Friday, October 29, 2010

Terrorist Attacks against U.S.from Yemen Thwarted

WASHINGTON (Oct. 29) -- Authorities on three continents thwarted multiple terrorist attacks aimed at the United States from Yemen on Friday, seizing two explosive packages addressed to Chicago-area synagogues and packed aboard cargo jets. The plot triggered worldwide fears that al-Qaida was launching a major new terror campaign.President Barack Obama called the coordinated attacks a "credible terrorist threat," and U.S. officials said they were increasingly confident that al-Qaida's Yemen branch, the group responsible for the failed Detroit airliner bombing last Christmas, was responsible.

I thought Obama said there was no war on terror and the terror attacks were just overseas contingency operations and Man Made Disasters. He also said the U.S. can with stand another 9/11. This is a dangerous, dangerous man in the whitehouse and will get us all killed with thinking and rhetoric like that. Maybe that's his goal ,he's so full of hatred for anyone who disagrees with him referring to his opponents as enemies

I see he's also taking three full jumbo jets,45 cars and booking 800 rooms on his trip to Mumbai,India. He says he needs all this security because he's staying in the Mumbai hotel where terrrorist attacks occured. I really hate saying this, but maybe we'll be lucky and he'll get blown up by a man made disaster and overseas contingency plan. Let's see if HE can withstand another 9/11. I just better not hear any lib say the republicans are causing a bad economy and causing us to fall deeper debt.

'Credible terrorist threat' uncovered

OBAMA: WE CAN "ABSORB" ANOTHER 9-11 By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN Published on on September 22, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Frank Caprio was Right.Obama =Ka-Ching and Other Random Thoughts

Rhode Island Democratic Senatorial candidate Frank Caprio recently chastised Obama for using his state as an ATM machine and how right he was. One group hosted a $7,500 a head dinner for a fundraiser for Obama and he only stayed for 20 minutes and didn't even stay for dinner. If I were those people spending $7,500 I'd feel ripped off. Obama said "He wish he could stay for dinner, but he had to go home and tuck the kids in and walk the dog and scoop the poop." What a fake, phony ,fraud. Keep in mind he was in Rhode Island and the kids and dog in D.C.......Ever notice that libs are always saying how you should treat women with respect and anything critical of them is sexist. Any woman that is a liberal democrat of course, but if you are a conservative woman then you are fair game. What hypocrits!!!!!!!!! Look how they made fun of Sarah Palin. They made fun of her talk, they made fun of her clothes, they attacked her kids and made fun of her glasses. Now they attack Christine O'Donnell. Just because she mentioned about attending a witch ceremony one night when she was younger, they harp on her for that. Sat. Night Live portrayed her as a witch on a broom.(Isn't that Hillary's role?) The latest is that loud mouth Joy Behar on The View attacking Sharon Angle calling her a "Bitch" and saying, "She's going to hell, this bitch" over a political ad about Harry Reid giving benefits to illegals and illegals joining gangs that come across our border and not enforcing Arizona's illegal immigrant law. I for one happen to agree with this ad as it does tell the truth, but so much for Behar's civility towards women. It's Behar who is the bitch also when she and Whoopie Goldberg walked off during a Bill O'Reilly interview. To quote Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men ,Joy Behar,"YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH" I posted the link below......I see Obama is telling the republicans that they have to take a seat in the back. That's not TOOOOO racist now is it? No wonder he's falling fast in the polls. I hope he keeps falling.........I knew this election is going to be corrupt and dishonest. Already people are saying they are voting in the machines for republicans and a democrats name appears and people in Nevada are going into polls and Harry Reid's name is already checked. No wonder he's not worried.

'The View's' Behar: Angle 'going to hell, this b****'...


The Waveby sharronan




In the Loop: Obama approval drops into 30s
How low can he go?
Read more at GOPUSA...

