Earlier this week on Sean Hannity's night time TV show he had a one on one interview with film maker Michael Moore. Sean said on his radio show that the interview was supposed to be a fifteen minute interview and went on for forty five minutes so he showed it on two consecutive nights and I must say it was an interesting segment.
At the beginning of the interview Sean told about the bet he had with Michael. If Bush was impeached or resigned from office he would have to wear a "I love Hillary " button on his show for a week and if not then Michael would have to stand in front of the whitehouse with a sign that said "Sean Hannity was right." Sean then showed a picture of Michael standing in front of the whitehouse with the sign, but said that it was a mock up and the pic was taken in their studio. Michael said you should have seen the looks and heard the comments he got walking the streets of New York with the sign. :D
After the introduction they got down to business. Sean asked Michael about his latest movie "Capitalism; A love Story." Michael asked Sean if he saw it and Sean said he had and he had to go in with dark glasses and a hat at a later showing so noone would recognize him as it was probably all of Moore's followers. Sean then proceeded to tell Michael that if it weren't for capitalism he would not be where he was today. Sean proceeded to ask Michael how much he's worth and Moore responded by saying "Let's just say I'm doing pretty good." Sean responded with"But Michael you're a multi millionaire" Moore admitted he had a house in Michigan and an apartment in New York but refused to divulge what he made. When Sean listed all the amounts each of Moore's films made Michael responded that the studios get a lot of that and he doesn't get it all.
I consider myself very astute when it comes to viewing people and able to pick up on them by their body languiage and facial expressions. I noticed Moore seemed to feel out of his element being in the FOX News studio and looked down a lot instead of directly at Sean. This to me shows insecurity. When Sean came at him with his rat-a-tat rapid fire that he's good at I noticed Michael looked like a little kid who's father is scolding him and he knows he's right. Sean's had other liberals on his show who were more straight forward and sure of themselves which made for a good debate. but this showed me Moore can dish it out but can't take it.
They went on with the debate with Sean asking Michael about his last film showing Cuban healthcare was better than here. Sean asked Michael if he would go to a Cuban Hospital and Moore said the ones they filmed were all very good. Sean then showed a piece of film his crew did that purported to show a Cuban hospital in utter filth. It looked like an abandoned hospital to me as there were no people around. Michale laughed and said "Where are the patients Sean? Where are the doctors and nurses. ?" Suddenly a little blurb showed some patients in poor beds and Sean said "See. There they are." Michael still laughed and said where are all the doctors and nurses again Sean?'"I noticed that too and thought Sean was pulling a fast one,though I have seen pics of very poor Cuban hospitals that are filthy.
At the end of the interview Sean thanked Michael and shook his hand and again I noticed Michael seemd a little surprised and was half shaking Sean's hand. I think Michael Moore is a very insecure person and a true muckraker...............So Obama,the man who was going to unite the country is still dividing it further and further. I for one am enjoying this. It 's like a good old fashioned wrestling match. Bob Eberle of The Loft site had this to say about Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize: Are you kidding me? Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize? Bobby Eberle, The Loft This article shows just how insane and politically oriented toward global socialism the Nobel Committee has become. Read the citation carefully. What does it tell you? It tells me that the Nobel Committee and the UN stand for everything that is in direct opposition to American values. This "award" is was not given for any accomplishments of the community organizer in chief (there haven't been any), but rather was given to encourage that mutt in the White House to continue with his global socialism policies at the cost of stripping America of her world status and independence. The Nobel Committee has outdone itself now after previously awarding Al Gore for narrating his global warming movie promoting the biggest hoax the world has ever seen. The Nobel Prize is now a confirmed insult to any patriotic American. ..............This morning I heard liberal columnist Jeff Greenfeld talking to Don Imus and Greenfeld said awarding the prize to Obama was the European nations thanking us for not electing another George Bush. Yeah Jeff, Bush only liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan that's all. Greenfeld also asked Imus how he likes working at FOX News and had some nasty comments about FOX as being biased and partial saying their slogan should be Deride and Divide. Yeah Jeff, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS are all objective?????
Monday, October 12, 2009
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Fantastic Blog!!!
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