Thursday, October 29, 2009

Obama's War on Fox News

Here is an excellent article by Ron Kesslar of Newsmax on Obama's war on Fox News I thought I'd share with you :)
War on Fox News Reveals Obama’s Failings
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:19 AMBy: Ronald Kessler

If there is anything more bizarre than the decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, it was his administration’s decision to wage war on Fox News.
The Obama administration has been warning cable networks not to follow up on Fox News stories, which have included an exposé of ACORN and the radical backgrounds of some Obama appointees, and even attempted to exclude Fox from network pool coverage.
In doing so, Obama and his aides revealed in one stroke the most telling weaknesses of his administration:
Obama is a whiner. At almost every chance he gets, the president whines about the previous administration and how it is responsible for every problem he faces. He neglects to point out that in the examples he cites — as with deficit spending — he has made the problems worse.
Obama is fixated on spin rather than substance. Why else would he and his aides become so agitated about what a network is reporting? Obama’s decision to outsource drafting of healthcare legislation to Congress shows his lack of interest in performing the basic functions of his job.
Obama is ineffective. The spectacle of refusing to let Fox participate in a pool filming, then backing down when the other networks objected, shows that Obama is over his head. That same ineffectiveness prompted him to announce the closing of the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay without having any idea where he would send its prisoners.
Obama has no appreciation for the profit motive and its importance in America’s success. In warning networks not to follow Fox, Obama adviser David Axelrod said, “Mr. [Rupert] Murdoch has a talent for making money, and I understand that their programming is geared toward making money.” Never mind that Obama is making millions in profits from book royalties.
Obama appears blind to the fact that there is a reason Fox, which was started 13 years ago, now has more than three times more viewers between the prized ages of 25 and 54 than either CNN or MSNBC: Fox provides news and commentary that the other networks ignore.
If Obama and his aides actually watched Fox, they would see that its news coverage — as opposed to its commentary programs — really is fair and balanced. When controversial issues are discussed during news programming, guests from opposing sides are invited on.
If Obama understood the importance of the profit motive, he would have reduced taxes to help small businesses so they could expand and hire more workers, instead of throwing money at government programs as part of the stimulus package. By pushing a public option and failing to include incentives to reduce healthcare costs, Obama demonstrates that same lack of appreciation for the profit motive and the entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great.
Obama is weak. The press ganged up on the Bush administration, but Bush never tried to isolate a news outlet. By showing how thin-skinned he is, Obama reveals his fragility. That is symbolized by his constant need to apologize to the world for imagined failings and by his hand-wringing, while finding time to play golf, about making a decision on his own commander’s request last August for more troops to fight the war in Afghanistan.
Despite his claims during the campaign that he would bring people together, Obama is the most partisan president in recent memory. As one example, Obama and the Democrats have entirely shut out the Republican leadership from participation in drafting healthcare legislation that will affect one-sixth of the economy.
The White House crusade for fairness works in one direction: against Republicans. Asked by Campbell Brown on CNN if Fox News is biased, Obama aide Valerie Jarrett said Tuesday evening, “Well, of course they’re biased. Of course they are.” But when Brown asked if MSNBC, whose Keith Olbermann recently accused Fox of being filled with racists, is biased, Jarrett did not answer the question.
Obama and his aides have a blatant disregard for the truth. They openly demonstrated that by saying that Fox is not a news organization, when anyone who has watched the network knows that it is. Criticizing Fox, Obama told NBC that if “media is operating, basically, as a talk radio format, then that’s one thing. And if it’s operating as a news outlet, that’s another.”
In the same breath, despite his aides’ orchestrated attempts to isolate Fox, Obama pretended he is really unconcerned about Fox, saying he is not “losing sleep” over the issue.
Rather than being of no consequence, Obama’s outlandish attempt to muzzle Fox News and discourage others from picking up its stories vividly reveals Obama’s failings—and why he will prove to be a one-term president.
Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of View his previous reports and get his dispatches sent to you free via e-mail.
Go here now.
© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sean Hannity and Don Imus

