At first I supported the protests in the middle east as freedom is contagious and isn't this what we want for those people? Don't we all want women to be able to work besides men in the work place? Don't we all want everyone to be productive and free from threats of their leaders? Don't we want women to have equal rights? Of course we do, but to these protestors I say be careful what you wish for. These leaders like Mubarek may be dictators, but they were supporters of the west and us and we traded with them and got much needed oil from there. These protestors want them out, but by the same token they are Islamic and hate the west and don't have anyone to put in to replace what they are chasing out. In Egypt the military and Mubarek's V.P. is in charge now and in Libya the army is crushing the people and killing them with 200 dead so far. This leaves it wide open to have someone worse come in like the muslim brotherhood. A good example is Iran when we chased the Shah out and Ayatollah Khomeini came in under the guise of reform and made Iran into an alI slamic state under Sharia rule.The same can happen there now with the muslim brotherhood waiting in the wings with baited breath.
In Wisconsin the protestors are protesting over the government wanting to take away their collective bargaining rights.There are thousands protesting and I don't think half of them even know what they are protesting or don't care. They are just there for the fun of it.It reminds me of the Marlon Brando movie "TheWild One" when a woman approaches him and says, "Hey Johnny what are you rebelling against?" and he replies,"Whaddaya got?" Yesterday's Daily News had a picture of women protestors doing yoga excercises there while protesting. Give me a freakin' break and gag me with a spoon. Teachers are on strike and bussing in students who don't even want to be there. That is an abomination. They should all be fired and arrested like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers that time. I'm sure there are plenty of teachers waiting for jobs in this economy. Even doctors are getting in the act. Shameful, Shameful. Need a note from your doctor so you can continue protesting the Wisconsin budget bill? No problem. Now there are "doctors" on the street corners of the state capitol passing out "sick notes" to whomever needs them. Meanwhile, 14 Democrat legislators continue to remain in hiding, having fled the state rather than fulfill their duties to debate and vote on measures Republican Gov. Scott Walker thinks will help save the state budget.
These unions are government financed unions paid for with taxpayers money not like the unions of old paid for with union dues from it's workers. Most people in the private sector have to pay for their own pensions and health insurance with part of their weekly pay and so it should be with these people. Dick Morris explained it perfectly in his column saying, " The union mobs have taken to the streets in Wisconsin to protest hotly against having to pay 12.6% of their health insurance (the private sector average is 20%) and 5.8% of their pensions (private sector average is 7.5%). They want us to subsidize them so they can get to be richer than we are! Upward redistribution of income!" Add to that that Obama said he supports the protestors as does Pelosi and Reid. Obama is taking sides instead of leading and he supports redistribution of wealth. Like in this song I heard says "Instead of just leadin' his heart's out there bleedin.'
I liked the sign from one of the tea party counter protestors that said, "The time for your free ride is over." And so it should be. Pay into your own pensions and insurance like the rest of us.
YouTube - "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack" by Jonathan McWhite Tea
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