Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Obama Admits Not Being Born in United States
YouTube - Obama admits he's not American - Born In Kenya - www.incumbency.us - 2010-0809.flv
YouTube - Obama ADMITS Born in Kenya!!!
YouTube - Obama tells Students: "It's true I'm not American"... " I come from
YouTube - Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
UPDATE! - Barack Obama Birth Certificate Forger...by livingonplanetZ
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Obama, Soros And Global Socialism
Even if Obama was born here, he is proving to be very dangerous and destructive to America while blaming everything on his predecessor. He is being backed by George Soros the multi billonaire and darling of the left who's goal is world wide socialism. We have a president who goes around the world apologizing for America making us look weak in the world. He bows down to all the dictators of the world. No president has ever done that. America bows to noone. His wife goes on a crusade against childhood obesity in schools and tells schools what to serve their kids while in the Whitehouse they are having massive banquets where the liquor flows and he smokes a lot. Designers rave about what I consider to be her poor taste in clothes which are atrocious and ghetto like. He chooses to treat and try terrorists in civilian courts instead of military tribunals. The latest one from GITMO Ahmed Ghailani was acquitted of all but one charge out of 285 charges of destroying U.S. government property with our embassies in Africa were 244 people were killed. He faces life in prison, but with a good lawyer will probably be out in a few years. As talk show host Bob Grant used to say,'those that commit an act like this have served notice upon society that they are no longer fit to be among us." I agree.
When Bush left office unemployment was at 5% up from 3% that he brought down from Clinton. Under Obama unemployment is now 10% and closer to 20% if you count the ones who have given up and no longer looking and off the radar screen. When Bush left office the deficet was 500 billion. Under Obama it is almost two trillion. When Bush left office the debt was 1 1/2 trillion. Under Obama it is 13 trillion. All Obama has to do is extend the Bush tax cuts for everyne and everything will come down, but so far he hasn't budged and is considering lowering taxes only for those who make under $250,000.
The Great American Journal has a great article saying the country is fine, but the government is broken. Check it out:
The problem we face is not a lack of good ideas to fix the economy, create jobs, and solve the problems facing our nation. The problem is that the current administration refuses to consider those ideas that would be effective in putting America back on the right track.
As far as the Soros-Obama administration is concerned, America is on the right track. And from their point of view, they are right. Capitalism is being crushed to pave the way for George Soros’ goal of global socialism. He has stated in interviews that the only thing now standing in his way is American capitalism which he intends to destroy if he can.
We can't have incompetent, out of touch, bureaucrats in Washington with no private business experience dictating how businesses should be run. Some of them don’t even understand where these policies are taking the country, but continue to be loyal comrades to the party. Politicians, for the past two years, have been voting for legislative bills - written by Soros’ organizations - without reading them first or understanding what they mean for the country.
The federal government was neither created to run the country nor to control the economy. It was created to represent the country in areas where the individual states could not. These include areas such as foreign policy; national security and defense; immigration; border security; monetary, copyright, and standards of measure; interstate highways; a postal system; and uniform interstate commerce. Federal government today seems to think its job is to run the country and the economy, the Constitution be damned. Major changes are needed if we're going to save our country from global socialism and liberal progressive ruin.
I came across this interesting video of what it would be like if Hitler found out the GOP took the house. The left used to love to compare Bush with Hitler, well they picked the wrong guy. They should look in the mirror because if they did they would find they have met the enemy and it is them. Check this out also below.
If you want to know what the U.S. would be like under Socialism just check out the Rivoli Revue's song U.S.S.of A.. The United Socialist States of America. Very powerful song.
U.S.S. of A.
Our Country Is Fine But The Government Is Broken
Hitler Finds Out The GOP has retaken the House
Trial Guantanamo
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
ColumnistRichardCohen Attacks Sarah Palin As Racist and My Reply To Him
Attack on Michelle Obama shows Palin's ignorance of history
By Richard CohenTuesday, November 23, 2010
When I was 11, my father thought it was time to show my sister and me the nation's capital. I have only vague memories of that trip - the heat, the expanse of the White House's grounds, the Jefferson Memorial. I do remember we took Route 1 through Baltimore (no I-95 yet) and it was there that I saw my first sign with the word "colored" on it - a rooming house, I think. This was 1952, and the United States was an apartheid nation.