This morning as I was driving to work I was listening to Imus in the morning and he said he was about to receive a call from Sean Hannity. I thought this might be interesting. Let me say I am no big fan of Imus and like to listen to his side kicks Bernard McGurk and Charles McCord and Warner Wolf much more, though I do admire the work he is doing with the ranch for terminally ill kids to enjoy themselves and learn about ranch work. Sean recently interviewed Imus and his wife at the ranch. Sean called in and they talked about Imus' wife who was on Sean's TV show recently on his Great American Panel. Imus refers to her as The Ayatollah and she was very aggressive and loud when I saw her. After a few light hearted banter, Imus asked Sean about the Obama administration attacking FOX News. Sean said it was Obama who started the war with them and not them. Sean also said he thought it was rediculous because there are much more important things going on in the world such as two wars, a sagging economy and unemployment at 10% that wasn't supposed to go higher than 8% once the stimulus package was passed. Sean also went on about the many controversial czars that Obama has too. Imus countered with "Why do you have to crticize him all the time. Can't you just play ball with him. Can't you see he's trying his best?" Sean replied, "That's what Journalism's for. To keep these people in check." I couldn't believe what Imus just said, though yes I could, because he plays both sides of the fence and his wife claimed she was a conservative on Sean's show. "Trying his best Don????? He's trying his best to destroy the country. He's trying his best to rewrite the constituition which he admits gets in the way of things. He's trying his best to make this a government controlled fascist/communist country with him in control. He already has taken many of our liberties away from us with government control of the banks, government control of the auto industry and if they get control of our healthcare it will be control of our lives. Cap and trade controls how much fuel you can use and where you can go. They even tried to have a travel tax where they would tax us by the mile in our cars thru GPS systems. That's the government controlling where you can go and keeping track of its' people. Like the saying goes "How's that hope and change working out for you?"..........

I love the little blurbs for talk radio they are running during commercial breaks now. Last week it was "balloon boy and exploding deficits.We need to talk." :D then it was "Rush vs. Al Sharpton,Iran nukes,We Need to talk" :D. This week it's "Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, pilots on the hot seat.We need to talk." :D In case you missed the story the pilots on the hot seat refers to the two jet pilots in a commercial airline who flew 150 miles past their destination. Some said they were drinking, some said they were arguing and missed. In any event an investigation is ongoing. The pilots deny both reasons.

Here's an interesting story that has been quit obvious for a while now. White House likes news reported its way A conservative media watchdog says it has become increasingly apparent that the only legitimate media coverage -- according to the Obama administration -- is news that praises the president.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Curtis Sliwa vs.The Muslims' Lawsuit. He won :D

While driving home from work the other night I was listening to talk show host Curtis Sliwa talk about the time muslims connected to the ones responsible for the first world trade center bombing sued him for five million dollars for blasting them on his radio show after the first World Trade Center bombing. His rant was so inspiring and fascinating that I wanted to share it here in my blog to show what you can do if you stand firm in your beliefs when all things turn against you. I'm including his website below so you can see him broadcast live from 10 pm to 1 am e.s.t. I've seen and heard him live at Sean Hannity's freedom concerts and even photographed him there broadcasting with Sean.

For those of you not familiar with Curtis, he is the head honcho of a crime fighting group in New York City called The Guardian Angels that he started some 30 odd years ago and has since expanded to major cities across the country and the world. They patrol the streets and arrest people and fight crime. No weapons except their exceptional karate skills. They wear red berets and red sateen jackets. Curtis has also been shot up by John Gotti Jrs. people and narrowly escaped death so he's had quite a life.