Friday, October 22, 2010

NPR Fires Juan Williams in His Own Words

So NPR fired Juan Williams for telling the truth and expressing what most of us feel when we see Muslims in their traditional garb on airplanes. There is more to this than meets the eye. This is all part of an orchestrated George Soros funded attack on FOX News and freedom of speech. I always liked hearing Juan Williams when he was on Sean's Great American Panel. Even though he is a liberal commentator, I always felt he was fair and balanced and he never got my blood boiling like so many other liberal commentators like Chris Mathews. In fact,last night on Sean's show he had Pat Caddell, Rev.Jesse Lee Peterson and Karen Hanratty all on his panel and they unaminously agreed that this was an attack on FOX News and it wouldn't surprise me if this was a directive from the whitehouse itself, but let's let Juan tell it in his own words:

Yesterday, NPR fired me for telling the truth. The truth is that I worry when I am getting on an airplane and see people dressed in garb that identifies them first and foremost as Muslims.
This is not a bigoted statement. It is a statement of my feelings and my fears after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 by radical Muslims. In a debate with Bill O'Reilly, I revealed my fears to set up the case for not making rash judgments about people of any faith. I pointed out that the Atlanta Olympic bomber -- as well as
Timothy McVeigh and the people who protest against gay rights at military funerals -- are Christians, but we journalists don't identify them by their religion.
And I made it clear that all Americans have to be careful not to let fears lead to violation of anyone's constitutional rights, be it to build a mosque, carry the Koran or drive a cab without fear of having your throat slashed.
This was an honest, sensitive debate hosted by O'Reilly. At the start of the debate, Bill challenged me to tell him where he was wrong for stating the fact that "Muslims killed us there" in the 9/11 attacks. He made that initial statement on the ABC program "The View," which caused two of the co-hosts to walk off the set. They did not return until O'Reilly apologized for not being clear that he did not mean the country was attacked by all Muslims but by extremist radical Muslims.
I took Bill's challenge and began by saying that political correctness can cause people to become so paralyzed that they don't deal with reality. And the fact is that it was a group of Muslims who attacked the US. I added that radicalism has continued to pose a threat to the United States and much of the world. That threat was expressed in court by the unsuccessful Times Square bomber, who bragged that he was just one of the first engaged in a "Muslim war" against the United States. There is no doubt that there's a real war, and people are trying to kill us.
My point in recounting this debate is to show this was in the best American tradition of a fair, full-throated and honest discourse about the issues of the day. There was no bigotry, no provocation, no support for anti-Muslim sentiments of any kind.
Two days later, Ellen Weiss, my boss at NPR, called to say I had crossed the line, essentially accusing me of bigotry. She took the admission of my visceral fear of people dressed in Muslim garb at the airport as evidence that I am a bigot. She said there are people who wear Muslim garb to work at NPR and they are offended by my comments.

She never suggested that I had discriminated against anyone. Instead, she asked what did I mean? and I told her I said what I meant. Then she said she did not sense remorse from me. I said I made an honest statement. She informed me that I had violated NPR's values for editorial commentary and she was terminating my contract as a news analyst. I pointed out that I had not made my comments on NPR.
I asked why she would fire me without speaking to me face to face, and she said there was nothing I could say to change her mind. The decision had been confirmed above her. There was no point to meeting in person.

To say the least, this is a chilling assault on free speech. Honest journalism and a free-flowing, respectful national conversation are being buried by ideological orthodoxy.
I say an ideological battle because my comments on "The O'Reilly Factor" are being distorted by the self-righteous, ideological, left-wing leadership at NPR. They are taking bits and pieces of what I said to go after me for daring to have a conversation with leading conservative thinkers. They loathe the fact that I appear on Fox News. They don't notice that I am challenging
Bill O'Reilly and trading ideas with Sean Hannity.

Years ago,
NPR tried to stop me from going on "The Factor." When I refused, they insisted that I not identify myself as an NPR journalist. I asked them if they thought people did not know where I appeared on the air as a daily talk-show host, national correspondent and news analyst. They refused to budge.

This self-reverential attitude was on display several years ago, when NPR asked me to help them get an interview with President George W. Bush. When I got the interview, some in management expressed anger that I said to the president that Americans pray for him but don't understand some of his actions.

Later, President Bush offered to do an NPR interview with me about race relations in America. NPR management refused. One NPR executive implied that I was in the administration's pocket, which is a joke.
Gee, I guess NPR news executives never read my best-selling history of the civil-rights movement, "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years." I guess they never noticed that "ENOUGH," my last book on the state of black leadership, found a place on The New York Times best-seller list.

NPR demanded that I either agree to let them control my appearances on Fox News and my writings or sign a new contract that removed me from their staff but allowed me to continue as a news analyst with an office at NPR. The idea was that they would be insulated against anything I said or wrote outside of NPR because they could say that I was not a staff member.

They cut my salary and diminished my on-air role. And now they have used an honest statement of feeling as the basis for a charge of bigotry to create a basis for firing me.

