Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Does What You Say Even Matter?

Bob Eberle of GOPUSA recently had this interesting article about the people wanting one thing and the politicians not listening to them in both parties. I have added one more item Bob didn't mention at the end.

Politicians love to claim that they are doing what they do "for the good people of America." They say that their actions are the "right thing to do," but how many of them actually listen? How many are actually doing what the American people want? Recent elections indicate that the answer falls somewhere between slim and none.
There are a host of issues I could address in this column, and please feel free to add more. First, there is Obama's health care program. The American people didn't want it, and yet, Obama and the Democrats forced it through for reasons such as 1) They had the numbers; 2) It would put the government more in control of YOU; 3) It would drive private health insurance companies out of business. None of those had to do with the will of the American people.
Even now, as Republicans in the U.S. House move to defund ObamaCare, the Democrats are still complaining. The American people, however, remain opposed to the plan. According to a poll by
Rasmussen Reports, 56% of those surveyed favor repeal. Of those, 43% strongly favor repeal of the law. Only 40% oppose repeal. Are you listening, Democrats?
How about what's going on in Wisconsin? For more details, check out my
column from yesterday. In short, the Democrats in the Wisconsin Senate have fled the state rather than vote on a bill supported by Wisconsin's governor. The bill would help balance the budget by making state union workers contribute more to cover their benefits and put restrictions on collective bargaining. Of course, Barack Obama has come out in favor of the unions, but where do the American people stand?
In a poll released Monday,
Rasmussen Reports indicates that 48% of likely voters side with Wisconsin's governor. Thirty-eight percent side with the unions.
Thirty-six percent (36%) of all voters say that in their state the average public employee earns more than the average private sector worker. Twenty-one percent (21%) say the government employee earns less, while 20% think their pay is about the same. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure.
With states across the country finding that benefits for public workers are becoming difficult to fund in the current economic climate, support for public employee unions has fallen. Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans favor them, and 45% don't. These findings include 21% who Strongly Favor such unions and 30% who are Strongly Opposed to them.
How about immigration laws? Remember when Arizona enacted a law in order to combat illegal immigration? The law basically restated what was already on the books at the federal level. What did Obama and company do? They condemned the law and forced legal action. What do the American people think? According to a
poll released last week, 67% of likely voters "think a state should have the right to enforce immigration laws if it believes the federal government is not enforcing them." Only 22% disagree.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters continue to favor passage of an immigration law like Arizona's in their own state. Twenty-eight percent (28%) oppose such a law, and 15% are undecided about it.
This is consistent with support for the law since its passage last spring, even after a federal judge put key provisions of it on hold in July as part of the Justice Department's ongoing legal challenge.
That's just a sampling. The point is that the Democrats got blown out in November because they were not listening. They were acting on a left wing agenda, while the American people were calling for less spending, less debt, and lower taxes. As a new
Rasmussen Reports poll indicates, Republicans have a nine-point lead on the "generic congressional ballot." According to the poll, "46% of Likely U.S. Voters nationwide say they would vote for their district's Republican congressional candidate, while 37% would choose the Democrat instead." The Democrats ignored America, and they are paying the price. In 2006 and 2008, Americans turned away from the Republican party, because that party wasn't listening. Did they get the message? Only time will tell.

One thing Bob didn't mention is the fact that republicans ran on limiting the debt ceiling of spending that the dems ran up and is bankrupting the country. Now that they are in they are considering voting on raising the debt ceiling. The debt is unsustainable now as it is. Absolute power corrupts no matter who gets in. We're screwed with either party it seems.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Riots in the Middle East and Wisconsin. One of the Same?

I was listening to radio talk show host Aaron Klein yesterday who challenges terrorists on his show and he brought up a good point saying the people who are organizing the riots in the middle east are the same ones organizing in Wisconsin. He cited various communist groups in both camps and George Soros funded groups. He may have a point.