The other night he was talking how he was warning people that the terrorists of the first world trade center bombing who are now in jail such as Ramsi Yuseff and the blind sheik were all out of the same mosque and these mosques preach jihad in this country. Well this went on for several weeks. After 9/11 Curtis said a see I told you so and blamed the mosque and other mosques who preach hate. The day after the Iraq war he was hit with a five million dollar lawsuit by CAIR for slander and defamation of character. Needless to say he was scared out of his pants. He went to the "suits" his bosses at the Disney owned studio where his show originates from and they were enraged. Instead of sticking up for him they told him that he better not say anything else bad about muslims and they wouldn't back him. He said he had to listen to that constantly on a daily basis and be berated by them. He went to lawyer after lawyer and played them the tapes of his show and none would suppor thim. All they said was that he better offer some kind of payment as these people have a lot of money to spare and will tear you down even if it takes years, but undaunted he pursued on.

Curtis then decided to go to his old radio sidekick, liberal ACLU lawyer Ron Kuby. Even Ron said. "Curtis, you haven't a chance against these people. You better pay them some coin." Curtis was furious and worried. He could never make that much money in his lifetime he was saying so he decided to contact a lawyer who had done some work for his Guardian Angels. This lawyer said, "Curtis, these people are very patient and are willing to take years and wear you down emotionally and financially,but I'm interested and will take the case non grata because it's you and I know what you are up against."

Curtis described how this lawyer spent every waking hour and far into the night reading all about muslims and law strategy. More than any lawyer he's ever seen. Finally after six years of court hearings and postponements the big trial came. Curtis said the coutroom was typically symbolic of New York: a racially mixed jury consisting of black, white, hispanic men and women, a jewish judge, a protestant lawyer, a catholic defendant ,(him) and a muslim prosecution. To hear him describe this scenario was quite amusing. He was literally sweating bullets. The cross examinations were tough and fair he said. The muslims were also asking for $280,000 in compensasory damages. Curtis went on to say how his lawyer was very relaxed, calm and sharp during the proceedings and excelllent in his cross examination of the muslims. Finally the jury was dismissed to render a verdict. Curtis said he could hear his heart beating. His lawyer showed him the sheet of questions the jury would have to consider to render a verdict. About ten minutes later the jury came back and rendered their verdict of "not guilty." Curtis was so relieved and thanked everyone for their support after six long years.

I'm enclosing his website here. You can click where it says Curtis cast and see his podcasts of his commentaries. You can click on the different cities at the top and see him comment on stories from those cities. He has such a funny way with words using a lot of street expressions I always get a kick out of. If you click on where it says live video stream from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. e.s.t. you can ,watch him broadcast live.

Curtis Sliwa#

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Warning To All Americans

Subject: A warning to all AmericansThis is a real eye opener. Much here to think on and figure a way to get involved enough to Stand up for Your rights....which are dwindling everyday. You decide the merit of this piece.

A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS From Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson

