Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tales From the Book of Obama. On the 35th day...

In the beginning their was a mighty exploision from an oil well a mile down beneath the surface of the ocean . It blew forth gushes of black crude into the ocean covering all the fish that swimeth and all the birds that flyeth and making its' way to the shores of the southern province of Louisiana. The people were sore afraid and called upon their annointed one, Obama, to stop the oil slick that threatend their shores. The annointed one said it was the fault of the evil oil company BP and he would make them pay for it.

The annointed one then went to BP and told them their malfeasance would cost them dearly and they said they would work to fix the problem. He then turned to his followers and told them he would not rest until everyone had a job and the hole was fixed. He then went to a dinner sponsored by his scribes where they mocked and poked fun at his opponents and he laughed along with them. He then went and played a few games of golf and shot basketball hoops while the BP people tried and tried different approaches to fix the hole which was still gushing oil.

Weeks went by and the annointed one still played golf and shot hoops and attended fund raisers while the mean oil spill ravaged beaches and wildlife. The good Prince Bobby, he of the House of Jindal in the southern province of Louisiana begged and pleaded with the annointed one to send vacums and skimmers and have his Coast Guard buld berms to protect his beaches and fishing industry that supplied the county, but the annointed one did not answer Prince Bobby for Prince Bobby was a mighty warrior of the opposing party and to take up his idea would make the annointed one look weak and foolish.

The oil spill continued to ravage the shores and the annointed one's friends who were his scribes in the media were turning against him. They warned the people that hurricane season was approaching and the winds could cause the currents to take the spill around the southern province of Florida and up the eastern seaboard and destroy wildlie and beaches there. The people were sore afraid once again and noticing their annointed one's silence, started to turn against their savior and his ratings plummeted to new lows at the polls. James Carville, he an advisor to the liberal House of Clinton and married to Mary Matalin, she an advisor of the conservative House of Bush, chastised the annointed one saying,"Get down here and fix this thing. We're dying down here."

Onthe 34th day the annointed one was at a fund raiser for his senator Barbara she of the liberal House of Boxer when he got tired of being crticized by the media scribes for not doing anything, gave out a mighty yell to his advisors saying, "PLUG THE DAMN HOLE!"

And on the 35th day the hole was plugged up.

The next day the annointed one held a press conference. His first in 305 days. He took credit for and personal responsability for the hole being fixed never once thanking the 20,000 people and first responders working on this spill for the last 35 days. He even cited his daughter Malika coming to him while he was shaving saying "Daddy when are you going to fix the hole?." He pounded his chest some more and announced he was having all offshore oil rigs shut down for six months while they inspect them thus depriving people of their much needed fuel and causing oil prices to go way up. Meanwhile the people in far off lands like China and Japan and Saudi Arabia laughed at the annointed one's decision because they knew they would fill in the gap and Americans' money would line their coffers.

Whereupon I say unto you my brethern. LET US PRAY!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Calderone Has the Nerve to Trash US?

In his recent visit to the U.S., Mexico President Felipe Calderone joined the blame America first crowd and blamed the U.S. for Mexico's problems and criticized the recent Arizona immigration law (which is really an enforcemnt of the federal law already on the books). He blamed the U.S. for the drug problem coming from Mexico because the demand for drugs in the U.S. is very high he said. Through all this Obama and the Senate dems gave him a standing ovation while republican senators just sat there. They should have gotten up and walked out. By giving Calderone a standing ovation and not replying to him or defending the United States and instead agreeing with Calderone, Obama once again showed he agreed with the haters of America just as he did when he sat through a dissertation by Noriega as he trashed the U.S. and Obama didn't defend us.

