Thursday, July 30, 2009

Horrors of the Healthcare bill Pt. 2

The horrors of the health care bill continue. Betsy McCaughey, former Lt. Gov.of New York read this bill throughly and found on page 424 they have instructions for the elderly on how to die so you don't become a burden on society. Can you say kavorkian? Listen to her interview with Fred Thompson or watch her interview with Newsmax listed here. They call it end of life counseling all to save money. Also medications that they deem are being taken for a condition that can be preventable will be banned such as diabetes of chloesterol. In England they stopped issuing drugs for breast cancer because it's too expensive and now you can see that happening here. This administration says we are too obsessed with technology and will have to learn to live with less. Former NYC mayor Ed Koch is in the hospital since June and had a triple by-pass and heart valve replacement and a gall bladder removed. He's 84 years old. Under Obama's plan he would be left to die. It will be legalized euthanasia. Listen to Betsy McCaughey here:

Click here: Fred Thompson: Interviews

See BetsyMcCaughey exlain the horrors of the healthcare bill here:

Newsmax.TV - Newsmax.TV - Home

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Horrors of the Health Care Bill

Whenever I hear people talk about the healthcare bill they always mention all the people that aren't covered and need coverage because of the astounding doctor and hospital fees they can't afford.Well first of all the amount of people not covered is highly exaggerated. The majority are illegal aliens or people who don't want it because they rarely get sick or can afford it. I've been in hospitals recently this year and have seen signs saying no person can be refused care. If Obama's horror monstrosty goes thru all that will change. Doctors will be rationed, lines will be long and care will become inferior and most of all healthcare will be rationed to younger people and the elderly and senor citizens will receive the least care all in the name of saving money and costs. It is also more than a healthcare bill, it's a way of life and control of all American citizens. Obama says he hasn't even read the bill as he rushes to shove this down our throats and most congress people haven't rea d it either,but I think Obama is playing possum and knows exactly what is in the bill. Below is an e-mail I received showing what is in the bill by people who have read it:

Following the
mad recommendations of Peter Singer made in NYT's Sunday magazine, it pays to take a look at what is actually in the healthcare bill.It's worse than you can possibly imagine. Somehow, it manages to be Singer on steroids. Who wrote this bill. It has Singer's footprints all over it. Peter Fleckstein (aka Fleckman) is reading it and has been posting on Twitter his findings. This is from his postings (Note: All comments are Fleckman's)

Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!

Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!

42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose YOUR HC Benefits for you. U have no choice!

PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise

Pg 58HC Bill - Govt will have real-time access to individuals finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!

Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Govt will have direct access to your banks accounts four electronic. funds transfer.

PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community orgs (ACORN).

Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Govt is creating an HC Exchange to bring priv HC plans under Govt control.

PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Govt mandates ALL benefit pkgs for private. HC plans in the Exchange.

PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration your Healthcare!

PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill - Govt mandates linguistic appropriation svcs. Example - Translation for illegal aliens.

Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up indiv. for Govt HC plan.

PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs of Benefit Levels for Plans. #AARP members - U Health care WILL be rationed-

PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Indiv. will be automatically.enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.

pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly.

pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt will tell YOU what you can make.

Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST automatically enroll employees into pub opt plan. NO CHOICE.

Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.

Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Employer with payroll of 400k & above who does not provide. pub opt. pays 8% tax on all payroll.

pg 150 Lines 9-13 Biz with payroll btw 251k & 400k who doesnt prov. pub. opt pays 2-6% tax on all payroll.

Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesnt have acceptable HC accrdng to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of inc.

Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NON-RESIDENT Alien is exempt from indiv. taxes. (Americans will pay).

Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records.

PG 203 Line 14-15 HC - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that.

Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected.

Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesnt matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same.

PG 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of Dr's time, prof judge, etc. Literally value of humans.

PG 265 Sec 1131 Govt mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries.

PG 268 Sec 1141 Fed Govt regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.

PG 272 SEC. 1145. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!

Page 280 Sec 1151 The Govt will penalize hospitals for what Govt deems preventable readmissions.