Well, now that I no longer work for NPR, let me give you my opinion. This is an outrageous violation of journalistic standards and ethics by management that has no use for a diversity of opinion, ideas or staff. (I was the only black male on the air). One-party rule and one-sided thinking at NPR lead to enforced ideology, speech and writing. They lead to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions and displaying independence of thought.

Williams: NPR was 'vindictive'...

Backlash from BOTH sides..

NPR CEO: 'Profoundly sorry this happened during fundraising week'...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And So It came to Pass

Here is a great article I received from the Great American Newsletter that I want to share with everyone. It's an article cleverly written in bibical terms about Obama.

I heard a report on the news last week that Obama intends to raise the retirement age to 70 and take from social security to pay off the deficet and debt. That's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bush tried a similiar tactic about raising the retirement age and it was immediately struck down......I also read that this Obama regime wants us to list on our W2 forms how much our healthcare policy is worth. They will tax that and the money they get from that will go towards paying those that don't have insurance. Below the article is an important video to watch. An open letter to Dems saying we're taking our country back. It was posted once before and taken down. Now it's back with a vengance. Please watch it.!!!!!!!

And So It Came To Pass

By JR Dieckmann

Once there was contentment in the land of America as people worked and prospered under the Bush. Everyone had work who wanted it, and profits were made in business and on the street of the Wall. The people felt they were safe in their homeland living under the vigilance and watchful eye of the Bush. But his time was running short and he would soon be replaced with another.
Out of Chicago came a dashing one, born of the twilight, and known as The Obama, who said "let there be change" and the people cheered. And he said "let there be hope," and the people again cheered. And he read from the glass tablets in front of him, "we are the ones we have been waiting for," and again the people cheered and fainted.

And he said unto the people who had gathered that were he not made their leader, the seas would rise and cover the dry land, and that which was untouched by the waters would burn with the fire of the sun. And he said unto the people we need to build solar panels and windmills to cover the open land and warned the people to be leery of the evil oil companies that they shall not destroy that which the immigrants have built.

And he said unto the people that we must discard our powerful cars and replace them with smaller electric cars and the people said "ugh," but the people of Kool-Aid shouted "yes we can" and more became light headed and fell to the floor.
But the twilight one said “It’s ok, soon we will all collapse from the heat if we do not save the planet from global warming.” And the people gathered there turned green and shouted together “save the planet, save the planet, we must have green energy.” And the Obama told them he would bring “Cap and Trade” and vowed to fight the evil oil companies so that his people could have the green world they desire.

And the one born of the twilight offered them money taken from the rich, and the people cheered and called out “give us more.” And he offered them free healthcare, and the people cheered and said “yes, we are sick, give us healthcare.” And he told them not to worry about their mortgages or the cost of gasoline for their cars, and the people held out their hand and shouted "Yes, let us have it." And all of the children gathered in the schools and chanted "Barack Hussein Obama, umm-mmm-mmm."

And he said unto the people that all that had been built by the Bush and those who came before him must be destroyed, and the documents of the old ones of the founding are to be disregarded. And the people of Kool-Aid shouted "yes, we need change."

And so it was that the Kool-Aid was served up from in front of the Styrofoam columns and the people drank of the Kool-Aid and believed it was good. And the Obama rose to the top of the pedestal and declared himself the Messiah over all the land of Alinsky and all the people of the Marx.

But to replace the Bush, the twilight one would need a lot of money and so it came to pass that he found it in the vast resources of the Soros. And the Soros would create organizations of followers and divide much money among them to be given to the Obama as though it had come from the masses who had drunk of the Kool-Aid. And the Soros smiled and proclaimed it to be good, and made himself a partner with the twilight one.

But the Obama would also have to defeat the lady of the glass ceiling before he could ascend to the House of White, and also the aged one who was unpopular within his own people and offered nothing of interest.

So the Obama called on his magicians of the political realm and the propagators of myth and falsehoods to defend him and make him look like a leader of the people. And they did, and they agreed not to look into his past or tell anyone who he really was, and they agreed among themselves to spend their time vigorously exposing the evil ways of the Palin.

And so the Soros, along with the people of Cloward-Piven, decided they needed a crisis to put the chosen one over the top - so they sacrificed the two lambs, Fanny and Freddy, to the gods of communism - who smiled and said this is good and we can blame it on the Bush. And behold, the economy declined and the Obama smiled and said "it is good, and now I can campaign against the Bush."
And with the money of the Soros and the aid of all those of the Kool-aid who came to promote the twilight one, he defeated his enemies and became the ruler of the land.