Former congressman of 14 years Ernest Istook said it aptly in his Newsmax article saying: "The White House could have made the occasion a teachable moment, asking Mexican President Felipe Calderon to understand that the federal-state issue is an internal matter that we can and will resolve — not Mexico. That would have demonstrated respect for the majority of Americans who tell pollsters they support Arizona’s law (and 73 percent who told Pew they endorse “requiring people to produce documents verifying legal status). Obama went beyond disagreement and showed contempt for that view.Instead, he re-ignited the passions over his constant international apologies for the USA. Add to that list that he thinks the millions of Americans who support Arizona are “misguided” (which comes across as a code word for “Neanderthal”). Obama has now topped even his visit to France where he accused the U.S. of being arrogant."

Maybe we should adopt some of Calderone's posistions on immigration in his country. Michelle Malkin recently listed them in her column.

*Immigrants can't become an economic burden

*Immigrants must be healthy

*Immigrants must have no criminal record

*immigrants must show a birth certificate(I guess Obama couldn't be an immigrant here then :D)

*immigrants must provide own health care

*The Gov't can ban foreigners due to race

*Illegal entry is a felony (jail time).Five years for first offense and ten years for second offense

*Deportation without due process

* Document fraud subject to fine/jail

*Police must enforce immigration laws.


In another shocking development,Obama had one of his aides apologize to China for us criticizing their lack of human rites citing our Arizona immigration law. This guy won't stop apologizing for us to the world. Here's a country whose violation of human rites is tremendous and we apologize to them??? Well I believe that push comes to shove and we will take our country back and when we do it willl be payback time for these socialists in power now.

Obama sides with Mexican president against Americans

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum

That's right, the inmates are running the asylum and they are dangerous inmates too. The inmates are the Obama Administration and the asylum is our country. In the beginning of the healthcare debacle the inmates said in typical liberal fashion with all idealism and no facts that the costs wouldn't be that much and in fact costs would come down. The critics all said that costs would be enormus and taxes would go up and they would have to ration doctors. They also said there would be long lines and the quality of healthcare would go down. The administration accused them of scare tactics and sent their media hounds out with the usual talking points saying the healthcare plan would cost 900 billion. They all repeated that mantra on all the TV channels. Well now Obama's own CBO says the healthcare program will cost and additional 105 billion dollars. WHAAAAT??? How could this be they all said. You mean to tell me they couldn't figure that out in the first place like the critics said ?

Now they are saying that they realize that there will be long lines at hospital emergency rooms and they may not be able to handle it. They said in the beginning that with everyone having healthcare they would all have their own doctors and that would alleviate long lines at emergency rooms. DUHHHHHH!!!! Now they realize that that won't happen as not everyone will have a doctor and will have to go to the emergency room. Where are these guys heads at??? I know. It's because they're liberals. Hey guys I have a better idea. Why don't you just drop the whole government control of healthcare thing. If it ain't broke it doesn't need fixing. Maybe just a little patching up here and there.

Next came the Arizona law fiasco which was really a re-inforcement of the federal law on immigration which states that anyone caught in the midst of a crime, the law enforcement person can check their identification and also see if they are here legally or not since the illegal immigration problem is huge along the border and the feds aren't doing their job living up to it. Well the head inmate, Obama, came out and said that this could lead to racial pro-filing even though the law states four times that racial pro filing is not allowed. Nevertheless, Obama went on to say a person could walk into an ice cream parlor and a policeman could ask to see his papers. Well maybe if the guy was robbing the store then he could arrest him and ask to see his ID. This shows Obama never read the law ,but is re-acting to the emotions of all the illegals protesting. He's obviously on their side. Then his attorney general Eric Holder says the law is unconstituitional and wants to bring lawsuits against it. He then goes before a congressional hearing and admits he never read the law.

Next after Holder, Janet Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security and another nut job inmate comes out and says she never read the law. Hey guys, that is part of your job. It's only ten pages. The healthcare plan was 2000 pages. A president, attorney general and head of homeland security all make outlandish comments then we discover they never read the law. Whoever heard of an attorney general making statements about a law he never read?