We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O’Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign very closely. Initially because I thought the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton and then in astonishment when they chose an even more hard-left candidate. All of last year I told everyone I could that Obama was not a Democrat, he was a Marxist. He is far to the left of any European leader and even our far left party, the NDP. I read Saul Alinsky when I was in University. I studied him and his writing carefully. When Bill Ayers and his idiot wife were bombing and killing people at random in the Weather Underground. Weather Underground and the Black Panthers were closely allied. I read David Horowitz’s account of changing from a Marxist to a conservative after seeing that the government was afraid to prosecute members of the Panthers for murdering his personal assistant. He suddenly understood the evil that Marxism really was. After the student radicals failed in creating a Marxist revolution in the United States by violent means, they embraced Alinsky. You would be wise to read “Rules for Radicals” because it outlines how Hillary and Obama planned to get into power, and what they intended to do when they got it. Socialism is not the correct descriptor for what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are going to be much more far reaching than anything Sweden has ever been able to do. Obama is following Alinsky’s plans, those set out in “Rules for Radicals” and his other writing. The Democrats are attempting to create one party rule in the U.S. And in achieving that, will create crisis after crisis by their own actions and use those crisis to nationalize the means of production in the U.S. You are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the U.S. Can actually see it for what it truly is. The U.S. . Is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months. Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the U.S. He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry. But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zi mbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the amount of money that can be taken out of the country. I love America , I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny. I may be nuts, but so far I have been 100% in my predictions of what Obama was going to do, because I merely had to look at “Rules for Radicals” to see what was coming next. I read Glenn Beck’s book, “Common Sense” and in it re-read Thomas Paines pamphlet with the same name. I recommend the book. When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won’t just be us gun owners or Flat-Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You’ll be right there next to us. You all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. You thought you could just go back to sle ep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You’ll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost – go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov 4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as “politics as usual–the same old stuff”. In the end, it’ll all be OK won’t it? Not this time. There are a growing number of citizens in the US that are ready to fight to shut down the government’s grab of personal freedom, it’s blatant abuse of the constitution, and it’s attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won’t start that fig ht, but when it goes down I will join it. As for you, why, you’ll be shocked because you didn’t see it coming. And eventually you’ll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You’ll be saddened that your children and grandchildre n live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you’ll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in. You know, McCain wasn’t much of a candidate. I’ll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don’t blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn’t know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way o f life and he understood that you can’t negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members of the Greatest Generation. Mark my words friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America . They’re not militia groups, te rrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe; they are Americans, loyal to the constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause. But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it–get ready. It will happen. &nb sp; When that event happens, whatever “it” is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country. Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson, jerrywilson@centurytel .net Live Free or Die Fighting Have you had enough change or do you need some more?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Michael Moore vs.Sean Hannity and other Random thoughts

Earlier this week on Sean Hannity's night time TV show he had a one on one interview with film maker Michael Moore. Sean said on his radio show that the interview was supposed to be a fifteen minute interview and went on for forty five minutes so he showed it on two consecutive nights and I must say it was an interesting segment.

At the beginning of the interview Sean told about the bet he had with Michael. If Bush was impeached or resigned from office he would have to wear a "I love Hillary " button on his show for a week and if not then Michael would have to stand in front of the whitehouse with a sign that said "Sean Hannity was right." Sean then showed a picture of Michael standing in front of the whitehouse with the sign, but said that it was a mock up and the pic was taken in their studio. Michael said you should have seen the looks and heard the comments he got walking the streets of New York with the sign. :D

After the introduction they got down to business. Sean asked Michael about his latest movie "Capitalism; A love Story." Michael asked Sean if he saw it and Sean said he had and he had to go in with dark glasses and a hat at a later showing so noone would recognize him as it was probably all of Moore's followers. Sean then proceeded to tell Michael that if it weren't for capitalism he would not be where he was today. Sean proceeded to ask Michael how much he's worth and Moore responded by saying "Let's just say I'm doing pretty good." Sean responded with"But Michael you're a multi millionaire" Moore admitted he had a house in Michigan and an apartment in New York but refused to divulge what he made. When Sean listed all the amounts each of Moore's films made Michael responded that the studios get a lot of that and he doesn't get it all.

I consider myself very astute when it comes to viewing people and able to pick up on them by their body languiage and facial expressions. I noticed Moore seemed to feel out of his element being in the FOX News studio and looked down a lot instead of directly at Sean. This to me shows insecurity. When Sean came at him with his rat-a-tat rapid fire that he's good at I noticed Michael looked like a little kid who's father is scolding him and he knows he's right. Sean's had other liberals on his show who were more straight forward and sure of themselves which made for a good debate. but this showed me Moore can dish it out but can't take it.

