Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where's Obama, Where's FEMA and Where's the Media?

So far 55 people have died in the ice storms in kentucky, thousands are powerless and shelters are overflowing. People are being told to go to motels if they can afford it. This has been going on for more than a week now. So where's FEMA? Where's Obama? Where's the media? I've heard Obama is in the whitehouse which he keeps at 75 degrees. Can you imagine if this were Bush? They'd be asking for his head on a silver platter. Four years later they are still talking about Katrina. At least 55 people didn't die in katrina. I guess that's because Kentucky is a red state and media people are too busy having bug eyed orgasms over Obama and like Chris Mathews having tingles up and down their legs over him.

Tom Daschle has quit in his running to be Secretary of Health Commissioner in Obama's cabinet and another woman too both for refusing to pay their taxes . Tim Geitner, newly appointed head of the IRS didn't pay his taxes for four years either. Hillary is named Secretary of State in spite of the fact that foreign governments have donated millions to her husband's library. They don't donate out of the goodness of their heart they donate with the idea of getting something in return and now she's Secretary of State? Give me a break. No conflict of interest there. Geoffrey Holder is made Attorney General after pardoning Marc Rich and FALN terrrorists. This is only part and partial in a long list of corrupt officials in Obama's administration. Yet through all this the spokesman for the anointed one has the audacity to say "...WHITE HOUSE: 'The bar that we set is the highest that any administration in the country has ever set'.... REALLY???? You could have fooled me. :D

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