Yes the inmates are definatley running the asylum, but a few doctors from Virginia, New Jersey and Mass. are returning to the asylum and hopefully in November the asylum will see a whole new staff at the asylum that will put these inmates back to bed. :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

JERSEY BOYS,A Review-Fantastic-WOW

I just got back from seeing the Broadway Production of Jersey Boys and loved every minute of it. For those of you who may not be familiar with the show, it is the story of the Four Seasons singing group featuring Frankie Valli. You remember such hits as "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Walk Like a Man" and many many others. I have always been a Four Seasons fan ever since they first came out and still have their albums from then ,but this brought out some facts I never knew about them. In a recent interview Bob Gaudio says this is exactly the way it happend. It's like seeing them in concert only not just the current songs, but their whole life from start to the current day.

The whole show is divided into four parts or "seasons"of course. Spring is their beginnings where they meet each other, Summer is their careers taking off and at the top of their careers, Fall is the beginning of their demise and Winter is their break up and Frankie going solo.

I particularly liked the way the actors portraying Nick Massi, Tommy Devito ,Frankie Valli and Bob Gaudio would step out of their time period and address you, the audience, as to what is going on. For Instance: Tommy Devito standing in front of a back drop of Power lines, Water Towers and Telephone poles typical of New Jersey, says to the audience in his best Guido accent, "There are only three ways to get out of New Jersey 1)Join the army,2) Get mobbed up and 3) Become a star." Getting mobbed up or at least involved with the mob and becoming a star plays big role in their lives. I never realized that Tommy was a driving force behind the group with his extreme ego driven, outspoken, don't tell me what to do type of attitude. He discovers Frankie and makes him a featured performer in his band. Later on Frankie befriends Bob Gaudio who is a genius in writing songs and very smart and intelligent. Tommy is reluctant to hire him,but at the insistance of Frankie he does. Thus the feud of egos and intelligence takes over. When Bob is in a bar talking with one of the local girls he quotes a line from a famous philosopher to which she replies, "You're not from around here are you."
I also loved the way they segued into each song. At one point Bob Gaudio addresses the audience saying he once saw a movie where actor John Payne slaps a girl across the face and says ,"How does that feel?" She replies,"Big girls don't cry." At that point they go into that famous song. Many of the other songs also had segues like that which made it outstanding. I also liked the references to their neighborhoods of Bellville ,Bloomfield and Newark which is my area now. They got their name from a bowling alley called The Four Seasons in Newark, N.J.

Later on they meet up with Record producer Bob Crewe. I always knew of him from seeing his name on all their albums, but I never knew he was this flaming gay guy. Frankie turns to the audience and says, "Bob was different, but this was a time when people thought Liberace was theatrical."

The play is a brilliant masterpiece and covers forty years of their career. It wasn't all a bed of roses, in fact it was one hell of a roller coaster ride. There is Tommy owing a $150,000 debt to his mob friends and a half million in back taxes, there's Frankie splitting from his wife and later his teen age daughter running away and dying from a drug overdose, Nick Massi threatening to quit and start his own group repeatedly and Frankie and Bob Gaudio agreeing to go solo with him writing and Frankie performing. Throughout all this the songs are there done to perfection as we remember them. "Can't Take MyEyes Off of You," "Oh What a Night," "Dawn Go Away" and many more favorites thathad the audience cheering and applauding. When Nick finally leaves the group after acting peculiar and disgusted and frustrated to them he turns to the audience and says, "You sell a hundred million records and see how you handle it."