At first I supported the protests in the middle east as freedom is contagious and isn't this what we want for those people? Don't we all want women to be able to work besides men in the work place? Don't we all want everyone to be productive and free from threats of their leaders? Don't we want women to have equal rights? Of course we do, but to these protestors I say be careful what you wish for. These leaders like Mubarek may be dictators, but they were supporters of the west and us and we traded with them and got much needed oil from there. These protestors want them out, but by the same token they are Islamic and hate the west and don't have anyone to put in to replace what they are chasing out. In Egypt the military and Mubarek's V.P. is in charge now and in Libya the army is crushing the people and killing them with 200 dead so far. This leaves it wide open to have someone worse come in like the muslim brotherhood. A good example is Iran when we chased the Shah out and Ayatollah Khomeini came in under the guise of reform and made Iran into an alI slamic state under Sharia rule.The same can happen there now with the muslim brotherhood waiting in the wings with baited breath.

In Wisconsin the protestors are protesting over the government wanting to take away their collective bargaining rights.There are thousands protesting and I don't think half of them even know what they are protesting or don't care. They are just there for the fun of it.It reminds me of the Marlon Brando movie "TheWild One" when a woman approaches him and says, "Hey Johnny what are you rebelling against?" and he replies,"
Whaddaya got?" Yesterday's Daily News had a picture of women protestors doing yoga excercises there while protesting. Give me a freakin' break and gag me with a spoon. Teachers are on strike and bussing in students who don't even want to be there. That is an abomination. They should all be fired and arrested like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers that time. I'm sure there are plenty of teachers waiting for jobs in this economy. Even doctors are getting in the act. Shameful, Shameful. Need a note from your doctor so you can continue protesting the Wisconsin budget bill? No problem. Now there are "doctors" on the street corners of the state capitol passing out "sick notes" to whomever needs them. Meanwhile, 14 Democrat legislators continue to remain in hiding, having fled the state rather than fulfill their duties to debate and vote on measures Republican Gov. Scott Walker thinks will help save the state budget.

These unions are government financed unions paid for with taxpayers money not like the unions of old paid for with union dues from it's workers. Most people in the private sector have to pay for their own pensions and health insurance with part of their weekly pay and so it should be with these people. Dick Morris explained it perfectly in his column saying, " The union mobs have taken to the streets in Wisconsin to protest hotly against having to pay 12.6% of their health insurance (the private sector average is 20%) and 5.8% of their pensions (private sector average is 7.5%). They want us to subsidize them so they can get to be richer than we are! Upward redistribution of income!" Add to that that Obama said he supports the protestors as does Pelosi and Reid. Obama is taking sides instead of leading and he supports redistribution of wealth. Like in this song I heard says "Instead of just leadin' his heart's out there bleedin.'

I liked the sign from one of the tea party counter protestors that said, "The time for your free ride is over." And so it should be. Pay into your own pensions and insurance like the rest of us.

YouTube - "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack" by Jonathan McWhite Tea

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iraqi Claims His Lies about WMD's led to Iraq war

An Iraqi Intelligence informer that Colin Powell used to justify we invade Iraq has said he made up lies about Saddam having WMD's so the rigime would be toppled. He said he was glad his lies led to the Saddam regime falling and Saddam being put to death so Iraq could be free once again. Rafi Ahmed Alwan-Al Janabi said even though 100,000 civilians died it was the right cause for Iraq to be free. So to the" Bush lied thousands died" crowd I say this, "Bush didn't lie the Iraqi lied." There are several loop holes in this guy's story if it is true. First of all I distinctly remember members of the Iraq Liberation Front (ILF) coming to then President Bill Clinton asking for help in ridding Saddam because he had WMD's. This led to Clinton bombing from the air. We know Saddam gassed his own people and put them in mass graves by the thousands which we later uncovered.

All the countries said Saddam had them . France said he had them, Germany said he had them, Saudi Arabia said he had them. You mean to tell me this was all because of this one guy??? Later on after Saddam had been captured, the American soldiers who were his guards said he told them he concocted the story of having WMDs to keep Iran at bay since the Iran/Iraq war. The Bush administration asked Saddam three times before we invaded Iraq to give up his WMDs and each time he refused. That made him look guilty. When the inspectors went in every time they wanted to check a place out, Saddam would make them wait several hours before allowing them inside and eventually asking them to leave the country.. This also made him look guilty. If he was bluffing then he played a dangerous game which led to his downfall and eventually demise. Actually that is a good thing for the world with Saddam out of the way and the world is a safer place and if he didn't have them he would eventually have acquired them. In fact we found 50 tons of yellow cake uranium there which we shipped back here which the media is lothed to report. In a short article I read that the media's darling Joe Wilson (remember him and his wife?) even said he did discover Saddam was buying Uranium from Nigeria which he was sent to investigate, but said if he reported that he was afraid Saddam would use it so he said Saddam wasn't buying any from Nigeria. The media covered that up pretty fast too.