It is Sarah Palin who brings back these memories. In her new book, she reportedly takes Michelle Obama to task for her supposedly infamous remark from the 2008 campaign: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." Instantly, Republicans pounced. Among the first to do so was Cindy McCain, who said, "I have and always will be proud of my country." It was a cheap shot, but her husband's selection of Palin for the ticket and plenty of cheap shots from Palin ("death panels," etc.) were yet to come.
Michelle Obama quickly explained herself. She was proud of the turnout in the primaries - so many young people, etc. Evan Thomas, writing perceptively in Newsweek, thought - as I did - that she was saying something else. He dug into her senior thesis at Princeton - "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community" - to find a young woman who felt, or was made to feel, "more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before." This was not a statement of racism. This was a statement of fact.
It's appalling that Palin and too many others fail to understand that fact - indeed so many facts of American history. They don't offer the slightest hint that they can appreciate the history of the Obama family and that in Michelle's case, her ancestors were slaves - Jim Robinson of South Carolina, her paternal great-great grandfather, being one. Even after they were freed they were consigned to peonage, second-class citizens, forbidden to vote in much of the South, dissuaded from doing so in some of the North, relegated to separate schools, restaurants, churches, hotels, waiting rooms of train stations, the back of the bus, the other side of the tracks, the mortuary, the cemetery and, if whites could manage it, heaven itself.
It was the government that oppressed blacks, enforcing the laws that imprisoned them and hanged them for crimes grave and trivial, whipped them if they bolted for freedom and, in the Civil War, massacred them if they were captured fighting for the North. And yet if African Americans hesitate in embracing the mythical wonderfulness of America, they are accused of racism - of having the gall to know more about their own experience and history than Palin and others think they should.
Why do politicians such as Palin and commentators such as Glenn Beck insist that African Americans go blank on their own history - as blank as apparently Palin and Beck are themselves? Why must they insist that blacks join them in embracing a repellent history that once caused America to go to war with itself? Besides Princeton, Michelle Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School. It's hardly possible that she is not knowledgeable about the history of African Americans - no Ellis Island for them, immigrants in their colorful native dress waving at the camera. Should she forget it all simply because she went to Ivy League schools - be thankful for what she had gotten and the hell with the rest? Why should she be more grateful than Cindy McCain?
Sarah Palin teases that she might run for president. But she is unqualified - not just in the (let me count the) usual ways, but because she does not know the country. She could not be the president of black America nor of Hispanic America. She knows more about grizzlies than she does about African Americans - and she clearly has more interest in the former than the latter. Did she once just pick up the phone and ask Michelle Obama what she meant by her remark? Did she ask about her background? What it was like at Princeton? What it was like for her parents or her grandparents? I can offer a hint. If they were driving to Washington, they slowed down and stopped where the sign said "colored" - and the irritated Palins of the time angrily hit the horn and went on their way.
Dear Mr.Cohen; You attack Sarah Palin for referring to Michelle Obama's remarks about for the first time being proud of her country then come up with an excuse for her to clarify her remarks for her by what she really meant. Well she should have chosen her words more carefully then because it looks like she never was proud of a country that fought back naziism, fascism and communism in our time. A country that defeated slavery and made things possible so she could be in a position she is now in. Incidentally she has stated that she doesn't like being first lady and living in the white house. Her clothes are atrocious too. You insinuate that Sarah Palin is racist because she disagrees with Obama.You sir are the racist for disagreeing with her and any conservative woman. They are a race too so that makes you a racist for disagreeing with them .I'm sure you disagree with other conservative women too like Michelle Bachman and Jan Brewer and Michelle Malkin and others like them.
You say that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be president, but she is a lot more qualified than Obama. He was a community activist who was in the Senate 143 days and only voted present each time and now he's Commander in Chief? At least Sarah Palin is a natural born citizen unlike Obama who was never registered as a citizen when his mother brought him over here from Kenya. At least Sarah wouldn't go around the world bashing America like he does. Sarah is a true Christian unlike Obama who is a half black muslim hiding behind saying he is a Christian. So Mr. Cohen,take a good look in the mirror and see the hater that is looking back at you.To paraphrase Pogo, "you have met the enemy and he is you" or as Archie Bunker used to say ,"there is a little bit of me in all of you." That goes for you too Mr. Cohen.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What's Next in Security and Where?
