Saturday, February 28, 2009

Comments Obama should listen to

The other day I heard some interesting comments on talk radio that worth bare repeating here. The first was by Dick Morris on Sean Hannity's radio show when he said, "LBJ had his war on poverty. Obama is having his war on prosperity." Great comment Dick ;). Then economist Larry Kudlow said on his noon radio show that "a country that spends more, produces less and a country that taxes less, produces more." The total opposite of Obama's plan which takes us all into bankruptcy. Talk show host Mark Simone told a caller to his show that economists estimate that if all the money spent on the stimulus package were given back to the people, every taxpayer would receive $25,000. They would spend this money on things like cars, a down payment on a house, pay off credit cards, go on vacations and buy goods like flat screen TVs and computers. That would all stimulate the economy. Now that's a stimulus plan. This is precisely why Obama and his socialist cohorts like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want to do away with talk radio.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obama's Change=Communism

When the Soviet Union collapsed I said to myself, "Watch it evolve here."I didn't know how it would at the time, but now with Obama I can see it. Obama is fast turning us into a communist country. For a guy who is supposed to admire Lincoln, he's just the opposite. Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama is enslaving us all with big government controlling our lives. His suggestion of nationalizing the banks, bailing out the auto industry and now taking money from wall street investors and us regular hard working taxpayers and transferring it to those who don't pay taxes is pure socialism. He wants to silence the opposistion with the fairness doctrine or similiar acts like localism so he can say he's against the fairness doctrine. Obama's transportation secretary has suggested taxing the miles we drive at the rate of half a cent a mile thru cars GPS systems to help pay for roads and bridges in addition to the gas tax. That's the government keeping track of where its' citizens go. That was voted down. Now Obama and his crew are talking about capping the salaries of CEO's and those that make $500.000. If that happens, eventually that will trickle down further to many of us if not all of us. That's the government telling you how much you can make. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. Here's the link again fo r those of you who haven't seen it before in any of my previous posts: The Rise of the United Socialist States of America

Obama likes to compare himself to FDR also, but he is most like Karl Marx. In fact, he even quotes Marx's famous line from his Communist Manifesto,"From each according to his ability to each according to his needs." Obama's transfer of wealth programs is exactly that.!!!!!!!!!. When I heard him talk about change I knew it wasn't just a change from Bush. I knew it was to make this a commie/socialist country.When he said in his acceptance speech that "we will rebuild America brick by brick," I knew this isn't what we wanted.

Now we have all these ingrates with their hands out begging to have their morrtgages financed by the government and their messiah and the economy is worsening with all his bad mouthing of it. Remember he was all for hope and change when he campaigned? Now he's all doom and gloom and crisis and catastrophe. In a recent speech that lasted 20 minutes he used the word crisis 19 times. This is similar to what Clinton did in his tenure in order to build up a dependency on government. Clinton' s people said, "We have a health care crisis, we have a budget crisis, we have a deficet crisis., but we'll take care of it." Now Obama is doing the same thing and the great unwashed and ingrates are all there with their hands out. Something's got to give real soon and I see grumblings already and demonstrations being organized against his massive porkulus package. I really can't see him lasting four years. Below is a letter I received from the national republican Trust PAC that outlines Obama's 3 big lies and his plan to destroy the GOP:

Obama’s 3 Big Lies His Plan to Destroy the GOP
Dear fellow American:
Let me tell you the real reason Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid pushed through the biggest spending bill in history – without proper debate, without Republican input, and without any public scrutiny at all.
Simply, they are trying to turn the United States into a one-party country and to put the Republican Party out of business once and for all.
The massive appropriation called a stimulus – some $787 billion of your money – is really a political war chest for the Democrats.
They want to change the face of American politics forever, and they want to use your taxpayer money to do it.
They want to use billions from our treasury to reward their political friends – and have huge amounts of cash to dole out before the 2010 and 2012 elections.
Some people have wondered why, if the country is in dire need of emergency “stimulus,” most of the money appropriated by this law will not even be spent this year.
Instead, spending will go on for five to 10 years.
There is no mystery here, as the answer is simple: These billions in taxpayer funds will fund the Democratic political machine for many years to come.
Chicago Machine Takes over Washington
You must remember – the media won’t tell you this – that Barack Obama is a product of the corrupt political machine in Chicago headed by Mayor Richard Daley.
Chicago is run as a one-party city. The Democratic political machine and the government are one in the same.
Just like we saw recently in Congress, there is no real debate in Chicago. Deals are brokered in the back rooms among the ward leaders, the mayor and their cronies.
What the political machine decides, the public has to accept it. The city council serves simply as a rubber stamp – much the same way the Congress just acted for Obama.
And public money in Chicago is used to protect and serve the interests of the machine.
Obama – as I will reveal to you with the stimulus plan – is simply replicating the Chicago machine in Washington.
It is a frightening thought because our freedoms depend on a vibrant two-party system.
But that’s what you believe, not what Obama and his crew believe.
Barack Obama and his Chicago gang, which includes his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, also a congressman from the Chicago machine, have a starkly different view.
They want a one-party system headed by a strong man.
We at the National Republican Trust PAC are deeply troubled not only by how much the stimulus plan spends but also the way it was implemented.
We just witnessed how the basic and open democratic process of our republic was flouted.
We fear that the actions by Obama and Congress that we just witnessed threaten the very foundation of our republic.
Consider that we have long believed America is the greatest democracy in the world.
Yet Congress passed the largest spending bill in its history – by essentially suspending vital democratic processes, including debate and public examination of the pending law.
We know that the Democrats, working late into the night, secretly agreed to a “compromise” bill among themselves – and then refused even to share it with Republicans or the public until just hours before the bill went to the floor for a vote.
The final stimulus bill was 1,079 pages long. We know Barack Obama never read the bill.
Many members of Congress have admitted not one senator or congressman even read the bill before they voted for it!
The Democrats say they suspended normal procedures because the country so desperately needed to avoid what Barack Obama said was an economic “catastrophe.”
The bill apparently was so urgent that the Democrats even excluded Republican leaders from any involvement in negotiations on it.
When, in our republic, does Congress simply vote on a bill when its members have no idea what it says?
And, how could congressional leaders like Pelosi and Reid, as well as President Obama, present a monumental law but not allow even one day of scrutiny by Congress, its staffs or the public?
Help us fight the takeover of Congress and Washington –
Go Here Now
Big Lie No. 1: The Emergency
They told us that the country is in such a dire situation that it was an emergency.
That was Big Lie No. 1: The bill was not an emergency measure.
This was a ruse. They falsely claimed it was an emergency bill to cut off all debate.
The lie about the urgency was made clear when President Obama, rather than immediately signing the bill, went on vacation to celebrate Valentine’s Day with his wife in Chicago. [Amazingly he had been in Washington less than a month before he took his first vacation!]
In fact, Obama took almost four days to sign this “urgent” bill.
Big Lie No. 2: Immediate Stimulus
And then there is Big Lie No. 2: The bill offered immediate help to our ailing economy.
The truth: The bill does not offer significant, immediate stimulus.
Most of the stimulus money won’t even be spent this year, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office!
And the CBO has warned that the bill actually will hurt long-term economic growth.
Infrastructure programs, including items such as $8 billion for a high-speed train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, will take a decade or longer to complete – if environmentalists ever let the project begin.
Republican traitor Arlen Specter, who backed the stimulus bill, got more than $6 billion in the bill for “medical research” – another lulu that has nothing to do with immediate economic stimulus.
Big Lie No. 3: Bipartisan Support
Then there is Big Lie No. 3: This bill was a bipartisan effort to save the economy.
It was anything but.
Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham said bluntly: “If this is going to be bipartisanship, the country's screwed."
Indeed, every Republican in the House voted against the bill, along with six courageous Democratic congressmen.
In the Senate, almost every Republican opposed the bill except three liberals: Sens. Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter.
Obama promised he would change the “old politics” of Washington. Instead, he is playing hardball partisan Democratic politics of the Chicago type.
He has used the weakening economy as his Reichstag fire event to get to pass an incredible amount of money so he could funnel huge amounts of pork and political payoffs to his Democratic cronies and allies.
And now, he is even talking about a second stimulus program! Why not? Congress just passed his first bill without even reading it! What a joke . . .
Help us expose Obama’s Big Lies – Donate to Our Campaign –
Go Here Now
The Real Purpose: Abolish the GOP
I have no doubt what the real purpose of the stimulus bill was.
Simply, it was to lay the ground work of the remaking of America’s political system into a one-party system.
Yes, a one-party socialist state that destroyed countries like Mexico.
We have seen what one-party rule has done to cities like Cleveland, Detroit, other cities – and corrupt Chicago.
The media will never tell you this, but that’s the real agenda behind the Obama stimulus bill.
This is why so little of the stimulus is spent now, but spread out over several years.
This means Obama and Democrats will have hundreds of billions to disburse to their supporters, creating a new party cadre that will help them win re-election in 2010 and 2012.
Don’t believe me?
Well, we all know the fraud perpetrated by groups like ACORN to register Democratic voters.
In the run-up to the 2009 election, millions of new “voters” were registered – and it clearly helped elect Obama – and gave the Democrats big majorities in the House and Senate.
Their game plan for 2008 worked. Now they want to use public funds – our tax dollars – to pay for more of their political activities.
For example, the final stimulus bill gives $3 billion to groups like ACORN.
Consider that, in 2008, Obama claimed that he raised $750 million for his campaign. Compared with that amount, ACORN’s $3 billion is staggering.
No doubt, these billions will help ACORN in its political work of “community organizing” – a euphemism for Democratic activitism.
We don’t have billions – we need your help to fight –
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But it’s not just ACORN who is getting “stimulus.”
The bulk of the Obama stimulus goes directly to the powerful government employee unions that helped get Obama elected and are the backbone, the shock troops, of the Democratic Party.
Amazingly, it’s been estimated that half of the stimulus appropriation directly benefits government employee and service employees union that played key roles in Obama’s election.
Second, the bill gives tens of billions to state and local governments to dole out to their cronies. This means there will be even less accountability by Congress.
And then there are massive payoffs to the special interests to the Democratic Party, with giveaways such as $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, $300 million for new cars for government bureaucrats, $1.2 billion for “youth activities,” tens of billions for “green, environmental and energy programs” — they even include $3.7 billion to help “green” military bases and another $125 million to restore “abandoned mines.”
Shockingly, the bill creates 33 new government programs!
The stimulus money will give the Democrats the opportunity to become the dominant political party for the next generation.
Counter the Democratic machine by helping us today – Go Here Now
Our Plan to Stop Obama
Despite the massive political payouts Obama, Reid and Pelosi are funneling to their allies across the country, they can still be stopped.
The polls show Americans want a two-party system. They don’t want corrupt, Chicago-style politics in Washington.
They don’t want their taxpayer funds used for political shenanigans and payoffs.
We at the National Republican Trust PAC want to expose the incredible rip-off the stimulus bill will be to the taxpayers.
If Americans knew that the bill would place an additional $9,400 in debt upon each household in America, they would be appalled.
If Americans knew the extent to which this bill is going for political payoffs to groups like ACORN, they would be outraged.
We know that Americans will wake up to what Congress has perpetrated on them with this stimulus.
But we also know we can’t rely on the media to tell the facts.
This is why we want to keep up our media efforts to expose Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
We now know they have a radical plan for the nation.
There are already calls among Democrats for a new Fairness Doctrine to close down talk radio and hosts like Rush, Hannity, Boortz, Beck, Savage and others.
The Democrats are already talking about legalizing 12 million illegals, making them citizens and voters overnight.
They know that, if they do this, they will instantly change the political landscape in the nation for a generation or more.
This is why your support for the National Republican Trust is critical –
Go Here Now
This is why we urgently have launched a media campaign in exposing Sen. Specter in Pennsylvania and Sens. Snowe and Collins in Maine. We want their constituents to know exactly how their senators voted against the public’s best interests.
We also have targeted Democratic senators like Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.
We are doing this because we know that Obama is passing sweeping legislation, and that we need to put these senators and congressmen on notice: If they vote for Obama’s plan, they will pay a heave price back home among their voters.
We at the National Republican Trust PAC have already played a critical role. We were a key factor in Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ landslide victory in the special Senate run-off in Georgia.
CNN has called us one of the most “powerful” political action committees in the nation.
Dick Morris, the Fox News analyst, has called the National Republican Trust the most important political force in the nation. He says we are now doing the work of the Republican Party.
But our success depends on people like you.
We don’t have fat-cat donors and corporate sponsors.
We depend on Americans like you who care about this country and who want us to keep fighting.
Your donations help us not only to fight but also to prepare for the coming major battles ahead with Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
We need your support today, please donate –
Go Here Now.
Thank you and God bless you.
Yours for America,
Scott Wheeler Executive Director
P.S. As the full details of the stimulus come to light, the American people will be shocked, and many of the backers will regret their votes for this shameful bill. Our job is to expose those that voted for the bill.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh No Not the Fairness Doctrine Again and Other Random Thoughts