Nick Massi died on Dec. 24th 2000 of cancer in a Newark hospital. Frankie mentions about him in the play and the play ends with Frankie, Bob and Tommy re-joining at the Rock n Roll hall of fame a few years ago. Tommy is currently living in Los Angeles where the mob can keep an eye on him and writting his memoirs. Frankie is still performing with Bob Gaudio,""I'm like that energizer bunny," he says,"I keep going and going." You don't have to come to New York to see Jersey Boys as there are many road showings of it throughout the country.You can find them on the link I'm enclosing here. :)

I'm enclosing a link to the Jersey Boys website. Click where it says Media then when streaming video comes up click on the two small pics in the upper left hand corner to see some performances and songs. Enjoy. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Shameful, Misguided Media

Shame on the Media. SHAME ON THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! In reporting on the car bomb that failed to go off in Times Square, the media were so mad that he perpetrator turned out to be a radical muslim. They wanted it to be a white person so bad. They wanted it to be a republican so bad. They wanted it to be a teapartier so bad. They were hoping for another Tim McVeigh wannabe so they could blame talk radio, but it was none of the above, much to their chagrin. Mayor Bloomberg told Katie Couric that it was probably someone who disagreed with the healthcare bill. Another columnist interviewed said the perpetrator's house had been foreclosed and that is enough to put anyone over the brink. YIKES!!!! Just because someone had their house foreclosed they try to blow up innocent people?
Steve Doocy on Fox and Friends hit it right on the nose when he sarcastically said, "Ohhh poor baby. He had his house forclosed." Doocy stated that the media is following in the Obama mode (naturally) of saying there is no war on terror and terrorists don't exist. They are just man made disasters. Well in the last few months these man made disasters have been steadily increasing. We had the Ft. Hood shooting by a muslim, then we had the underwear bomber on Christmas day who is a muslim, then the Muslim terrorist who tried to blow up the New York Subway system and now this muslim who tried to car bomb in Times Square. The media also plays the sympathy card saying that all these guys had wives and children. Well I hate to tell you this lame stream media, but that's their M.O. These terrorists marry American women to get green cards, go to good schools and live a normal life so they can blend in and then plan the attack. They are a very, very patient people willing to take years to accomplish their goal of world domination of Islam.

These media people are playing right into these jihadists hands. They see weakness when they hear the media saying things like this. When are these bleeding hearts going to get it through their thick skulls that these radical muslims want us all dead unless we accept Islam. They don't care if you're a democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, black or white or yellow or in between. They just want to kill Americans. In their radical view if you don't accept Islam you are an infidel and the Koran says infidels must be destroyed. The media in coddling them will get us all killed.
Sean Hannity is right. Journalism died in 2008.

Ann Coulter's latest column is an interesting take on Obama's National Security policy in saying he hopes their bombs don't work. Check it out.

COULTER: Obama's National Security Policy: Hope Their Bombs Don't Work... *

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Late Reaction to the Oil Spill and NYC "Man Caused Disaster" Averted

The Obama administration is now saying they were there with the oil spill from day one. Oh really???? I've come to the conclusion that Homeland Security head Janet Napolintano is a big fat idiot and a dangerous one at that. She's the one who termed the new name for a terrorist act as a "man caused disaster" and the war on terror as "an overseas contingency operation" and now saying they were on the spill since day one when it was obvious they were not. Rush Limbaugh said it aptly on his show yesterday:

Talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh today blasted President Obama and his appointees for the extended time period before there was a significant response to the oil well explosion off the coast of Louisiana, an event that has been described by some as potentially the biggest environmental threat to the U.S.
He also took swipes at the mainstream media for their kid-gloves treatment of the president regarding his responsibility to lead the nation.
"He said on Thursday, February 11th of this year, 'Until jobs are being created to replace those that we've lost, until America is back to work, my administration will not rest and this recovery will not be finished.' Well, he's resting," said Limbaugh.
"He's playing golf. He waited 12 days to head down to Louisiana. I don't know how many rounds of golf, how many pickup basketball games he's played since then," he said.
"Do we have an EPA? We do. It's the Environmental Protection Agency. I've looked into what the director, the administrator has been doing during these 12 days, and the answer is 'not much,' I mean to do with the slick. I'll just ask you point-blank: What has the EPA been doing after a BP rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico? What have they been doing? What has the EPA done? What have they done?"

