Next we have the Ft. Hood massacre where this muslim officer killed a dozen soldiers and wounded others before being struck down and Obama says we have to be careful not to jump to conclusions. Not jump to conclusions??? This guy gave a speech before agroup of military psychiatrists and fellow officers where he said, "Infidels' heads should be chopped off and their mouths filled with boiling oil." He spoke out against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and counseled soldiers against going to them. He was a muslim and hated America and massacred our soldiers and we're not supposed to jump to conclusion? Instead of admonishing him or transferring him, the PC crowd said "Oh this is interesting. We can learn from what he's saying. " Well because of that kind of lib thinking twelve soldiers are now dead and we're not supposed to jump to conclusions. Hey Barack baby DUHHHHH!!!!
Next we have this Nigerian guy whose father is a high ranking official in Nigeria and warns the U..S. embassy there about his son may be planning an attack. He's on the terror watch list along with 500,000 others, gets on a plane with no passport, no baggage, a one way ticket he paid for in cash with explosives sewed into his underwear ,sets off a bomb on the plane and nobody saw the signs? If it wasn't for the fact that the bomb failed and the quick actions of that Swedish film maker who jumped over several seats and doused the flames with his hands and held the guy in a choke hold until the police arrived, everyone on that plane might have been killed. Then Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano said the system worked. WHAAATTTT???? The system didn't work. She later said she was taken out of context. What context? It was plain and simple. She said she meant to say the system worked with all the increased security after the incident. Hey Janet DUHHHH!!!! This is the same woman who said it is not a war on terror but man made disasters. What an idiot!!! Obama referred to the jihadist as a suspect. I guess when you have flames coming out of your thighs you are just a suspect. Again Obama is protecting his own just like in Ft.Hood. Now he's saying a lot of red flags were missed. Hey Barack do ya' think???? DUHHHHH
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: Obama 'more aggressive in fighting al Qaeda' than Bush... Really????????
Check out these links too !!
PAPER: 'Obama gets an 'F' for protecting Americans'.
..Cheney: Obama 'trying to pretend'..
.President under fire on national security
WIRE: Many question 'system worked' comment...