Libs once again are calling for hearings on having the fairness doctrine to counter conservative talk radio. They tried this once before with Bill Clinton, but it didn't work. In fact, Clinton said this week,"You either have to have a Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have balance on the other side." Balance?? Bill, the other side IS balance. This is really an attempt to silence opposisition which is to silence free speech except for what the leftist government says which is another step towards tyranny. The left has every major newspaper like the New York Times,Washington Post and magazines like Time, Newsweek, etc. and on TV they have NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC ,PBS and on radio NPR and Airhead America. Along comes FOX News and they are so huge they leave the others in the dust in the ratings. Talk radio offers an alternative with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and others and libs can't compete so they have to cry like a little kid, "BOOO HOOO it's not fair, we need a fairness doctrine," which is really a censorship doctrine. Even famed feminist and lib democrat, Camille Paglia came out against it saying that's an attack on free speech.......Obama was in such a rush to pressure the house and senate to vote on this stimulus pork package that they didn't get a chance to read it. Now that they voted on it O says he's taking a vacation and will sign it next week after he gets back. If I were a house or senate member I'd be furious. Time to get this guy out. Lets have sane revolution now..........I wonder how the left feels now that two dozen Taliban from Izbekistan were killed all at once by a United States drone plane under their hero Obama. Their hero also promised to end the war and he's sending 30-50,000 more to Afghanistan now. Will they demonstrate against their hero or just sit on their hands and grit their teeth. My money is on the latter.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama's dangerous stimulus government spending package