The drilling rig Deepwater Horizon exploded killing 11 workers April 20. Experts say it will be months before a cause of the problem is determined and its ultimate environment impact remains to be seen.
But Limbaugh said the leadership of the United States needs to do better than it is.
He cited the activities of Lisa P. Jackson, the administrator of the EPA.

"On April 22nd, not one word from the EPA administrator about the Gulf oil rig explosion. She's out bragging about Earth Day, EPA, super funds, climate change, the coal mine disaster. Nothing about the Gulf," Limbaugh said.
He pinpointed what he believes is the reason for the actions – or inaction – by Obama and his appointees.
"Earth Day mattered more because it's not about managing America's problems, not about being president, not about being executive; it's about implementing an agenda, it's about transforming the American way of life, the American culture, the American economy and anything that happens that helps us do that along the way, well, we're going to take advantage of it," he said.
"The president's spokesman said, yep, we got our boots on BP's throat on this one. And the president says it's BP's fault, they're going to pay for it, BP's fault. Nevertheless, I have to do something about it, while he does nothing about it," he continued.
"Even the New York Times, even though they did it on a Saturday: 'Unanswered Questions On The Spilll – a White House as politically attuned as this one should have been conscious of two obvious historical lessons. One was the Exxon Valdez, where a late and lame response by both industry and the federal government all but destroyed one of the country's richest fishing grounds and ended up costing billions of dollars. The other was President George W. Bush's hapless response to Hurricane Katrina. Now we have another disaster in more or less the same neck of the woods, and it takes the administration more than a week to really get moving,'" he said.
Limbaugh poked fun at the media, too.
"They're having trouble there at the Drive-By Media, State-Controlled Media, 'How do we treat this very uncomfortable position that we find ourselves in here.' They are very uncomfortable. They're twitchy, talking about the media here, but they are trying to smile while being totally uncomfortable because the poor babies are conflicted.
"See, it would have been easy if a Republican were president. … It was so easy for eight years just to blame everything on Bush…
"The Obama media, "Yeah, we love the world, we love the earth, we love Earth Day, we love Dumbo, too,' meaning Obama. 'But, gosh, you see the New York Times editorial, why did he wait 12 days? I mean rivulets of oil head toward the sacred fragile wetlands of Louisiana, the sugar white beaches of Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, why did he wait, oh, please there must be an answer because he's so much smarter than we are there must be an answer we don't see. Why did he wait?' If it were Bush – ha-ha-ha-ha-ha – they wouldn't be waiting. They would already be firing up impeachment hearing demands. They're asking themselves at all their editors meetings, 'Should we comment on this? Kind of uncomfortable, I mean the guy didn't do anything for 12 days, there's gotta be a reason, oh, he's so much smarter than we are, I mean he went to Harvard, Columbia, and so did we, but he's gotta know more than we do, there's gotta be a reason.' Even the New York Times story does not mention Obama's name. They have kept his name out of it. They just talk about the slow government response."
According to a report in the Birmingham News, the government actually had a plan to deal with such a situation, but was unprepared to implement it.
The report said an "In-Situ Burn" plan was produced by federal agencies in 1994 and calls for responding to a major oil spill in the Gulf with the immediate use of fire booms.
But in this case, the government had no such booms, and had to purchase one from a company in Illinois to begin, the report said.
A spokesman for a company that produces them, Jeff Bohleber of Elastec, told the newspaper a single fire boom can burn up to 1,800 barrels of oil an hour, or 75,000 gallons an hour, and the report raised the possibility that the spill might have been contained at the site of the accident – some 100 miles from shore – had the government been prepared to follow its own plan.