Another theory says Saddam had Russians take out all the WMDs as we were going in and shipped them to Syria:

"The short answer to the question of where the WMDs Saddam bought from the Russians went was that they went to Syria and Lebanon," former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense John. A. Shaw told an audience Saturday at a privately sponsored "Intelligence Summit" in Alexandria, Va. (www.intelligencesummit.org)"They were moved by Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) units out of uniform, that were specifically sent to Iraq to move the weaponry and eradicate any evidence of its existence," he said.

I report you decide :) Check out some of these comments from readers:

"Saddam did not (allow) freedom in our land," the Iraqi said. "There are no other political parties. You have to believe what Saddam says, and do what Saddam wants. And I don't accept that. I have to do something for my country. So I did this and I am satisfied, because there is no dictator in Iraq any more."Today in America you could simply replace 'Saddam' with '0bama' and understand the situation our nation finds itself in.

I don't care what anybody says. I am glad Saddam is gone. Saddam supported terrorism which many of you have forgotten, he fired at our planes in the no fly zoen which is in itself an act of war, he threatened Israel, and laundered billions of dollars in the oil-for-food scam. Even on the issue of WMD's, Saddam himself admitted that he went out of his way to fool the world into thinking he had this stuff. Saddam's own Generals thought he possessed WMD which is why they were scrambling to find them in the last hours before the invasion. Not to mention that there are still rumors that Saddam might have smuggled WMD stuff into Syria. According to Charles Duefler, Saddam had every intention of reviving his WMD programs once the sanctions were lifted which were erroding around the time of the invasion. So that means by now in 2011, we might be dealing with an Iraq with WMD. That is a threat we no longer have to deal with and I am glad.

Iraqi: I'm proud my WMD lies led to war in Iraq...

A Daily Briefing on Iran: Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMDs

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egypt Democracy Protests-What a Mess!!!

Egyptians in Cairo are still not moving as the Egyptian Army takes control. Many residents are also asking for the protestors to move. Democracy does not come over night and these people seem to expect it to..Sure they are glad Mubarek is gone,but what is to come? They don't have any candidate and Mubarek's VP Omar Suliman is supposed to be in charge. Egypt's recently appointed vice president, Omar Suleiman, made the announcement today that a military council, with Tantawi at its head, would wield power in the nation in Mubarak's place, even though Suleiman, formerly the country's intelligence chief and who oversaw the torture of an Al Qaeda suspect, would have represented little of the change the protestors were hoping for, experts said.
"Mubarak and Suleiman are the same person," said Emile Nakhleh, a former top Middle East analyst for the CIA. "They are not two different people in terms of ideology and reform."

Many analysts fear the same thing that happened in Iran with their revolution that was meant by good intentioned people that led to the Ayatollah coming in and today is harsh, strict Islamic state under Sharia law could happen here in Egypt.. A recent Pew research poll showed that the majority of Egyptians may favor something very different than what they are fighting for and protesting:
A Pew Research Center Poll shows that Egyptians want something very different for Egypt than most of us had been hoping. Investor’s Business Daily summarized highlights from the Pew poll:

• 49% of Egyptians say Islam plays only a "small role" in public affairs under President Hosni Mubarak, while 95% prefer the religion play a "large role in politics."

• 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith.

• 82% support stoning adulterers.

• 77% think thieves should have their hands cut off.

• 54% support a law segregating women from men in the workplace.

• 54% believe suicide bombings that kill civilians can be justified.

• Nearly half support the terrorist group Hamas.

• 30% have a favorable opinion of Hezbollah.

• 20% maintain positive views of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.

• 82% of Egyptians dislike the U.S. — the highest unfavorable rating among the 18 Muslim nations Pew surveyed.