Pg 298 Lines 9-11 Drs, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmiss-Govt will penalize u.

Pg 317 L 13-20 OMG!! PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells Drs. what/how much they can own.

Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 PROHIBITION on expansion- Govt is mandating hospitals cannot expand.

pg 321 2-13 Hospitals have oppt to apply for exception BUT community input required. Can u say ACORN?!!

Pg335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339 - Govt mandates estab. of outcome based measures. HC the way they want. Rationing

Pg 341 Lines 3-9 Govt has authority to disqualify Medicare Adv Plans, HMOs, etc. Forcing peeps in to Govt plan.

Pg 354 Sec 1177 - Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people! WTF. My sis has down syndrome!!

Pg 379 Sec 1191 Govt creates more bureaucracy - Telehealth Advisory Cmtte. Can u say HC by phone?

PG 425 Lines 4-12 Govt mandates Advance Care Planning Consult. Think Senior Citizens end of life.

Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Govt will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of atty. Mandatory!

PG 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Govt provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding u in death.

PG 427 Lines 15-24 Govt mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt has a say in how your life ends.

Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An "adv. care planning consult" will be used frequently as patients health deteriorates

PG 429 Lines 10-12 "adv. care consultation" may incl an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from GOV.

Pg 429 Lines 13-25 - The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The Govt will decide what level of treatment u will have at end of life.

Pg 469 - Community Based Home Medical Services=Non profit orgs. Hello, ACORN Medical Svcs here!!?

Page 472 Lines 14-17 PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORG. 1 monthly payment to a community-based org. Like ACORN?

PG 489 Sec 1308 The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt into your marriage.

Pg 494-498 Govt will cover Mental Health Svcs including defining, creating, rationing those svcsHere's the full Health Care bill that sits in the House.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obamacare and Obama Economics. Fear Them !!

Obama is fast turning this country into a fascist state with the government in charge of our lives. The government now can tell you what kind of car to drive, the government can tell you how much you can make, the government now regulates the banks and owns the insurance companies and now is going after the best healthcare program in the world. He is destroying our America and I suspect someone very powerful is behind him. Could it be America hating billionaire George Soros and some muslim countries like the Saudies financing him? Can a muslim state be far behind since he is a muslim and they said they will take over from within by 2020.

With Obama's healthcare plan it's all about power. They don't care one iota about the American people. There will be doctor rationing, long lines and inferior care as they cut medications and MRI's also. If you don't have a healthcare plan by the time it goes into effect, you can't choose a private plan for yourself, but will have to go with the government plan. If you don't have a plan you will be charged a 2% tax on your annual income tax, small businesses that don't provide healthcare for their employees will be charged a 5% payroll tax and those making over a million dollars a year will be charged an 8% tax. This will cause unemployment to rise as companies will lay off employees to afford this. There is talk that those that do have healthcare will have their benefits taxed and eventually they won't be able to afford it and have to drop it and join the government's plan.

Senior citizens will be affected by this monster also as there is an "end of life counseling" clause in the plan. This requires all senior citizens to be counseled every five years on how to conduct their lives as they will cut back on any affliction or disease connected with old age and not treat it to save money. In other words, put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.

Here is an excerpt from an e-mail I received called Do You Fear Obama?

Not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand. Do you think there is no reason for this?

The Basic Facts:

Barack Hussein Obama is foreign born, period (Kenya)

Regardless of his birth place, his parents had foreign loyalties (strike 2)

He has foreign loyalties, demonstrated in every policy decision (strike 3)

He’s not Christian, but Muslim

He’s not “black,” but Arab

There is NO U.S. birth certificate, other than the forged COLB

NO Hawaiian hospital will confirm his birth place (he has named two)

His policies are designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic, not to uphold or defend (strike 4)

He won’t go away without a blood bath

These are the basic facts as they exist today. This is the basis for where we are headed…

Marxists established control of academia, the press and the courts years before establishing filibuster-proof control of congress and unfettered control of the executive branch. Obama has appointed more unelected Czars in thirty days than the Soviet Union did in thirty years.

