companies decide to pay top executives and senior managers.
Morris charged that the Obama administration, by agreeing to create the Financial Stability Board, has gone beyond nationalizing U.S. corporations, to "internationalize" U.S.-based corporations under the control of this new global regulator.
While the G20 focused on regulating risks in hedge funds and derivatives, the authority of the Financial Stability Board extends to any banking, brokerage or business practice by a major U.S. corporation that the Financial Stability Board on its own authority determines is unduly risky.
Under the premise that the IMF and the Financial Stability Board would have the ability to make loans to important U.S. corporations, the IMF and the Financial Stability Board become the effective global regulators over the corporate world, superseding all U.S. governmental authorities, including the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and a host of corporate regulators, including the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Labor.
Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have topped the New York Times best-sellers list, said no appeal procedure to any U.S. court or regulator is specified by the G20 communiqué.
Political consultant Dick Morris said that by agreeing to create the Financial Stability Board, Obama is a "willing accomplice" to a decision that effectively repealed the U.S. Declaration of Independence and abrogated the sovereignty of the United States.
The final communiqués coming out of the G20 meeting in London April 2 included a document entitled "Declaration on Strengthening the Financial System."
"By agreeing to the stipulations in this document, President Obama gave the blessing of the United States to the G20 decision to elevate the Financial Stability Forum into the Financial Stability Board," Corsi wrote. "The United States has only one vote in the newly constituted Financial Stability Board, a group that will be largely controlled by European central bankers."
The new global regulator now has the authority to examine all U.S. banks, brokerage firms and corporations – including non-financial companies such as the Big Three automakers – to examine operations and determine risk.
The Financial Stability Board then has the international authority to set policies in these corporations, including compensation packages the private boards of directors in the examined companies decide to pay top executives and senior managers.
Morris charged that the Obama administration, by agreeing to create the Financial Stability Board, has gone beyond nationalizing U.S. corporations, to "internationalize" U.S.-based corporations under the control of this new global regulator.
While the G20 focused on regulating risks in hedge funds and derivatives, the authority of the Financial Stability Board extends to any banking, brokerage or business practice by a major U.S. corporation that the Financial Stability Board on its own authority determines is unduly risky.
Under the premise that the IMF and the Financial Stability Board would have the ability to make loans to important U.S. corporations, the IMF and the Financial Stability Board become the effective global regulators over the corporate world, superseding all U.S. governmental authorities, including the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and a host of corporate regulators, including the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Labor.
Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have topped the New York Times best-sellers list, said no appeal procedure to any U.S. court or regulator is specified by the G20 communiqué.
MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Obama the Arrogant Muslim Apologist
Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Sotero was in Turkey recently and made a speech saying we are not at war with Islam. Well we never were at war with Islam, they were at war with us. The 9/11 Commission even stated as much. I also was appalled at his apologies to the muslim countries and Europe for our so called "arrogance." It's obvious he's an appeaser, a muslim appeaser at that, who hates America and is ignorant of our history.We've done more to help free Europe from themselves in WW1 and WW11 and our trade pacts. We feed the world and have saved the world from naziism, fascism, communism and totalitarianism and now terrorism and he calls us arrogant? He then went to Iraq and said, "a lot of work needs to be done here." No fooling Sherlock, but it's a 100 percent better than when they were under Saddam. They now have a new currency without Saddam's picture on it, kids can read more in school than just jihad and how great Saddam is, women can serve in government now where they couldn't before and businesses and newspapers are flourishing there now and they now have free elections, but I guess it's all because of our "arrogance."
I was glad to hear Sean Hannity come out today and say he has zero confidence in Obama, although I knew it all along and had zero confidence in him from the beginning. Sean was willing to give him a chance at least, but after Obama 's comments on us being arrogant and not a Christian nation to the muslim world, Sean said, "I have zero confidence in this man. He doesn't understand national defense, he doesn't understand the free market system and he doesn't understand America's exceptionalism." Sean I salute you. Below is a great article from Front Page magazine that explains Zero's world view and our "arrogance" to the muslim world.
Obama: Islam Has Shaped the U.S.A.
By Robert 4/7/2009
We will convey, said Barack Obama to the Turkish Parliament Monday, our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world including in my own country.
Undeniably the Islamic faith has done a great deal to shape the world a statement that makes no value judgment about exactly how it has shaped the world. It has formed the dominant culture in what is known as the Islamic world for centuries. But what on earth could Obama mean when he says that Islam has also done so much to shape his own country?
Unless he considers himself an Indonesian, Obamas statement was extraordinarily strange. After all, how has the Islamic faith shaped the United States? Were there Muslims along Paul Reveres ride, or standing next to Patrick Henry when he proclaimed, Give me liberty or give me death? Were there Muslims among the framers or signers of the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men not just Muslims, as Islamic law would have it are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Were there Muslims among those who drafted the Constitution and vigorously debated its provisions, or among those who enumerated the Bill of Rights, which guarantees again in contradiction to the tenets of Islamic law that there should be no established national religion, and that the freedom of speech should not be infringed?
There were not.