When Obama first appeared on the scene, I knew he was no damn good from the start. In a day and age when muslims have said they intend to take over from within and we have a half black muslim hiding behind the fact he's a Christian running for president, about half a dozen red flags went up in my mind. Now that he's in office, people are starting to realize with this porkulus package that he's not right. Well it's too late now, we're stuck with him for four years and the damage he's doing and can be done is horrendous. Still people are having orgasms over him like this guy Julio at his Florida town meeting who sounded like he was having a huge one and in ecstasy as he spoke to the annointed one about getting benefits for his job at McDonalds' where he's worked for four years because he can't find job. Obama told him that the fact he's been at job for four years that doesn't pay much is a testment to him (that sounds like an insult to me) and his payroll tax cut that he's plannning should give him a little more in his paycheck. Another women asked Obama for a car and kitchen and basiclly a new house because she's living in a trailer with a bunch of kids and they need these things. He told her to meet his staff and when she did they put her on a list of affordble housing where there's two year waiting list. This reminded me of when Bill Clinton was first in office and all these people came to meet him in a diner in Ohio all telling him their woes and with their hands out for freebees from the government while he did nothing but say to them was his now famous "I feel your pain".

As more and more people find out about what's in his stimulus package which is really a spending package they are getting more and more turned off by him and the democrats in general. The latest Rasmussen poll has people supporting dems at 40% and people supporting republicans at 39%. This is the lowest percentage of dem support in history. Laura Ingraham stated, and rightly so, on her show last night that the clash between the cult of personality and reality is wearing thin.