And scanners and molestations by physical feel-ups won’t prevent terrorism. Even if all air travel were 100 percent safe, terrorists could easily shift their focus in countless other directions on land and sea. The focus on air travel safety is misplaced. It ignores the substitution effect, whereby terrorists shift to other targets. The same kind of error is made all the time in banning drugs and tracking down drug importers and distributors. They substitute new kinds of drugs and new networks. They raise the ante of bribery, corruption, and assassinations. The terrorists will win if America ties itself in knots over air travel, and then decides to do the same for malls, arenas, marketplaces, games, nightclubs, trains, busses, or wherever people meet in numbers.Scanners are already being used at courthouses and public buildings. The war on terror has succeeded in transforming police into terrifying creatures of tribulation. Liberty is falling prey to what passes for necessary domestic security, i.e., “homeland security.” There is no security in having a police state. Who is going to hold back those in charge and those with the guns and those with the perverted laws at their backs? Who is going to stop the tyranny and the usurpations?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Obama Won't Run in 2012
An article by Joan Swirsky in the Great American Journal says it all and why she says Obama won't run in 2012. Pay particular close attention the quote by George Soros at the end. Here is an excerpt. I'm including a link to the full story below:
After the midterm shellacking and a decidedly less-than-successful Asian tour, Obama has been featured in tabloid headlines around the world, all saying that he’s having a “nervous breakdown.” Even Sean Hannity said on his radio show that, “The feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he's detached, that he's losing it. He's obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News. He can't stand Biden, he hates the Clintons, and the Clintons hate him. If the president is brought bad news on the economy, he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people – and I'm telling you my sources are reliable – are telling me.”
I don’t buy it. Many people, including me, have written about Obama’s pathological narcissism, his out-sized self-regard, and an insecurity that impels him to use a teleprompter to speak to a kindergarten class! And now we see that he is psychologically unable to acknowledge any accountability for the massive midterm losses.
But this kind of loss makes people like Obama angry, which will fuel and energize his lame-duck efforts.
While the Obama-Pelosi-Reid destruction is taking place, the perpetrators will be exulting. Although they tout “equality” for the masses, meaning widespread mediocrity, they – like the communist oligarchs they admire – never tire of indulging in crass materialism, non-stop partying, and decadent excesses.
All of which brings me to the conviction that Obama will never run for a second term, for the following reasons:
1. He doesn’t like the job. Above all, he doesn’t like the all-important decision-making part of his job, just as his serial “Present” votes as a state legislator and U.S. Senator demonstrated a distaste for or inability to make decisions, with the notable exception of his full support for late-term abortions. His wishy-washy indecisiveness in the White House can be seen in the endless months it took him to decide on an Iraq and Afghanistan strategy and in his failure to take any significant action at all regarding the BP oil spill that put thousands out of work and ruined entire Gulf Coast industries.
2. He’s not very good at the job. While wielding immense power from a Democrat-controlled House, Senate and White House, as well as over-40 czars unaccountable to Congress or the American people, Obama has actualized very few of his initiatives, and monstrosities like Obamacare were successful only through the time-honored Soviet tactics of threats, bribes and intimidation. In foreign affairs, the man who said he’d “restore respect” around the world saw his proposals rejected and repudiated by 19 world leaders at the G-20 this month; the Middle East “peace” fiasco is in a hopeless boondoggle; our traditional allies seem neither to trust nor respect Obama; and our enemies, sensing a weak man at America’s helm, have become brazen in their saber-rattling.
3. His work is done. As anyone with eyes and ears instinctively knows, Obama is a plant, an unsavory amalgam of a Trojan Horse and a Manchurian Candidate, the former ferreting a destroy-America agenda into our body politic, and the latter robotically delivering dulcet-toned platitudes and untruths to a public that, thank God, is no longer buying his snake-oil.
Looking back over Obama’s nearly two years in office, it should be obvious to everyone that as things got worse and worse – the tanking economy, escalating unemployment rate, the BP oil spill disaster, even the recent slap-down at the G-20 – he never lost the bounce in his step, his broad smile, his appetite for golfing (or vacationing, in general), or his predilection to entertain lavishly three or four times a week.
This is because for DNA Leftists like Obama, two things are immutably true. The first is that if it’s bad for America, it’s intrinsically good! Remember Obama’s strange interview with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes,” in which Kroft was so startled (horrified? appalled?) when Obama inappropriately smiled and chuckled when discussing the plunging economy, forcing Kroft to ask: “Are you punch drunk?” But Obama couldn’t help himself… it made him happy!
