Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Thoughts

Much has been said about Obama's birth certificate naturally and I myself in my previoius blog have expressed my belief it is a forgery, but I agree with the editor of the The Great American Journal, JR Dieckmann who I have a lot of trust and respect for that even if it is a forgery like many have espoused in letters to him, that noone is going to care, not the media naturally, not the left and not the supreme court so the best thing is to vote him out in 2012. Until that time we're stuck with this lying lunatic until Jan.20th 2013. God help us all......Donald Trump is very popular now and says he's running for president. He' s no.1 in the polls and people love him.The reason for that is Donald is very up front in opposing Obama and is not afraid to say it like it is. Sure he's supported dem candidates in the past ,but he supported republicans too. He bashed Bush, but he also bashed Clinton and now Obama which shows he's non partisan and calls the shots where they fall. People wish poiliticians had the guts he does to confront their opposition not like these gutless republicans who cave at the slightest criticism. Donald gets criticized left and right and still he persists. He loves his country unlike the current occupant and has dealt with countries like China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. He knows the economy inside out and know s all it's workings and knows how to wheel and deal. He's doing the job of these republicans we elected to do.

Take the budget deal for instance. They first said they were going to cut 100 billion from the budget from a debt that is 14 trillion and a deficit that is almost two trillion, then it was 68 billion, then it was 20 billion now we're down to just millions and they plan to raise the debt ceiling while cutting the budget. Be strong you guys and not so milquetoast. Get some backbone in you like Trump has and is doing. If you're going to cut 100 billion then by all means do so, don't fluctuate after you made the statement. Don't let these dems walk all over you. People like to see a good fight that's why Donald is so popular. Don't wimp out like you always do........Dick Morris has an excellent commentary comparing Libya to Vietnam and us getting into a another quagmire there. This time it is under Obama and you can't blame Bush. First we were going to bomb Libya to protect civilians, then we were going to bomb Libya to cripple the Libyan army, now we are sending in advisors from Britan,France and India, to train the Libyan army and teach them how to fight and use weapons, now we're sending in drones to bomb his compound and the next step will obviously be to send in ground troops, allied ground troops followed by U.S. ground troops and we 're stuck in this quagmire again.

I am enclosing two links below. One is a computer expert examining Obama's birth certificate in great detail and the other is Dick Morris' excellent video.

Dick Morris video:

To access the video - Go here!

Obama's BC manufactured:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is This is a Fake TOO!??? A different slant

Three years ago after Obama first was elected to office,a day or two later I remember Charlie Gibson and another reporter saying,"You know we really don't know anything about this guy." thought to myself then DUHHHH guys you mean to tell me you elected a guy just because he's the first black president, but don't know anything about him??? He could be a serial killer or abuser of women or hiding anything for all you guys know,but because he' s black that's why you supported and elected him to fill your liberal affirmative action agenda??

Hiding something is the key here. Shortly thereafter, World Net Daily website started looking into the birth certificate issue and for theree years has been strongly exposing the Obama administration of forging and faking various certificates. The first one he released on the government's website was proven to be a forgery and his cousin's birth certificate with his cousin's name erased and his put in it's place. The second one they released was a Certificate of Live Birth. A COLB is not a birth certificate but a short form certificate that any immigrant coming here can get to show they have a recent birth of a child. It has the child's name on it and a hospital but no doctor's signature. I noticed George Stephanopolus trying to pass this off as an actual birth certificate when confronting Michell Bachman the other day.

Then World Net Daily did something really bold. They solicited donations from their readers to have billboards put up all across the country on various roadsides in big bold letters saying "Where's the Birth Certificate?" and posted pics of them on their website. They even have one on top of a Vegas casino :D

The state of Hawaii refused to release a form for various legal reasons and finally said the short form is all they release. Then some residents of Hawaii sent World Net Daily copies of their long form certificates.

Author Jerome Corsi who writes for World Net Daily published abook titled "Where's The Birth Certificate? The Case for Barack Obama's Ineligibility to Be President" and it reached the top of Amazon's best seller list even though it is not to be released until May 17th.

Enter Donald Trump putting the pressureo n Obama to release a long form birth certificate which he finally does. This makes Obama look more foolish and guilty than ever.Why didn't he release this in the first place instead of spending close to two million dollars trying to cover it up? But on closer examination this shows controversial findings also like:

Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: it is spelled “Ukulele.”

