Monday, December 29, 2008

Media attacks Isreal and Bush's achievements

The liberal mainstream press has naturally attacked Isreal for attacking Hamas. How typically anti-American. Isreal has been quite restrained year after year after they've been hit over and over again by Hamas and threatened by Iran to be wiped off the face of the earth. Now they finally respond and respond hard and the media acts like "How dare they!! " The same goes for the U.S. Under Bill Clinton we were hit several times on our shores and over seas and we turned the other cheek. Now after 9/11 we respond and the media brainwashes everyone into saying how bad and hateful the United States is.

Over the week-end I was glad to see Laura Bush and Condi Rice defending Bush against his critics. Bush's critics are so blinded, consumed and engulfed by hate for Bush they fail to see his achievements or they fail to see the forest for the trees sort of speak. First of all, Bush has done more for fighting aids than any other president giving 500 million to Africa for AIDS and 500 million here making that a total of a billion. Bush has hired more women and minorities in high places than any other president including Bill Clinton. Bush has liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush has protected us from another 9/11 after several tries here since then that failed because of the Patriot Act that libs like Obama want to do away with. Bush lowered our taxes and had a glowing economy until 2006 when the dems took over and raised taxes, raised the minimum wage and got involed with the Fannie and Freddie mess that led to this floundering economy. Yet with all this going on they hate him and are blinded by the very hate they lecture the rest of us on as being a no no. Bruce Springsteen has said his latest album is based on his hatred for Bush. Get over it Bruce and calm down and chill. Look at the good things you got because you're going to miss them when your guy Obama gets in.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gary Sinese-Presidential Citizenship Award and other random thoughts

I recently heard on FOX News a little while ago that actor Gary Sinese, who I always admired, received the Presidential Citizens Award from President Bush for his great support of our troops and the Iraqi people and his organization Operation Iraqi Children. In an interview with Bill Hemmer Gary said he was overwhelmed at the time and it went very fast. He said he was with about thirteen people from his family, His wife, children, parents, brother -in-law and his WW11 uncle were all led into the oval office where they met Bush and the first lady and presented with the award. Gary went on to explain about his Iraqi children organization that distributes books and school supplies and other needful things to children there and said it's such a joyful thing to see when a soldier gives a child school supplies and to see that child's face light up and the soldier's face light up because these soldiers are parents themselves both men and women serving over there. Gary also entertains the troops with his Lt. Dan Band named for his character in the hit movie Forest Gump. The Presidential Citizen Award is the second highest award a private citizen can receive. Way to go Gary Sinese. I salute you. :)

I am willing to bet you don't see that story plastered all over the front pages of the newspapers and news media. They are more interested in a guy throwing his shoes at Bush. What a jerk and first class idiot to boot. He must have been a Saddam supporter who misses the rape rooms, the torture rooms and mass graves and living in the twelfth century that Bush and our troops sacrificed so bravely to liberate these people from and give them a taste of freedom.
I was glad to see Bush handle it with his usual grace, style and sense of humor. His reflexes were awesome too due to his daily work-out routines.

Bush has done more to fight aids in Africa than any other president by giving 500 million dollars in aid, instruction and medical needs to fight the disease and train doctors there. My own cousin vounteers for several months every summer to go to Africa in some of the poorest sections and along with other volunteers from his church, sends food and medical supplies to the African people and teaches them how to build homes, churches and community centers for themselves. He tells us how these are people who lived in mud huts and shacks and it is such a pleasure to see the pride in their faces and see them help themselves from his and the other volunteers' intruction to bring them up to the 21st century. But will the mainstream media talk about the wonderful work he is doing??Nooo, of course not. They're more interested in a guy throwing his shoes at Bush.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Harry Reid Smells