They went on with the debate with Sean asking Michael about his last film showing Cuban healthcare was better than here. Sean asked Michael if he would go to a Cuban Hospital and Moore said the ones they filmed were all very good. Sean then showed a piece of film his crew did that purported to show a Cuban hospital in utter filth. It looked like an abandoned hospital to me as there were no people around. Michale laughed and said "Where are the patients Sean? Where are the doctors and nurses. ?" Suddenly a little blurb showed some patients in poor beds and Sean said "See. There they are." Michael still laughed and said where are all the doctors and nurses again Sean?'"I noticed that too and thought Sean was pulling a fast one,though I have seen pics of very poor Cuban hospitals that are filthy.

At the end of the interview Sean thanked Michael and shook his hand and again I noticed Michael seemd a little surprised and was half shaking Sean's hand. I think Michael Moore is a very insecure person and a true muckraker...............So Obama,the man who was going to unite the country is still dividing it further and further. I for one am enjoying this. It 's like a good old fashioned wrestling match. Bob Eberle of The Loft site had this to say about Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize: Are you kidding me? Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize? Bobby Eberle, The Loft This article shows just how insane and politically oriented toward global socialism the Nobel Committee has become. Read the citation carefully. What does it tell you? It tells me that the Nobel Committee and the UN stand for everything that is in direct opposition to American values. This "award" is was not given for any accomplishments of the community organizer in chief (there haven't been any), but rather was given to encourage that mutt in the White House to continue with his global socialism policies at the cost of stripping America of her world status and independence. The Nobel Committee has outdone itself now after previously awarding Al Gore for narrating his global warming movie promoting the biggest hoax the world has ever seen. The Nobel Prize is now a confirmed insult to any patriotic American. ..............This morning I heard liberal columnist Jeff Greenfeld talking to Don Imus and Greenfeld said awarding the prize to Obama was the European nations thanking us for not electing another George Bush. Yeah Jeff, Bush only liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan that's all. Greenfeld also asked Imus how he likes working at FOX News and had some nasty comments about FOX as being biased and partial saying their slogan should be Deride and Divide. Yeah Jeff, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS are all objective?????

Friday, October 9, 2009


Since everyone is now talking about the insanely act by the Nobel Committee of giving Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, I just had to enter my two cents worth. I was astounded when I first heard it this morning on the radio. What did he do? Now it's' not what he did, but what he's expected to do and in anticipation of what is expected from him in the future and for offering Hope to people everywhere. What BS!!!!!!!!!!!.What a crock!!!! Guardian Angel head honcho Curtis Sliwa hit it right also saying it is "Premature adulation and social promotion by the Nobel Commitee on the world stage." It surely cheapens the prize for anyone who receives it now.
Obama said he wasn't deserving of it and was humbled by it. If he was truly humble he would have said he doesn't deserve it and say thank you and then tell them to give it to someone who truly does deserve it. But he kept it anyway. Even the taliban said he doesn't deserve it :D They said he should get the Nobel Prize for violence. LOLOLOL :D Even Robert Gibbs, Obama's press secretary upon hearing of his boss getting the award said "Are you sure this is not April 1st?"

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh said " the committee drank the Obama kool-aid called Obama ego juice." Rush went on to say,"Can you imagine the size of Obama's head now? It will probably fit his ears now."

Rush later when interviewed by Newsmax had these valid points to make:

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee "suicide bombed" itself with its continuing leftward tilt in awarding the prize to President Barack Obama, says radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.
Limbaugh made the comment in an e-mail to Newsweek's Gaggle blog and Politico that also said, “The Nobel gang just suicide bombed themselves. Gore, Carter, Obama, soon Bill Clinton. See a pattern here? They are all leftist sell-outs. George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims in Iraq, Reagan liberates hundreds of millions of Europeans and saves parts of Latin America. Any awards?” Limbaugh says “Obama gives speeches trashing his own country and for that gets a prize, which is now worth as much as whatever prizes they are putting in Cracker Jacks these days.”

The award exposes an illusion surrounding Obama, Limbaugh said, adding, "It is a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics bid. And with this 'award' the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States. They love a weakened, neutered U.S, and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too.”