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Arrogant And Dismissive One

When Obama was on his apology tour to the middle east that time he told them America was arrogant and dismissive. Well he must have been looking in the mirror when he said that because in his Wednesday night speech on the deficit it was he who was the arrogant and dismisisve one. Well he's always been arrogant on many occasions. In his speech he was supposed to offer ways to combat this huge deficit caused by all his spending which he won't admit to, but instead he used it to attack Paul Ryan's plan and the republican plan in general saying hateful rhetoric like republicans will take health insurance away from 55 million people ,they will take away care from people with autistic children who need round the clock care. I though this was totally shameless and unprofessional and unbecoming of a president ,but since when was he professional. His minions like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and others are already saying republicans will kill women, deny them breast cancer exams and other hideous accusations none of which are true. They tried this in '95 too and unfortunately people believe garbage rhetoric like that. When Obama speaks I notice he has moments where he is tight lipped nose in the air and chin up as he looks around the room. This is body language of a very conceited, arrogant and dismissive person. After the Arizona incident Obama told people to tone down the rhetoric that could lead to violence against others. Since then nobody has listened to him and the rhetoric continues, now even coming from him. He would be wise to heed his own advice. Listen to Dick Morris explain Paul Ryan's plan here:

To access the video – Go here!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life Imitates Art 40 Years Later

I was watching one of my favorite movies I have on DVD the other night "The Warriors" a manicured version of NYC street gangs in the early 70's. It is a good guy gang vs. multiple bad guy gangs as if such a thing exists at all and the director says it is a fantasy. As I was watching it I couldn't help but notice how it mirrors the Obama administration and what is going on today. The story centers around this charismatic gang leader named Cyrus who invites all the gangs in New York to Central Park one night. He tells them how he intends to unite all the gangs together under one leadership and they will control the city. No cops and "nobody busting nobody." Unfortunately one young punk leader of a gang called The Rogues shoots Cyrus and kills him for no reason other than "I just like doing things like that." He immediately blames it on the Warriors and before you know it every gang in the city is out after them. The punk who shot Cyrus finally gets his comeuppance in the end and the Warriors are free again back to Coney Island, their turf. On the subway back home one of the warriors says,"Boy big Cyrus. He was going unite the whole city. What a load of crap that was." I couldn't help but think that's what's going on now. Obama was going to unite everyone and make countries love us again. Instead he's created disaster after disaster and divided the country more than ever putting us through one chaotic scene after another with high taxes, a healthcare debacle that was forced down our throats with bribes and intimidation to get votes for it, high unemployment, high gas prices, a 14 trillion dollar debt where our deficit is seven times higher than our output and countries hating us more than ever. So like the Warriors I say, "Boy!! That Obama. He was going to unite the whole country.What a load of crap that was."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Republicans Cave Again

Once again the Republicans we elected to congress to do the job and get our country back wimp out again. They call it compromise and Zero takes credit for the budget he failed to produce in October. I guess he was too busy going on vacations then and putting people out of work. We elected them to hold the dems feet to the fire and cut all the spending. This 38 billion is a mere drop in the bucket when you have a 14 trillion dollar debt and a 1.7 trillion dollar deficet. It's only 1% o f the total budget. I guess they couldn't take it when the sleazebag dems accused them of killing women and denying women cancer screenings and it was akin to bombing civilians and Schumer's instructions for them to constantly use the word extreme. When will the repubs get some backbone? They do this every time. And where was Nancy Pelosi when all of this was going on? Why attending and speaking at a George Soros funded event of course. I agree with the comments below:

Karpy 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Hey Obama! We did not send this Congress there to compromise with the nation wrecking likes of you and that vile little pin head Harry Reid. We sent them there to hold your huge feet to the fire and stop you treasonous criminals from doing any further destruction to our country. As usual, once you started the usual tactics of screaming that Republicans were "out to kill women" and other such absurd accusations, the Republicans lost their nerve and caved. Americans that know treason and tyranny when they see it are ready to stand behind anyone who has enough courage and love of country to go at these people and never let up. Clearly that is NOT the Republican Party.

whodeani 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

How come there is always a shutdown or a threat of one when there is a Democrat in the White House. Bush had to deal with both Republican and Democrat controlled Congresses and there were no shutdowns. Seems to me Democrat Presidents just want to play politics before an election year and blame a shutdown on Republicans knowing the left MSM will go along with blaming it on Republicans. Shameful!!!

ShowMeM82 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

Republicans sold out their constituents... again! The GOP hasn't changed. The GOP hasn't learned anything. This is 1% of the spending... that's the best they can do??? Sorry. Never another dime, never another Republican vote. I'm a permanent Libertarian. Republicans are nothing more than 'Democrat Light'. Let Obama and the Democrats have 2012... the difference isn't worth the vote.

Pclages 3 comments collapsed Collapse Expand

I am broken-hearted that Speaker Boehner wimped, and passed on the opportunity to take on Obummer's agenda head-on....Boehner had the cards to force a government slowdown, slow the fiscal hemorrhaging, head off the possibility of the dollar losing it's status as the world reserve currency..set the stage for a GOP landslide victory in 2012....and prevent the TEA Party from bolting, and going third-party....but he is no Newt....pathetic !!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Obama's Indecision in Libya-a Dangerous Game He's Playing

Does Obama even have a clue as to what's going on around him and in the world? The latest case is Libya. First it was Qaddafi must go, then it was he may go,then it was up to him if he wanted to leave or not, then it was maybe we can talk with him. Then it was back to Quddafi must go again. First we were leading a coalition of countries to help the people acheive democracy, then we were only going to be there a week, then it was to establish a no-fly zone and no troops on the ground. Now the latest is there may be troops on the ground. By the way it's been more than a week since we were there and now NATO troops are bombing the rebels. The Libyan rebels are being bombed by NATO again Barry. You might want to find out why NATO keeps bombing the wrong people. You are the messiah are you not?