Obama said at the beginning he would have no lobbyists in his administration and then went out and hired 17 or was it 27 lobbyists. He said he would have the most ethical administration in history (Bill Clinton said the same thing) and proceeded to hire tax cheats and people with conflicts of interest. Who knows what else lies beneath this skunk. He said there was no pork in this bill and there is more pork in here than around Barney Frank's waist. Here's just an example: 500 million for the study of sexually transmitted diseases, 500 million for the renovation of the D.C. mall, 8 billion for ACORN, his community activist group, that is being investigated by the FBI for voter fraud in this past election and 500 million for these hybrid golf cart like electric automobiles and another several million for frisbee golf courses. Can somebody explain to me what that is? A dangerous part of this package that nobody has brought up yet is a portion that gives the government permission to decide who gets medically insured and the elderly and senior citizens will be the sacrificial lambs in this part. If you are a senior citizen with a serious ailment and they judge it to be a factor of old age, you won't be covered in order to save expenses in this socialized medicine coverage. That in itself should tell you something about these people and the dangers of making this a socialist society. Be afraid my friends, be very afraid. This is not business as usual.
Here's More of What's in The So-Called "Stimulus":$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program$300 million for grants to combat violence against women$2 billion for federal child-care block grants$6 billion for university building projects$15 billion added to Pell Grant college scholarships$4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion for "youths"$1 billion for community-development block grants$4.2 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities" (funds for ACORN and other radical groups)$650 million for digital-TV coupons; $90 million to educate "vulnerable populations" (more money for radical activists non-profits, such as ACORN)$83 billion for the earned income credit (which are just payments to low-income people)$150 million for the Smithsonian$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters$350 million for Agriculture Department computers$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids$450 million for NASA (for "climate-research missions")$600 million for NOAA (for "climate modeling")$1 billion for the Census Bureau$89 billion for Medicaid$30 billion for COBRA insurance extension$36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits$20 billion for food stamps$850 million for Amtrak$87 million for a polar icebreaking ship$1.7 billion for the National Park System$55 million for Historic Preservation Fund$7.6 billion for "rural community advancement programs"$150 million for agricultural-commodity purchases$150 million for "producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish"$2 billion for renewable-energy research ($400 million for global-warming research)$2 billion for a "clean coal" power plant in Illinois$6.2 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program$3.5 billion for energy-efficiency and conservation block grants$3.4 billion for the State Energy Program$200 million for state and local electric-transport projects$300 million for energy-efficient-appliance rebate programs$400 million for hybrid cars for state and local governments$1 billion for the manufacturing of advanced batteries$1.5 billion for green-technology loan guarantees$8 billion for innovative-technology loan-guarantee program$2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects$4.5 billion for electricity grid$79 billion for State Fiscal Stabilization FundThis will not help the economy.This will further destroy our economy.This is a massive transfer of wealth from citizens and businesses to government, labor unions, and far-left non-profit organization.This is Socialism.

Yet through all this people still say give him a chance. Well to those people I say, to take a line from an old Bob Dylan song, (and I dedicate this to my good online buddy Niki who is a Bob Dylan fan and I know she feels the same way I do about this fake, phoney, dangerous, fraud in the whitehouse) as Dylan once sang, "And you ask me why I don't live here? Honey I think you're really weird." :D

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Press Conference. A conversation with himself

I just finished listening to Obama's first press conference and I must say, what jibberish, what dribble, what BS and what boredom. This is a guy who loves to hear himself talk, but he's not an enthusiastic speaker at all. He answered three questions in 20 minutes and the rest was him talking in length in response to each question. He went on and on and was all over the place clearly showing he did not know what he was talking about. What an embarssment!!!! He sounded to me like some college kid writing an answer to a test question on a subject he hadn't studied hoping the teacher wouldn't notice. I realize all politicians are full of spin and hyperbole, but this was so obvious and juvenile in every answer. He also could lull you to sleep. At one point a woman reporter asked him what his time table for Iran was and instead of giving her a direct answer he went all into about Iraq and the previous administration and his diplomats trying to find the right solution etc.. Another question was about the economy and his stimulus package. He went into how this is the greatest recession since the great depression. Another lie and a dem talking point. Right now unemployment is at 7% and interest rates are at about 3%. I was unemployed during the Jimmy Carter years and unemployment was 13% and interest rates were at 20% and we had double digit inflation. Ronald Reagan brought all that down by lowering the marginal tax rates and interest rates and lowering taxes in general and cutting the size of government. Obama is going in the opposite direction, the direction of European socialism. This afternoon Obama held a town meeting in Indiana and again he clearly showed he was out of his league and doesn't know what he's talking about. A questioner asked him about what he was going to do with improving green technologies and his answer was "We're going to double up on green technologies." A woman asked him about the money coming in from the government for the work projects ala the WPA of the thirties Obama wants to reinstitute and would the money come directly to the town or some other round about way to which Obama replied, "We're going to let you people be our eyes and ears. If you see a project and the money doesn't seem to be coming in there, we're going to have a website you can send a report into and say what you saw and see if the money comes in there." The people looked astounded as if to say 'You expect us to do this?" This is another lib notion that sounds good but in practicality doesn't work. People are going to lie on this site and say things aren't happening just to get money. It's so rediculous. Anyone who reads the comments after news articles online will know what I mean. I've heard it said that Obama is in over his head. I think maybe those people are right after hearing him today.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Honeymoon is over. Did it ever start?