The second is that everything done to further THE PLAN is good, meaning the plan to destroy free-market capitalism, subvert the Constitution, bloat the size of government, raise taxes, coddle terrorists, indiscriminately open America’s borders, genuflect to the backwater tyrants at the U.N., and generally strip America of its exceptionalism.
No, Obama won’t run in 2012, although he’ll be coy about it for at least a year. He has no taste for compromise and his over-weaning narcissism won’t allow him to be the head of a devolving minority party. Besides, I think his handlers are not pleased with the thwacking he took in the midterms, and will be looking hard for another puppet. In fact, George Soros, Obama’s premier benefactor and perhaps even the puppet master pulling his strings, just told a group of Progressives: "We have just lost this Election, we need to draw a line. And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."
Instead of running, Obama will become a man of the world, traveling widely (no doubt to his favorite dictatorships), maybe allowing a few ghost-written books to bear his name, accepting the multi-millions offered him for speaking engagements, and working on his golf swing for the next 50 years.
Now wouldn’t that be fantastic for America!
Obama Won’t Run…His Work Is Done
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Obama's New Book, Bristol's Dancing and Cheney's Shovel Comment
Other personalities in the book some critics question for choosing are: blues singer Billie Holiday who's bouts with heroin and alchohol led to her early demise and artist Georgia O"Keefe who's paintings featured female genitalia as appropriate for children as young as three years old.
Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol is on Dancing With the Stars and last night was voted in the final three for next week's finals and the looney left is having conniption fits and is so discombobulated. In order for a contestant to stay in the competition they have to receive votes from viewers even though they are judged by three judges there. You can phone in your vote, send it in via computer or text it in. You are allowed as many votes as there are contestants each week. I know people who vote all three ways by phone, computer and text. Sometimes that can be as much as 15 votes for one person. Singer Brandy was in the lead with getting tens all the time from the judges as is Jennifer Grey and Disney star Kyle Massey while Bristol has remained consistantly on the bottom in judges votes. Recently Bristol has been breaking out of her shell and really proving herself to be quite a dancer. Up until last week I always thought she was stiff and didn't show enough emotion and was surprised she stayed in this long , but now she's breaking out and the left is outraged she's still in the competition. Last night Brandy was voted off and the left is so paranoid they are blaming the tea party for jamming all the lines so Bristol can stay in and saying the show is rigged. One guy in Wisconsin blew out his TV with a shotgun when Brandy was voted off and Bristol still in. Check out these two opposing views:
Get a life people! If Bristol's last name were Clinton or Kennedy you'd all be fawning all over her!
Bristol Palin is not a "Star".This used to be my favorite show, but now votes are controlled by the "Tea Party".ABC will find out that they made a big mistake when viewership go's down!
I did like what Brandy's partner Max Chmerkovsky who emigrated here from Russia with his parents had to say," Thei dea of the public voting is one of the things I love about America and I have no regrets." Well said like a true sportsman and competitor Max.
Recently Dick Cheney was at the groundbreaking of the George W. Bush library and said, "This is probably the only shovel ready job in America." A definite jab at Obama's statement promising all these shovel ready jobs to put people back to work if his stimulus package was passed then admitted that there are no shovel ready jobs. Kudos to Cheney on that one.
Rush Limbaugh suggested that Dick Cheney should go on Dancing With the Stars then all these liberals would blow out their TVsets and have to buy new ones. What a stimuilus that would be. :D
Like mother, dance star Bristol Palin wins over public...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Giving Thanks And Other Random Thoughts
I am thankful to be alive. I could have drowned, been paralyzed or had my neck broken at that time.
I am thankful that those two young guys were there who acted so quickly and professionally and carried me to safety.
I am thankful my neice was there to call 9-1-1 and they arrived so quickly.
I am thankful for having such a fine doctor as Dr. Huber in Maryland who put my legs back together with metal plates and rods.
I am thankful Obamacare wasn't in full play at this time. Under Obamacare I might not have received the professional care I did so quickly and would have been taxed on the metal plates and rods that are now in me enabling me to walk again.
I am thankful for my wonderful wife Judy who was there for me during this whole ordeal paying the doctor and hospital bills with the insurance for me and caring for me in such a loving way and comforting me thru this ordeal.
I am thankful for having a great Orthopedist as Dr. Kavatis who operated on my leg when an infection set in and removed the infection in time so as to avoid having my leg amputated due to the metal rod in it..................