I agree wholeheartedly with Rush. This is a guy who went around the world calling his own country "derissive, arrogant and dismissive" and apologized for it. We don't have to apologize for anything. We're the only super power in the world now, but he is in league with them and rather than have them come up to our level he's determined to bring us down to theirs which is what they want and which is why they gave him this prize along with the other leftist loons they gave it too. He is and always will be, in my book anyway, the half black usurper muslim.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

You Lie vs.You Die

Here is an excellent article by Bob Eberle of the Loft site I'd like you to read. This guy Grayson is a complete and utter asshole and comparing people who died from not having government insurance a holacaust and blaming it on republicans is a complete insult to all who were involved in that. I heard a woman caller to Sean Hannity today who's parents survived the holacaust and she was so insulted by that remark and rightly so.. Well keep the comments coming you dems because 2010 is slaughter time.
You Lie vs You Die... Where's the Real Apology?

During Barack Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress at the point when Obama said illegal aliens will not receive free health care, Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" The Democrats spun themselves into a tizzy. How dare someone be so rude. They immediately demanded an apology. Wilson complied. However, they continued to press the issue.
Now, along comes Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) who spoke from the House floor and said that the Republican health care plan was simply for Americans to "die quickly" if they get sick. Republicans were outraged and demanded an apology. As it turns out, Grayson's apology was even worse. Let's see how fast the Democrats rush to pass a resolution against him!
To refresh everyone's memory, after Rep. Wilson's famous words were shouted, he issued the following apology on the very night of the speech:
"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the president's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill," Wilson said.
"While I disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility."
I don't know about you, but to me, that sounds like a sincere apology. So, let's just move on. Of course, the Democrats couldn't do that. Instead, they wanted another apology from the House floor and drafted a resolution condemning Wilson's actions. This brings us to Rep. Grayson. Here is his statement from earlier in the week:
Don't get sick... and if you do... die quickly. Grayson is telling the American people that Republicans just want them to die. Where is the outrage and the reprimand?
Grayson, as unstable as ever, took it upon himself to "apologize" the next day, and only made matters worse:
Grayson apologizes to the dead and their families for not ending this holocaust? This is an apology? Was one insult not enough for this guy? Is this how the Democrats debate an issue as important as health care?
As noted in a story on, Republicans are preparing to handle Grayson just like the Democrats focused on Wilson. The difference, however, is that Wilson immediately apologized directly and sincerely to Obama. Grayson made a mockery of his apology and added more fuel to the fire.
"This is an individual who has established a pathological pattern of unstable behavior," said Ken Spain, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
"Alan Grayson not only refuses to apologize, but he is doubling down on his despicable remarks and he is dragging his party down with him," he said.
In the
Associated Press story on GOPUSA, the reporter describes the Republicans as wanting to get "payback." What about just wanting some consistency and uniformity in addressing the actions of its members?
Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, who heads the conservative Republican Study Committee, drafted a "resolution of disapproval" that mirrors the one Democrats approved against Wilson, saying Grayson's conduct was "a breach of decorum and degraded the integrity and proceedings of the House."
Price said he was withholding resolution to give Grayson more time to consider an apology, but that the measure could be introduced later this week.
"The American people want open and honest discussion," said Price, whose efforts had the backing of Republican leadership. "They want respectful discussion."
Where is Pelosi on this one? She was so "frightened" by the rhetoric, and here we have Grayson telling the American people that Republicans want them to die quickly. Where is the outrage?
According to the AP story:
Democratic leaders have so far have been quiet. Grayson said he spoke with them about the incident and that none had asked him to apologize.
Behind the scenes, Democratic aides point to comments that Republicans have made in recent weeks alleging that Democratic health care legislation would kill people.
We all know a double standard exists both in the media and in Washington. Hopefully, with an example so striking, Americans will see that protocol and decorum only apply when it benefits the Democrats.