Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Give Obama a chance??? Sorry I'm not boarding the Titanic

So the half black muslim decides to give his first interview on a foreign country Arab TV station and tells them "America is not your enemy." Ok that's a start, but then he goes on to bash America and say "Too often America dictates and does not listen." Hey Barack baby, America just liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan and made the world a safer place. People say to give him a chance.Well I always warned about him making us a socialist state during the campaign and people wouldn't listen. Now we are becoming a socialist state right before our eyes. I'm opposed to a trillion dollar stimulus package loaded with pork. I'm opposed to the redistribution of wealth, I'm opposed to the nationalization of banks as proposed by Nancy Pelosi and other dems. Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, she is recomending billions of dollars in the stimulus package for birth control and abortions to stimulate the economy saying smaller families are a good stimulus. Never mind the fact that she has five kids herself. I'm opposed to nationalizing our health care system which would be a disaster. I'm opposed to closing GITMO and sending those terror maniacs to our neighborhoods and giving them miranda rights as Obama has suggested. Miranda rights apply only to citizens of this country, not foreign terrorists. A caller to Sean Hannity's show said Obama is the captain of the ship now and we should support him and give him a chance. At this point the way we are heading, he is captain of the Titanic headed for that fateful iceberg.
Obama met with Republicans to discuss his stimulus package. A blogger site had spies within the meeting who sent e-mails out about what was going on inside. Here is a copy of that meeting as posted on Drudge and comments that followed:

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Tales From The Inside: What Obama Told Republicans
January 27, 2009 03:54 PM ET
Paul Bedard Permanent Link Print
By Paul Bedard, Washington Whispers
President Barack Obama went to Capitol Hill today to push Republicans to back his $825 billion stimulus plan. While they probably won't, he won points for reaching out to the minority, making good on campaign promises. What's more, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel plans to fete more Republicans tonight. At the meeting today, Obama's comments were to be off the record, but we've got some notes on how it went down. Here's what we were told and E-mailed from various sources:

- "Obama is speaking now. He is talking about how bad the economy is and that it is deteriorating rapidly."
- "Mentioned Caterpillar and Microsoft having to layoff workers."
- "The president said that the stimulus is 'just one leg in multi leg stool to get economy going.'
- "He wants to deal with the housing market more aggressively."
- "This is just the first step."
- "Obama said the he would 'like not to have to spend the stimulus money.'"
- "He also said that he has 'no interest in increasing government just to increase the size of government.'"
- On taxes, "Obama says tax relief for some working families must come from payroll so even families who don't pay income taxes get relief and they will spend it."
- On GOP complaints, "he said that 'there will be time to beat him up and a time for politics. He said I understand that and I will watch you on Fox News and feel bad about myself.'"
- "Obama said if we can do more small business tax relief, 'we should do it, but I am just as concerned about the long term impact of tax cuts as I am about spending.'"
- "He also issued concern about the debt. 'I will be judged by the legacy I have left behind. I don't want to leave our children with a legacy of debt. I am inheriting an annual yearly debt of over $1 trillion.'"
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Washington Whispers.
Republicans Barack Obama Rahm Emanuel

Read all 16 comments about this article

First he takes a shot at Limbaugh, now Fox News. Is it just me or does this President seem awfully thin-skinned?
No1Dad of NJJan 27, 2009 16:15:41 PM
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They have the majority and don't need the Repubs so why are they scared
Obama wants the Republicans to go along so he will have someone to blame since they must feel this isn't going to work. Otherwise, they would just go ahead and pass the thing since they don't need to Republican votes. And why does Obama always have to bring up FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh. This man is nothing but divisive. There is nothing about him that is bipartisan and nothing about him that isn't sneaky. To me it seems so obvious but the policicans and news media people are like high schoolers that want to be cool and with the in crowd, to go along. Are their any grownups in the crowd anymore?
Joan of VAJan 27, 2009 16:17:45 PM
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The Audacity
GOP people need to wake up. This guy is going to push the most radical leftist agenda in U.S. history. This country is a center-right country and we should keep centrist policies in place. Contrary to people thinking Obama doesn't have a clue, it's scary to actually realize he has a clue and the first seven days of his administration should put the GOP on alert.
No playing favorites. The Dems want to silence us. We can't just kill them with kindness. This isn't some Student
Senate from your college days.

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