I've said it before and I'll say it again "OBAMA IS NO DAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Idiots in Charge

It's plainly clear to see we have dangerous idiots running the country. Biden let's loose with another famous gaffe saying "We misunderstood how bad the economy was." DUHHHHHHHHH Joe. The whole country knew how bad it was. Obama meets with Medvedev and Putin in Russia to discuss disarming nukes while North Korea is firing missiles over Japan and several more into the sea and threatening the U.S. with them. North Korea sets off two atomic bombs and Iran keeps threatening with creating nukes and wiping Isreal off the face of the earth and Obama meets with Putin to discuss the mutual disarming of nukes? Russia has been pretty silent and non threatening for the past decade so why meet with them over that? Recent Drudge headlines shows the idiocy and disagreement between Obama and Biden:


7:45 AM: Suspected US missiles hit militants...

Obama: 'Absolutely' no green light for Israel to attack Iran...

Biden: Israel has right to deal with nuclear Iran...

Obama and the dems are also considering taxing the rich again to pay for healthcare. The rich are already taxed into oblivion. Who do they think the rich are anyway? They are not some Uncle Scrooge character sitting on a pile of mony. They are people who own companies and hire people and create jobs. They purchase expensive homes and yachts and jewelry that goes back into the economy. They are people who work six and sometimes seven days a week averaging 15 hours a day. Just Google The Rich and see for yourself. Most of the rich are first time rich people not from an inheritance like Ted Kennedy. Why should people who work so hard be taxed to pay for everyone else? When they are taxed they close businesses, stop hiring people and stop spending on items that would normaly lead to stimulating the economy. Yes these numbskulls in charge don't know what they are doing.

Income Surtax on Wealthy Taxpayers Likely in House 'Health-Care' Bill...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


When I saw the pic of Obama huggiing a cancer stricken woman who had no health insurance, it immediately evoked images of when Bill Clinton was promoting his Hillarycare program. There he was, sittting on a stool at the counter in some diner in the mid-west, microphone in hand, cameras rolling, taking questions from pre-selected audience members, "Oh Bill, my husband just died and I have six children and we don't have any insurance. Please help me Bill," said one.

"I feel your pain," he replied. This is where his famous 'I feel your pain ' quote came from.

"Oh Bill,I'm a single mother with breast cancer and I have two children and am unemployed with no insurance, Please help me."

"I feel your pain," he replied.

And so it went, on and on as he explained the need for government run health insurance. Now today we have Obama pushing his agenda for government run health insurance which would surly be a disaster and he has medical people and groups agreeing with him. To win people over he's showing pure emotion and ideology devoid of the facts and realities. Don't get me wrong, I think there should be some sort of program for people who can't afford medical bills today, but government run is not the answer. I have heard there are things a person can do such as arrange for ways to pay their costs off or pass it onto the state if they are in a certain financial bracket, but having people like Clinton and Obama running health care is certainly not the answer. In fact, I've been in hospitals and seen signs on the wall saying no person can be refused because of lack of payment.

I recently had an appointment with a doctor who was very good and a talkative fellow. I asked him what he thought about nationalized health care and he confirmed everything I've been hearing from pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Dick Morris. He told me that people who could afford it would get the best care and people who couldn't would come last. He also said how they would be rationing doctors and there would be long lines. I told him how I heard that in Canada they are halting the use of certain breast cancer drugs because they can't afford it and he said firmly in agreement,"That's right." We can expect that to happen here too.

Obama claims that those who have insurance and are happy with it won't lose it and can keep their doctors, but here's the catch. He plans to tax employee benefits and after a while you won't be able to afford your insurance and have to drop it and then join the government's plan. Now more and more people are being laid off and out of work because of Obama's policies and I believe Rush when he says Obama's policies are intentional so people will become dependant on government for everything. These people don't care about whether you have insurance or not. To them, healthcare is all about power just as it was with Bill and Hillary. I've said it before, Obama is a real coniver and you have to watch him closely. What he says and what he does are two different things. As a columnist I read recently said, " If you need an operation, you better get it now."