As one commentator said to the article about him going on vacation again:

" I'm glad to see Obama is visiting another country foreign to him, the United States! He spends so little time on the job. I don't begrudge his vacation, just how many he takes. The liberals attacked Bush for taking August off on his ranch each year, turn-about is fair play. I want to know why he gets a pass on $4.00 a gallon gas, inflation, unemployment, underemployment, federal spending, the deficit, the economy, being the world's police, another war for oil. Get back to me on that outspoken. Oh, I know the answer, blame Bush. "

I say double kudos to that too!!!!!!!
General: U.S. may consider ground troops in Libya...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's 1995 All Over Again

Well it looks like "95 " all over again with the government shut down. Dems are bringing out the old arguments from then now. "Old people are going to die because they won't get the proper medical treatment because of no medicare coverage and they'll have to pay out of pocket", "grandma and grandpa will be forced to eat dog food" and other insidious comments blaming republicans for shutting down the government. The Obama administration is saying a government shut down will delay troop pay. Since when is this administration so concerned about the troops all of a sudden? Let's look at he facts and turn the tables on the real culprits. We are faced with a 14 trillion dollar debt and a 1.7 trillion dollar deficet. Obama has spent more in two years than any of all the presidents from Washington to Reagan put together. Last October the dems controlled the senate, congress and the White House. They were supposed to issue a budget then, but never did. Now comes time to issue a budget and they cry foul even though they don't offer any solutions or alternatives themselves to counter what they accuse the republicans of doing. As far as old people dying because of republican cuts goes, more people will die from Obamacare than the republican budget cuts with all the doctor rationing they will carry out and having doctors have to contact a government bureaucrat to decide what to do with a patient. If you are a senior citizen your chances of having a life saving operation are slim compared to a younger person and will be told to take a pain pill as Obama said to a women in a healthcare town hall meeting when she told him about her 98 year old mother who was in great health and had a strong spirit to live. Over Christmas I received an Obama calendar from some relatives called,"Oh,No! Obama! "that has funny quotes about Obama on it. I want to share a few with you that are quite pertinent: "Among the pieces of art that the president and his wife have chosen to adorn their private White House residence is one entitled I Think I' California artist Ed Ruscha. As the New York Times captions the painting: "It deals with the subject of indecision." The flight to Copenhagen takes about eight hours, so at a cost of $56,518 per hour (according to a 2006 report) to fly Air Force One,the cost to taxpayers for this trip is roughly $904,288.-----National on Obama's trip to Denmark to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. So what's so strange about saying I want Obama to fail if his mission is to reconstruct and reform this nation so that capitalism and individual liberty are not it's foundation? I want this country to survive. I want this country to succeed.----Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Religion of Peace Strikes Again and Obama Gets Ready for 2012

A whacky preacher with a congregation of 50 people expresses his inalienable right, goofy as it is, of burning a Quoran. It is not covered by the media much here, but in the caves of Pakistan they hear about it and a muslim cleric rouses the rabble and tells them many Quorans have been burned. All hell breaks loose and muslims attack a U.N. embassy there and kill 20 people, behead some and burn American flags. Meanwhile David Petreus blames the preacher and does not chastise the muslims for their actions. This is reminiscent of the Mohammed cartoons that ran that time and the so called "religion of Peace" rioted for several weeks in France, overturning cars and setting them on fire as well as setting various fires with garbage containers. They are such a hot headed race of people in the Middle East. We have movies made here attacking the Catholic Church and Christianity and we run cartoons poking fun at Jesus and God and we don't riot or kill people.... Obama says he is getting ready for the 2012 election and is gathering his forces asking them to continue with the change he wants for America. Change?? So far his "change"has been nothing, but a disaster. His ratings are in the 30% now like Bush's were, 64% of the people say the country is on the wrong track, the majority of people oppose his healthcare plan he and his dem cohorts forced down our throats, he got us involved in another war where American interests are not at stake, he put 30,000 people out of work when he put a moratrium on drilling in the Gulf, gas prices are rising rapidly, inflation is on the rise, he increased the debt by 5 trillion, the country is more divided than ever after he said he would bring the country together and make the world like us again. How can the world like us when he goes around the world bashing us and apologizing for us and he's always on vacation spending taxpayer's money. We had better come up with a good candidate to beat him in 2012, but so far I don't see how any of the candidates can beat him. Only time will tell.