In other news I see the authorities caught the terrorist who tried to blow up parts of Times Square in New York with a car bomb. The way the authorities quickly got this guy through fast pace tracing of the sale of the car and eventually catching him on a plane bound for Dubai as it was cruising out of the gate is stuff right out of a Hollywood flick, but in this case it was real. Meanwhile Attorney General Eric Holder at first said this doesn't mean it is a terorrist act. (That's right Eric since your law firm is currently defending terrorists, besides it's not an act of terror, it's "a man caused disaster" as your Homeland Security chief would say) and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg comes out with the biased and absurd notion to Katie Couric that the guilty party is probably someone who hates the healthcare bill. Give me a break guys. No wonder we're in such deep doo doo with this administration.

This just in. The car bomber is a registered democrat. As Rush said "I wonder if there is an Obama sticker on his car." :D

Here are some interesting links for your perusal:


NY Rep. Slams Obama for Slashing NYC Terror Funding...

Bloomberg to Couric: Suspect 'somebody with political agenda who doesn't like health care bill or something'...



WIRE: There since Day One? Maybe not... not...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

There's Something Fishy About the Oil Spill Disaster

That's right, I think there is something way too fishy and suspicious about this oil rig disaster. Consider who's in charge of the government and all that happened. I believe in co-incidences,but the timing of this disaster is way too suspicious to be co-incidental.

It's a known fact that Obama hates America and everything we stand for. Just use the brain that nature gave you open your eyes and figure it out. During the campaign he said he was going to "Re-form" America and that's just what he is doing. He wants to make us like the European countries and make us a socialist state. So far he's taken over the auto industry so the government tells us what kind of car we can drive, he's taken over the banking industry, the gov't now tells us what kind of light bulbs we can and can't use, the gov't controls what our kids are taught in school, the state controls the media and he now has the government taking over our healthcare system (God forbid). He hates big business and with his Financial Reform bill the government will be able to shut down an entire company at will and fire it's board of directors if they don't think they are living up to standards. He and his radical pals also hate Big oil.

And there in lies the rub. He hates the oil industry and opposes off shore drilling, but to appease his critics who favor off shore drilling he publicly stated he'll support off shore drilling, but only in a small case off the coast of Louisiana, even though there is more oil under our country than the entire middle east. That's like throwing them a bone. We have never had a disaster with any of our oil rigs until now. Even during the last big hurricane there in the gulf, rigs were knocked down, but quickly restored again. The day after he made that statement some pundits were saying this would not sit well with his supporters. By the end of the week the oil rig in Louisiana explodes. KABOOM!!!! Hmmmmm.

Nothing is done by the Obama administration for at least ten days. In fact in typical lib fashion (liberals never accept responsability for anything) he blames the oil company BP for not doing anything saying they should have reacted first. He is commander in chief. He could have ordered the Navy out there to contain the flow or burn it off. Instead he points the finger at the oil company (which he hates mind you) instead of acting saying they should have acted first. He was the one who should have acted first. When beaches and the drinking water of the people are threatend that's the role of the government to come in and protect them. Beaches come under natural resources and federal control. Now after ten days he decides to make a trip there. Many are saying this is his Katrina. Can you imagine if Bush was in charge? The media would be all over him blaming him for everything.

Now Obama is against anymore off shore drilling and his environmental supporters are in a "See I told you so" mode. Radical environmentalists are evil and have resorted to violence in the past. Remember the scorched earth society that was burning corporate people's homes that time? So I ask you There's something fishy about the oil rig explosion. I would put nothing past this Chicago thuggery Administration to achieve its' radical ends.

Below are some interesting articles related to this blog:

Expert: East Coast of Florida more likely to be impacted than West...

Air Force gets order to help...

Louisiana National Guard mobilized...

'Fisheries Failure' May Signal End of Coastal Towns' Industry...

Slow federal response threatens to turn oil spill into Obama's 'Katrina'...

WHITE HOUSE: No Gulf trip planned for Obama... **

**UPDATE: Obama Plans Urgent Trip To LA Coast...

'A potential mega-disaster'...