Harry Reid, President of the Senate recently remarked on the new visitors center in Washington D.C. that orginally costs 71 million, but due to slow downs and other costs now costs us, the taxpayers, 620 million. Reid said so arrogantly that in the summer you can literally smell the tourists because of the humidity and their BO and with the new visitor center they will have air conditioning to cut it down. Don't try to spin your way out of this Harry. Its' YOU and Pelosi and your dem co-horts that smell. What a jerk and ass he is. I've included some reader comments that says it all: "Those "tourists" are the American people which this buffon supposedly represents."
POSTED Dec 2, "I would rather smell the visitors BO any day as opposed to Harry Reids BS!"
POSTED Dec 2, "He's forgetting one thing......those people that offended him by there smell are the very people that put him were he is. What arrogance........"
POSTED Dec 2, "it is so typical of the high and mighty elite, removed from the real "smelly" people, how sad that we put him in that lofty position, they are all real scum"
POSTED Dec 2, "Maybe so Harry, but the stench from Congress reaches much further than that of the people you are supposed to be representing."
POSTED Dec 2, "What a jerk. They throw up a replica/museum beneath their feet for us to visit because they're too important to come in contact with the common man. King George what???"
POSTED Dec 2, "Unfortunately the tourists can still smell the BS from the Congress."
POSTED Dec 2, "The SMELL Reid was experiencing was Nancy Pelosi and himself stinking up our nation with wasteful spending and corrupt legislation. A RAT smells its own hole and Rats Reid and Pelosi are the smelliest of them all."
POSTED Dec 2, "Well BooHoo Reid!"
POSTED Dec 2, "The whole Congress stinks, what do you think of that you ugly turnip."
POSTED Dec 2, "Harry Reid, we don't dare describe the smell you put off!"
POSTED Dec 2, 2008: "I'm glad Harry represents the common people!"
POSTED Dec 2, 2008: "Now if only we didn't have Harry Reid smelling up the Senate the Capitol would be a very nice place to visit"
POSTED Dec 2, "The offensive odor is more likely emanating from the chambers of Congress."
POSTED Dec 2, "what a republican thing to say"
POSTED Dec 2, "what an arrogant p-rick. I really can't stand Harry Reid. Thanks for being the champion of the "average" person, god forbid you should come in contact with them or have to smell them. When are people going to wake up?"
POSTED Dec 2, "I believe what congress was smelling is the BS that they put so much of out!"
POSTED Dec 2, "this man is truly an idiot. and it go to show that people like reid, and pelosi really believe that "their s__t" doesn't stink. If "the people" don't do something about them, we are in real trouble......."
POSTED Dec 2, "Typical Reid. The "unwashed masses" smell. Not surprising a comment considering it comes from the demokrat 'elite'. Hey Harry, 1st off, your going to lose your senate seat in '10. Secondly, take a gander at the inscription at the base of Lady Liberty: "Give me your poor, tired unwashed masses" What an elitist jerk is the Senate majority 'dear' leader."
POSTED Dec 2, "Harry Reid is a typical elitist left wing Democrat idiot."
POSTED Dec 2, "God forbid he smell the common folk. Best to keep them away from the ruling class."
POSTED Dec 2, "I'm glad the Harry represents the common man! Who elected this guy?"
POSTED Dec 2, "Will someone please put this idiot out of his misery, please."
POSTED Dec 2, 2008Matt: "Reid..that's Nancy's hole you're smelling being up it half the day."
POSTED Dec 2, "He can smell all of us from the "fly over country." News for Senator Reid, I can smell his political positions and they stink too!"
POSTED Dec 2, "Some things speak volumes on their own... Ya get what ya vote for."
POSTED Dec 2, "Maybe they could build something similar to keep the honorable majority leader and his minions out of my pockets and out of my life."
POSTED Dec 2, "Harry, please finish shrivelling up and blow away. You are not worth the air you breathe."
POSTED Dec 2, "taxpaying stinking riffraff. but they like our stinking money for their golden palaces. reid is a joke and should be in the senate back row."
POSTED Dec 2, "The only thing that really smells in D.C. is Reid and the rest of the thieves in Congress."
POSTED Dec 2, "As a resident of Northern Nevada, it doesn't surprise me that good old Harry would open his mouth and insult the public. The poor little ethically challenged boy from Searchlight, NV. never has been able to keep his mouth shut. He is an embarrassment to the people of Nevada."
POSTED Dec 2, "So this is what it has come to. The peasants have been made to come through the back door so as to not offend the ruling King and his cabinet. Mr. Reid, you need to remember who you are working for, not ruling over. Maybe "money well spent" will be a phrase we here from you and your party over the next 4 years. Hopefully, it will be money spent to better our country and not to better your personal environment."
POSTED Dec 2, "I can smell you from NY, you swine."