As the saying goes,"be careful what you wish for." Obama made a statement that the people have spoken and this was a non violent revolution. I guess he forgot about the 300 people who were killed during this revolt. He handled it very poorly and was all over the place in supporting Mubarek then the protestors. He also stated he didn't hear about Mubarek leaving until he heard it onTV just like the rest of us.You mean to tell me the media knew about it before he did? Where are all his state department people reporting to him who are supposed to keep him informed of on going events?. I guess they were all asleep at the wheel.

'Poodle' now in charge...

Top of the list to replace Mubarak -- candidate who is anti US, Israel..

.Bolton: Egyptian Democracy May be Bad News...

King Tut statue among missing Egypt treasures..

.Protesters still won't leave Cairo square...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Muslim Obama

Recently an Iowa caucus focus group showed that more than half the people think Obama is a muslim. In this day and age when Islamist extremists are talking about world domination of Islam, that is a serious posistion for the President of the U.S. to be in. I have always a suspected him of being a muslim since his father and stepfather are muslims and in the muslim religion/culture the off spring take on the religion of the father. He is a pretender hiding behind Christianity to get elected. No Christian would go to foreign countries and trash our country. No Christian would bow to foreign leaders. It is clear by his actions,words and policies that he hates America. He himself has stated that if the winds should change he would side with the muslims.
The muslims have announced a three point plan to take over the West (US) from within.(1 Get as many muslims in here as possible. There are currently 3-6 million muslims here now. 2) Get as many mosques built as possible. There are currently 2,500 mosques in the country and growing. 3) Get elected to office so you can "change" laws. Obama is shredding our constituition and has appointed muslims to high posisitons like on the Homeland Security dept. During the campaign Obama talked about changing America and I believe this is what he meant. Everyone that voted for him thought the change was a change from Bush who they hated unmercifully thanks to the lies of the liberal media creating that hatred. They didn't realize it was a change of America to a socialist state and fall into muslim hands eventually. If you look at his healthcare program closely you will find it is the trojan horse for total government control over the people.

Below is a statement from an article from GOPUSA on this matter and some comments that I feel tell it like it is and whom I also agree with especially the last two. I report, you decide.

Regardless of Obama's true religious beliefs, the fact remains that he has passed on opportunities to portray Islamic terrorist organizations as terrorist organizations. This sends the wrong message. If the current Egyptian government crumbles, will friendly, democratic, pro-U.S. leaders step forward? The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization, and it is poised to have a major role in Egypt.

Is Obama a Moslem? (I prefer the term Moslem or Mohammedan) I believe he has Moslem sympathies from his early personal history. I do not believe he is a Christian. He followed Black Liberation Theology for twenty years and that is not Christianity. I believe he is a Marxist-Leninist with a strong dislike for America’s history, traditional values and White Americans. His mother and grandparents were “fellow travelers”. His childhood mentor was a Frank Marshall Davis, a famous Communist. By his own admission in his first book, during his college years he hung out with socialist professors and other radicals so as not to be a “sell out”. When he could have been anything, he rejected traditional America and white people in particular to become a “community organizer” in order to advance the socialist agenda. In the last hundred years every political movement that emphasizes the “worker” has been socialist. Obama is forever tied to the union movement. What ever is religious belief, he is a socialist. His crime is that he has lied to the American electorate about who he is. The socialist agenda can not advance on its own merits. To advance, it must be disguised as something else. Obama must be exposed for what he is at every opportunity. Our 2012 Presidential Candidate, whoever he or she may be, must confront Obama with this in a very methodical and sober way in order to edify the voters. This must be done in the presidential debates as the media has abdicated its responsibility to the American public. We should not make the mistake of attacking him personally, but his policies and core beliefs must be savaged and even ridiculed. If properly exposed, they will not pass the “smell test” of even the most uninformed voter.