In California, a thirteen year old boy had an American flag on his bike for two months to honor veterans like his father and grandfather when school officials told him to remove it because other students had complained about it and they feared racial tensions would arise. RACIAL TENSIONS ????????????? Since when does flying an American flag cause racial tensions? Anyone who condones, initiates or agrees with such an action should have his head between his legs and shoved up where the sun don't shine. This goes for the students who complained also. As President Theodore Roosevelt said in 1907: "We have room but for one flag in this country and that's the American flag."........I see where Michael Moore on Bill Mahr's show said that it is time for Obama to take off the pink tu-tu and put on the boxing gloves and fight for the people." "Fight for the people???" Obama has done nothing but govern against the people since he took office. The majority of people were against the stimulus packages that sent us into massive debt and have done nothing to stimulate anything but were mere paybacks for voting for Obama. The majority of people were against Obamacare and he instituted it thru various bribes such as the corn husker kickback with Sen. Ben Nelson and Louisiana Purchase with Mary Landrieu where he gave each state millions of dollars in medicare payments in return for their vote. The list goes on and on. He's a socialist and in no way interested in being for the people. Michael is a leftist hack just like Obama so naturally he would think that way...........I have recently taken a liking to the husband and wife singing and song writing duo known as The Rivoli Revue consisting of Ron and Kay Rivoli. They are known for their popular song "Press One For English" and have several other catchy tunes such as the one supporting Arizona I have listed below which is a rousing, foot stomping, hand clapping video recorded live at an Arizona tea-party and one called "The U.S.S. of A." (United Socialist States of America) protesting socialism. In that video note Ron holding a copy of Newsweek magazine that said on the cover "We're all Socialists now." Their tunes are so catchy and clever and refereshing and it's pleasure to hear conservative protest songs for a change since most protest songs in the past have been mostly liberal. Please check out their website below for all their songs and videos and click on the links I listed for three of their songs.
YouTube - Press One For English
YouTube - RivoliRevue's Channel
"Stand With Arizona" Anthem by Ron and Kay Rivoli, The Rivoli Revue
U.S.S. of A.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Obama's India Trip and Election Results
The reason for all this security is because the Mumbai area was the scene of a terrorist attack two years ago where 173 people were killed and there have been minor terrorrist attacks there since then. Someone should remind Barack that there is no war on terror as he stated. Remember?? So my questuon is this. If this is such a terror laden place for attacks why go there? Terrorists have stated their main goal is to kill as many Americans as possible and this would be a prime target even with all the security they still find ways.
I think the funniest thing about this trip is Obama is bringing the telepromter with him when he addresses the Indian Parliament much to their shock. They said they thought he was this great orator. As Gomer Pyle used to say, "Surprise , Surprise.".................I was really pleased with the results of ther recent election with Republicans taking over the house. I wish they could have done so in the senate, but they did mange to gain a few seats. John Boehner the new House Majority leader said they will not compromise on the Bush tax cuts expiring and will continue them not for just the rich, but for everyone. The people must hold their feet to the fire and not let any RINOS in or have any republicans cave as they are prone to do and have done in the past. This first half of their tenure they will all be on probation. Obama is saying he is calling for compromise on the tax cuts and won't budge so it's going to be a rough ride so hold on everybody.
The democrats still don't get it and are spinning like tops trying to rationalize everything that happened to them in this election Tsunami that hit them. Obama told Steve Croft on 60 Minutes that the election was not about people opposing his policies but a failure on his part to communicate with the people because he was too busy trying to get legislation passed .YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! I guess he was too busy when he took those seven vacations in one year. More than most working people get.
It is said by various columnists that people like him, but they just don't like his policies. I for one, don't like him. I find him to be very sly, arrogant, deceiving and untrustworthy. I can't bring myself to like someone who bashes our country overseas to other countries and calls us arrogant. I don't like someone who bashes our founding documents and I don't like someone who tries to bring the American people under socialist rule and thinks only of themselves and is in it for the power and glory of their own selfish being. You can tell a lot by people's eyes and he has very deceiving, shady eyes when he looks at you. Do you think he really is concerned about everyone having health care? No he's not. It's all about power over the masses.
'Not since the Pharaohs or the Roman Emperors has a head of state travelled in such pomp'...'
'First time' ever teleprompter will be used in Indian parliament...
'We thought Obama is a trained orator'...
Obama calls for compromise, won't budge on tax cuts...