Traditionally when a new president takes office he's granted a 90 day grace period to get acclamated to his surroundings and get acquainted with his staff and the press. Not so with Barack Hussein Obama,the half black muslim. The fireworks started with Obama from day one. First we had his appointing tax cheats to high office. Tim Geitner to head the IRS as Secretary of the Treasury after not paying his taxes for four years. He paid for two years after it was revealed, but not the other two years saying the statute of limitations ended. Then we had Tom Daschle who didn't pay taxes on a government car he borrowed or some such thing, appointed to Secretay of Health. He dropped out after he got caught. Then we had people with conflicts of interest appointed to high posistions. Hillary Clinton to Secretary of State after her husband received millions of dollars from foreign governments for his library and Leon Panetta to head the CIA after taking contributions from various groups he would be regulating. Then we had him appointing a lawyer for the pornography business as Assistant Attorney General. Now we have this massive pork barrel stimulus package. When some republican congress people and a few dem senators protested the pork, His Arrogance shot back in his haughty high and mighty manner,"What do you think a stimulus package is? I want you to sign this and don't forget who you elected." Yes sir,mein fuerher. I think people are waking up from their political stupor and realize they've been sold a bill of goods we're going to be stuck with the next four years. A very dangerous bill of goods at that. They are starting to realize he's not the messiah, he's not the annointed one. He's not going to pay their mortgages for them, he's not going to pay their gas for them,etc. He's just another Chicago political thug. Anyone who thought that in the first place (and there are plenty out there) I have a bridge across the Hudson I can sell you and a few acres of swamp land in Florida I can sell you real cheap. I guess the Honeymoon is over,but did it ever start? I guess the Honeymoon was the campaign. And all this within the first ten days of taking office Whew!!!!! :D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where's Obama, Where's FEMA and Where's the Media?

So far 55 people have died in the ice storms in kentucky, thousands are powerless and shelters are overflowing. People are being told to go to motels if they can afford it. This has been going on for more than a week now. So where's FEMA? Where's Obama? Where's the media? I've heard Obama is in the whitehouse which he keeps at 75 degrees. Can you imagine if this were Bush? They'd be asking for his head on a silver platter. Four years later they are still talking about Katrina. At least 55 people didn't die in katrina. I guess that's because Kentucky is a red state and media people are too busy having bug eyed orgasms over Obama and like Chris Mathews having tingles up and down their legs over him.

Tom Daschle has quit in his running to be Secretary of Health Commissioner in Obama's cabinet and another woman too both for refusing to pay their taxes . Tim Geitner, newly appointed head of the IRS didn't pay his taxes for four years either. Hillary is named Secretary of State in spite of the fact that foreign governments have donated millions to her husband's library. They don't donate out of the goodness of their heart they donate with the idea of getting something in return and now she's Secretary of State? Give me a break. No conflict of interest there. Geoffrey Holder is made Attorney General after pardoning Marc Rich and FALN terrrorists. This is only part and partial in a long list of corrupt officials in Obama's administration. Yet through all this the spokesman for the anointed one has the audacity to say "...WHITE HOUSE: 'The bar that we set is the highest that any administration in the country has ever set'.... REALLY???? You could have fooled me. :D