Everything Obamster does whether it is skipping the national day of prayer while observing the Islamic celebration, bowing to Muslim kings, offering Islamic terrorists legal protection afforded only to US citizens, refusing to identify terrorism’s connection to a religion, attending an anti-American church for twenty years, not taking his wife to Islamic countries during his apology tour, ignoring the 35 jihadist training camps presently operating in the USA, taking a vacation in Hawaii during the Christmas season, not wearing jewelry during Ramadan, etc. etc. all point to his personal beliefs being in line with the Muslim teachings.By the way, how many campaign promises has he broken? How many out right lies has he told since in office? How many distorted and inaccurate statements concerning US history has he made?The guy is a professional liar and the Koran (his sacred book) teaches that it is okay to cheat, steal from, kill and LIE TO the infidels (anyone who disagrees with them) in order to accomplish their agenda of world domination.We need some folks in Washington with the guts to address these issues head on.

He is neither Muslim nor Christian. He is a Great Pretender, and he’ll “be” whatever he thinks benefits his political power the most at the time.
If anything, he is an atheist who worships himself only.

My mother always taught me “actions speak louder than words”. I have seen NO Christan actions from this person, but have seen many Islamic actions. I have seen no equal under the law actions, but have seen very bias racial action.So regardless of saying that he is a christian it is what he has and is doing that shows all of us what he really ISHe even stated in his book that if there was a ‘choice to make’ he would choose Islam. So, even his words point out who he really is.

Obama is, at the very least, a Muslim sympathizer who is more interested in keeping the Muslims happy than in keeping America strong and free. He is know liar who will say anything, and claim to be a believer in any religion, that he feels will help his leftist causes. Is he a Muslim? For all practical purposes, yes.

It is a documented fact that Barack Obama was born into a Muslim family and attended Muslim schools as a child and young adult in Indonesia (there are several photos of him dressed in his Muslim garb and he has stated publicly that the Muslim ‘call to prayer’ is the most beautiful sound in the world). Depending on how one “becomes” a Muslim (e.g., attending Muslim schools, being born into the religion, etc.), either Obama is actually a Muslim by faith or birth, or he is in fact an apostate (punishable by death according to Sharia law).
Either way, it is not a good situation for an American president to be in when Western Culture itself is at war with Islamic true believers who are illiterate as a group and reproducing like rabbits around the globe. Obama himself is not helping distance himself from this problem by seemingly embracing Muslims at every turn, while taking outrageous and insane actions in his administration such as proclaiming NASA’s central mission is now to make Muslims feel good about themselves. No matter how all this is being spun, fellow citizens, we have a big problem on our hands here.

I believe Obama is whatever religion, whatever race, has whatever beliefs as are convenient for him to have at the time he’s trying to reach whatever goal he seeks. In the case of reaching the presidency, he had to profess to be a Christian to get elected. He had to pretend to go to church and he even went a time or two to be visible.
Then he turned his back on the guy whose church he said he claimed to have attened for years as soon as the preacher was exposed as a racist who hates white people in general. Had he wanted something from the Moslem world, he would have found a way to associate himself with them. Seems to me if Obama went to Rev. Wright’s hate the whites church for umpteen years, he would have claimed a different shepherd. Common sense tells me that!
Look at Obama. Listen to his hollow words. That is all I need to tell me he stands for nothing other than himself. I would be willing to wager that he’d ditch his wife and daughters if he though they were holding him back. Sorry, I just don’t believe they guy is sincere about anything, most of all religion.
In his heart, I don’t think he has faith in any religion. He’s too egotistical and arrogant to bow before any God. Most of the time he seems to think he is a god.
Do I believe he was planted by Islam to disrupt this country? No! I won’t go into the reason I don’t believe that but suffice it to say that I lived in predomiently Moslem countries and have reasons for my belief that trump any you can come up with.
Do I believe that if there were to be a conflict between Christians and Moslems he would side with the Moslems? Yes. I think that all pepole go back to their “roots” in terms of religion and, in his old age, he will turn back to what he was in early years.
He was schooled in Moslem schools in his early years so that is the faith he will ultimately embrace just like I was brought up in a typically Christian culture and I will turn more toward Christianity in times of trouble. That all falls under the heading of human nature.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Super Mess at Halftime at the Super Bowel

First of all let me say I am not a resounding football fan, but I do watch the super bowel each year for the half time show and commercials, but this year I was particularly interested because two great teams were playing each other and the hype that preceeded it all week.