Did Muslims play a role in the great struggle over slavery that defined so much of our contemporary understandings of the nature of this republic and of the rights of the individual within it? They did not. Did the Islamic faith shape the way the United States responded to the titanic challenges of the two World Wars, the Great Depression, or the Cold War? It did not. Did the Islamic faith, with its legal apparatus that institutionalizes discrimination against non-Muslims, shape the civil rights movement in the United States? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandated equality of access to public facilities a hard-won victory that came at a great cost, and one that Muslim groups have tried to roll back in the United States recently. One notable example of such attempts was the alcohol-in-cabs controversy at the Minneapolis-St. Paul international airport, when Muslim cabdrivers began to refuse service to customers who were carrying alcohol, on Islamic religious grounds. The core assumption underlying this initiative that discrimination on the basis of religion is justified cut right to the heart of the core principle of the American polity, that all men are created equal, that is, that they have a right to equal treatment in law and society.
Surveying the whole tapestry of American history, one would be hard-pressed to find any significant way in which the Islamic faith has shaped the United States in terms of its governing principles and the nature of American society. Meanwhile, there are numerous ways in which, if there had been a significant Muslim presence in the country at the time, some of the most cherished and important principles of American society and law may have met fierce resistance, and may never have seen the light of day.
So in what way has the Islamic faith shaped Obamas country? The most significant event connected to the Islamic faith that has shaped the character of the United States was the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Those attacks have shaped the nation in numerous ways: theyve led to numerous innovations in airline security, which in generations to come if todays politically correct climate continues to befog minds -- may be added to future versions of the fanciful 1001 Muslim Inventions exhibition. The Islamic faith has shaped the U.S. since 9/11 in leading to the spending of billions on anti-terror measures, and to the ventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to Guantanamo, and to so many features of the modern political and social landscape that they cannot be enumerated within the space of a single article.
Of course, it is certain that Obama had none of that in mind. But what could he possibly have had in mind? His statement was either careless or ignorant, or both not qualities we need in a Commander-in-Chief even in the best of times.
I was glad to hear Sean Hannity come out today and say he has zero confidence in Obama, although I knew it all along and had zero confidence in him from the beginning. Sean was willing to give him a chance at least, but after Obama 's comments on us being arrogant and not a Christian nation to the muslim world, Sean said, "I have zero confidence in this man. He doesn't understand national defense, he doesn't understand the free market system and he doesn't understand America's exceptionalism." Sean I salute you. Below is a great article from Front Page magazine that explains Zero's world view and our "arrogance" to the muslim world.
Obama: Islam Has Shaped the U.S.A.
By Robert 4/7/2009
We will convey, said Barack Obama to the Turkish Parliament Monday, our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world including in my own country.
Undeniably the Islamic faith has done a great deal to shape the world a statement that makes no value judgment about exactly how it has shaped the world. It has formed the dominant culture in what is known as the Islamic world for centuries. But what on earth could Obama mean when he says that Islam has also done so much to shape his own country?
Unless he considers himself an Indonesian, Obamas statement was extraordinarily strange. After all, how has the Islamic faith shaped the United States? Were there Muslims along Paul Reveres ride, or standing next to Patrick Henry when he proclaimed, Give me liberty or give me death? Were there Muslims among the framers or signers of the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men not just Muslims, as Islamic law would have it are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Were there Muslims among those who drafted the Constitution and vigorously debated its provisions, or among those who enumerated the Bill of Rights, which guarantees again in contradiction to the tenets of Islamic law that there should be no established national religion, and that the freedom of speech should not be infringed?
There were not.
Did Muslims play a role in the great struggle over slavery that defined so much of our contemporary understandings of the nature of this republic and of the rights of the individual within it? They did not. Did the Islamic faith shape the way the United States responded to the titanic challenges of the two World Wars, the Great Depression, or the Cold War? It did not. Did the Islamic faith, with its legal apparatus that institutionalizes discrimination against non-Muslims, shape the civil rights movement in the United States? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandated equality of access to public facilities a hard-won victory that came at a great cost, and one that Muslim groups have tried to roll back in the United States recently. One notable example of such attempts was the alcohol-in-cabs controversy at the Minneapolis-St. Paul international airport, when Muslim cabdrivers began to refuse service to customers who were carrying alcohol, on Islamic religious grounds. The core assumption underlying this initiative that discrimination on the basis of religion is justified cut right to the heart of the core principle of the American polity, that all men are created equal, that is, that they have a right to equal treatment in law and society.
Surveying the whole tapestry of American history, one would be hard-pressed to find any significant way in which the Islamic faith has shaped the United States in terms of its governing principles and the nature of American society. Meanwhile, there are numerous ways in which, if there had been a significant Muslim presence in the country at the time, some of the most cherished and important principles of American society and law may have met fierce resistance, and may never have seen the light of day.
So in what way has the Islamic faith shaped Obamas country? The most significant event connected to the Islamic faith that has shaped the character of the United States was the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Those attacks have shaped the nation in numerous ways: theyve led to numerous innovations in airline security, which in generations to come if todays politically correct climate continues to befog minds -- may be added to future versions of the fanciful 1001 Muslim Inventions exhibition. The Islamic faith has shaped the U.S. since 9/11 in leading to the spending of billions on anti-terror measures, and to the ventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to Guantanamo, and to so many features of the modern political and social landscape that they cannot be enumerated within the space of a single article.
Of course, it is certain that Obama had none of that in mind. But what could he possibly have had in mind? His statement was either careless or ignorant, or both not qualities we need in a Commander-in-Chief even in the best of times.
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