Saturday, February 28, 2009

Comments Obama should listen to

The other day I heard some interesting comments on talk radio that worth bare repeating here. The first was by Dick Morris on Sean Hannity's radio show when he said, "LBJ had his war on poverty. Obama is having his war on prosperity." Great comment Dick ;). Then economist Larry Kudlow said on his noon radio show that "a country that spends more, produces less and a country that taxes less, produces more." The total opposite of Obama's plan which takes us all into bankruptcy. Talk show host Mark Simone told a caller to his show that economists estimate that if all the money spent on the stimulus package were given back to the people, every taxpayer would receive $25,000. They would spend this money on things like cars, a down payment on a house, pay off credit cards, go on vacations and buy goods like flat screen TVs and computers. That would all stimulate the economy. Now that's a stimulus plan. This is precisely why Obama and his socialist cohorts like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want to do away with talk radio.

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