Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egypt Democracy Protests-What a Mess!!!

Egyptians in Cairo are still not moving as the Egyptian Army takes control. Many residents are also asking for the protestors to move. Democracy does not come over night and these people seem to expect it to..Sure they are glad Mubarek is gone,but what is to come? They don't have any candidate and Mubarek's VP Omar Suliman is supposed to be in charge. Egypt's recently appointed vice president, Omar Suleiman, made the announcement today that a military council, with Tantawi at its head, would wield power in the nation in Mubarak's place, even though Suleiman, formerly the country's intelligence chief and who oversaw the torture of an Al Qaeda suspect, would have represented little of the change the protestors were hoping for, experts said.
"Mubarak and Suleiman are the same person," said Emile Nakhleh, a former top Middle East analyst for the CIA. "They are not two different people in terms of ideology and reform."

Many analysts fear the same thing that happened in Iran with their revolution that was meant by good intentioned people that led to the Ayatollah coming in and today is harsh, strict Islamic state under Sharia law could happen here in Egypt.. A recent Pew research poll showed that the majority of Egyptians may favor something very different than what they are fighting for and protesting:
A Pew Research Center Poll shows that Egyptians want something very different for Egypt than most of us had been hoping. Investor’s Business Daily summarized highlights from the Pew poll:

• 49% of Egyptians say Islam plays only a "small role" in public affairs under President Hosni Mubarak, while 95% prefer the religion play a "large role in politics."

• 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith.

• 82% support stoning adulterers.

• 77% think thieves should have their hands cut off.

• 54% support a law segregating women from men in the workplace.

• 54% believe suicide bombings that kill civilians can be justified.

• Nearly half support the terrorist group Hamas.

• 30% have a favorable opinion of Hezbollah.

• 20% maintain positive views of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.

• 82% of Egyptians dislike the U.S. — the highest unfavorable rating among the 18 Muslim nations Pew surveyed.

As the saying goes,"be careful what you wish for." Obama made a statement that the people have spoken and this was a non violent revolution. I guess he forgot about the 300 people who were killed during this revolt. He handled it very poorly and was all over the place in supporting Mubarek then the protestors. He also stated he didn't hear about Mubarek leaving until he heard it onTV just like the rest of us.You mean to tell me the media knew about it before he did? Where are all his state department people reporting to him who are supposed to keep him informed of on going events?. I guess they were all asleep at the wheel.

'Poodle' now in charge...

Top of the list to replace Mubarak -- candidate who is anti US, Israel..

.Bolton: Egyptian Democracy May be Bad News...

King Tut statue among missing Egypt treasures..

.Protesters still won't leave Cairo square...

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