And the conqueror, Obama, looked at all he had done and said it was good and told his people "I will create for you a paradise of liberalism." And the people said it was good and they celebrated and drank more from the pitcher of Kool-Aid. And the others with little money shouted “Obama, we love him” and waited with their hands out for their ration of gasoline and their mortgages to be paid by their Messiah.

But there were a multitude of protests from people of Constitution who asked from what land do you come, and demanded to see the evidence of birth. But the Messiah snickered and said “don’t worry about it,” I come from the land of Hawaii and gave them a computer generated public document from the land of Hawaii that stated that the Obama was indeed born in the far off island land.
And the followers of Obama wiped the Kool-Aid from their lips and declared "there, you have it" and they laughed and mocked the people of Constitution who were not convinced and demanded to see the original document. But their demands for proof and rule of law were ignored by the twilight one and all those who were loyal to him, who had made certain that all personal documents of the one born of the twilight would forever be hidden from the people.
So the people of Constitution took their questions to the courts to have them answered but the court refused under pressure from the Justice Department and the many lawyers were paid handsomely to keep the documents hidden from sight. And the lawyers said to the chosen one, we will keep your secret from the people forever. And the Obama said it was good and went on vacation to the land of the elite. nd so it came to pass that the twilight one would take many vacations and trips, and would tell the people in the land of Mohammed what a terrible place the land of America is. And the people of Mohammed cheered and declared the Obama one of them. But the people of the peaceful religion of Mohammed had to leave soon to hunt down and kill cartoonists, writers, and film makers who disagreed with them.

And so the Obama returned to the land of the free and told the people we need to reach out to the people of Mohammed and make them our brothers. And we need to borrow billions of dollars to stimulate our economy. And the people asked, what have you done with the remaining 350 billion dollars from the TARP but there was no answer. And so the ones in the Congress voted to spend another $787 billion to replace the $350 billion that the anointed one was holding in his purse.
And then the twilight one said we have to take over the auto industry to help the people of the UAW, so he did. And the stock value was taken from the investors and given to the unions and the unions said it is good. And the Chosen One gathered together the tribes of the ACORN and the SEIU and instructed them to go out among the masses and force them to bow to the will of the new dictator, and so they did.

And the Obama said we need to give free healthcare to the people but some were skeptical. They couldn't read the proposal but the Pelosi of San Francisco said unto them "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it," but the people of Congress were not convinced and tried to stop the bill.
So the Obama told the people that his healthcare would not cover illegal aliens. But the people on the right of Congress were made angry and shouted "you lie!" So the Obama told the people that a Supreme Court decision would allow foreign countries to contribute to political campaigns of the people on the right, but the court justices frowned and whispered "Not true!"

The twilight one continued to lie and deceive the people but eventually, with enough threats and bribes, the bill became law and the people saw what was in it but couldn't understand it. They then became angry and demanded that the law be repealed. But the Obama looked at what he had done and smiled and said it was good, and he told the people they would love it once they tried it, words not unlike those said to Eve in the Garden of Eden when offered the forbidden fruit.
By and by the people began to see that the Obama was not the great Messiah that they had believed him to be, and all but the people of Kool-Aid began running away. So the one born of the twilight became more enraged and told the people that it was not he who had failed, but that it was those on the right side of Congress who had caused it. But the people on the right of Congress had no power and it was clear that the false prophet had again tried to mislead the people.
And the people cried out “where are the jobs? We have no work.” And the great leader said “you can come work for me and take of the census,” but offered nothing to encourage the employers of workers to hire. Instead, the high ruler told the people that the employers are too rich and evil and will not survive under his rule. And he told them that the Chamber of Commerce is evil and will support those who oppose his policies of socialism. And the people said commerce is good but the high one said it is not and the free enterprise system must give way to the wishes of the people of the Marx.

But by now the people had become wise to the trickery of the twilight one and only laughed. And the people said let us rise up and have a tea party and get rid of all those who stand with this traitor in the house of the people.

So the great masses organized to oppose the people of Kool-Aid and partook of the tea and began shouting at the Obama, "No you can't, not in our country," but the anointed one didn't hear them over the sounds of the birds and of the club smacking the ball on the greens of a far away land.
And so it was that the twilight one continued traveling the lands in search of those who would be fooled by his words read from the glass tablets in front of him, and he told the people to go out and vote for those who had betrayed them. So the poll takers went out and surveyed the people and the people said "down with the anointed one and all of his followers." And it was good.

Election day is November 2nd. Be sure to vote and know for whom you are voting, and why.