Three years ago after Obama first was elected to office,a day or two later I remember Charlie Gibson and another reporter saying,"You know we really don't know anything about this guy." thought to myself then DUHHHH guys you mean to tell me you elected a guy just because he's the first black president, but don't know anything about him??? He could be a serial killer or abuser of women or hiding anything for all you guys know,but because he' s black that's why you supported and elected him to fill your liberal affirmative action agenda??Hiding something is the key here. Shortly thereafter, World Net Daily website started looking into the birth certificate issue and for theree years has been strongly exposing the Obama administration of forging and faking various certificates. The first one he released on the government's website was proven to be a forgery and his cousin's birth certificate with his cousin's name erased and his put in it's place. The second one they released was a Certificate of Live Birth. A COLB is not a birth certificate but a short form certificate that any immigrant coming here can get to show they have a recent birth of a child. It has the child's name on it and a hospital but no doctor's signature. I noticed George Stephanopolus trying to pass this off as an actual birth certificate when confronting Michell Bachman the other day.Then World Net Daily did something really bold. They solicited donations from their readers to have billboards put up all across the country on various roadsides in big bold letters saying "Where's the Birth Certificate?" and posted pics of them on their website. They even have one on top of a Vegas casino :DThe state of Hawaii refused to release a form for various legal reasons and finally said the short form is all they release. Then some residents of Hawaii sent World Net Daily copies of their long form certificates.Author Jerome Corsi who writes for World Net Daily published abook titled "Where's The Birth Certificate? The Case for Barack Obama's Ineligibility to Be President" and it reached the top of Amazon's best seller list even though it is not to be released until May 17th.Enter Donald Trump putting the pressureo n Obama to release a long form birth certificate which he finally does. This makes Obama look more foolish and guilty than ever.Why didn't he release this in the first place instead of spending close to two million dollars trying to cover it up? But on closer examination this shows controversial findings also like: Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?
• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?
• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?
• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: it is spelled “Ukulele.”
I also noticed a few interesting comments by people responding to this. One person noted that they put the race of the father as African because he was from Kenya yet in those days ,1961, they didn't use the word African, they used negro or black.Then there was this interesting comment I found:
What I find troubling about this document: The name, Barack Hussein Obama II. I thought his name as a kid was--Barry. Can he release the documents when his name was legally changed? Did he go to college under the name Barry Soetoro? Yes, I understand the name Soetoro came from his stepfather later I think. Will someone besides CNN's or CBS's dubious news clear up this matter? Let's see his Occidental College Records name. Name only, not grades. And I think this is why Donald Trump desires to view this, in my opinion. I just wonder if the name Barry Soetoro will appear, not Barack Hussein Obama II. In which case, it may be time for the FBI to open this case. And just as I predicted, the doctor would be dead. Go figure-- Amusing this document appears just before Jerome Corsi's book is about to be released. Go figure-- And my next prediction is that Jerome Corsi will be discredited very soon by those who disagree with him. And, NO, I do not know Jerome Corsi. I have read several articles by CNN, and I have lost all respect for CNN and CBS news. Worse, at one time, I thought CNN offered a good angle. The governor of Hawaii needs to be placed under close scrutiny, in my opinion. I do not trust anything that comes from his mouth. And right after the state of Hawaii said even the president or anyone cannot get his or their birth certificates. BAM! It appears. So, they twisted their own law, huh? Hilarious-- And to CNN, "a vague clause in the US constitution." The clause is very clear, even to a simple mind. I have no trouble understanding what it means, do you? Perhaps you need to send your journalist for some bone-head courses. My opinion is I am now MORE SKEPTICAL about the birth place. Notwithstanding, the US legal system refuses to do anything, so it really does not matter. US laws have proved only relevant. Those in high places do not have to uphold the laws; the kid who steals bubble gum could go to jail.
Then a good online buddy of mine found this very interesting tidbit:
Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital, the name of the hospital on the form, did not exist until 1978. Just google the hospital name and check the history on it. It wasn’t named Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, before that time is was called Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital."
Obama says it is time to stop all this silliness yet he's the one who started it and kept it going by refusing to release his long form in the first place. McCaine had to release his and it showed both his parents were American citizens and he was born in Panama when it was still under American territory. Many people are sick of the matter and say to go on to more serious things like the economy and jobs and overseas wars etc., but this is just what Obama wants to make the opposistion look bad so he can get on with his destroying America. He says we have to concentrate on more serious matters, yet here he is going on vacations, playing golf, shooting hoops, going on Oprah and kidding about the Birth issue and attending fund raisers. More serious issues???
Even if he was born in Hawaii, he is still ineligible because his father was from Kenya and had duel citizenship with Kenya and Britain and not the U.S. and the constituition says both parents have to be from the U.S. making the candidate a natural born citizen,but since when did a little item like the constituition stand in Obama's way. He's shredding it day by day. In any event we have a very dangerous fake, phony, fraud, imposter in the whitehouse and he must be vanquised by 2012 to save our country.
Check out these links,especially the first one for an up close look at the released birth certificate and notice the two x'x above the twin and triplet part on top.