The game itself was exciting and enjoyable I thought, but the entertainment was atrocious. First of all Christine Aguilera opened with the Star Spangled Banner which she's done before without a hitch, but this time she flubbed the words and at the super bowel no less which must have been a huge embarassment for her. Instead of "'O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming" turned into "what so proudly we watched at the twilight's last [unintelligable lyric]." Luckily, Aguilera had the quick, crowd-rousing "rocket's red glare" line to follow it up, which she nailed and got the packed Cowboys Stadium quickly on her side. Backstage she wouldn't talk to anyone and later released a statement apologizing to everyone for letting down America and said it was from the excitement of the big game. I don't blame her for when the whole world is watching you it is bound to shake you up inside. Don't feel bad Chistina we understand and forgive you.

What is not forgiveable though is that atrocious half time show by the Black Eyed Peas. It amounted to be one big headachey, noisey, screeming banshees with hip hop (rap) music thrown in surrounded by overly annoying special effects. And where did they get those hundreds of dancers in whiteTron like costumes that lit up dancing around the stage? Did they place an ad in the paper saying "Dancers wanted for the super bowel half time show. No experience necessary. Will train. Apply within."? To make matters worse they had Slash from Guns and Roses appear and he seemd way out of place and added nothing to it. You couldn't even see him up close or hear him play above the noise. Then they had Usher come out dancing and doing acrobatic splits to his song which was barely recognizable. Adding to all this annoyance they had to get politcal and added this verse (which I didn't realize until I read it afterwards) "Obama,get these kids educated/create jobs so the country can be stimulated." Why do these entertainers always have to bring in politics? Don't they realize they're political morons anyway? What a super mess this whole thing was. Check out some of the comments below and laugh:

Jana says:
February 6, 2011 at 7:02 pm
Black eyed peas suck.. that was the worst half time show I have ever seen. I had to turn the channel!!!!!!

UpChuck.Liberals says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:31 pm
This was the first and the last time I’ve heard them. Awful comes to mind. They should stay out of politics too.

Tired of the Ubiquitous POTUS says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:56 pm
You’re right. Must we be constantly reminded of “Dear Leader” both before the game and then in the lyrics of the half time entertainment? Honestly, it’s a football game. Obama should Just. Stay. Away.

spiffy says:
February 6, 2011 at 9:15 pm
They do look a little old to still be believing in the tooth fairy theory of job creation.

No Flags says:
February 6, 2011 at 7:20 pm
My sofa fell asleep during their show. It’s still in a stupor.

Linda says:
February 6, 2011 at 7:04 pm
I thought the half-time intertainment was simply awful!

shooter says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:12 pm
Intertainment? WTF is “intertainment”?

Rick says:
February 6, 2011 at 9:47 pm
“Intertainment” (which is what the BEP’s provided) is a low quality generic substitute for Entertainment..

None of them are that talented and it shows in a huge venue like the Superbowl.

mindbender says:
February 6, 2011 at 7:08 pm
I guess no one stopped to consider that they are not musicians. They are nothing more than an overproduced product. You know, like the power rangers.

Stevie says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:38 pm
Like Obama!
Zzz. That show felt like it lasted forever. It defined boring and yet managed to be tacky.

Kevin says:
February 6, 2011 at 7:41 pm
Fergie could have used some auto-tuning. Worst halftime show evah!

Windfall says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:13 pm
Next year’s Super Bowl half-time show will feature Clueless Comrade Barry, Dingy Harry, Nancy “Smiles” Pelosi and Hillary “They Were Shooting At Us” Clinton in black and silver KISS costumes “singing” (or should that be properly referred to as “mouthing”) the words to Государственный гимн СССР into an auto-tune mixer over a disco beat with 20,000 Useful Idiots wearing neon-like LED-enhanced Nineteen Eighty-Four Thought Police costumes and jumping up and down like Devo dancers on meth.

Emerald says:
February 6, 2011 at 8:54 pm
The press is just in a tiff that they dare say anything that could be construed as negative about Obama.

Ron says:
February 6, 2011 at 10:01 pm
The fact this already pathetic band said anything sounding like support for the most pathetic president in our lifetime Obama GUARANTEED that they get a pathetic review when 60% + of this country can see through his BS and knows how pathetic he is.