Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to the USSA United Socialist States of America

Barbara West, a news commentator from Orlando Fla. dared to ask to Joe Biden if Obama was a Marxist with his spread the wealth around statement to Joe the Plumber and used the quote from karl Marx "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs " to further emphasize her question to Biden.. Biden immediately became incensed and stated flately that he wasn't and only a far right wing republican would think that. Oh yeah Joe?. The Obama campaign immediately banned the station from any other comments. This speaks volumes about the Obama campaign and their socialism. Want more proof? Joe the plumber innocently asked Obama about his taxing higher income people and spreading the wealth around so it would make it harder for people like him to have a business and hire people. Because he dared ask that question, Joe came under the scrutiny of government officials investigating everything about him. Obama stated he wants to tax higher income people and give people who don't pay taxes ,a tax refund also(from each accordingto his ability to each accordingto his needs).

Another socialist idea Obama wants to initiate on us is what he calls " job insurance." All working people would all be taxed and if a person leaves their job and accepts a job where they work ten hours less, the government will pay them the diference so they would make the same as their old job. Compliments of you and me of course. Just like in France. Again from each according to his ability to each according to his needs. Marx would be proud. Another concept Obama is considering is eliminating all 401Ks. People would be forced to sell them and invest them in government savings and give five percent of their salary for a measly three percent return. Sources for this are US News and World Report, Jim McDermott's website and various news sites. Yes welcome to the United Socialist States of America where as talk show host Curtis Sliwa recently stated,"The only change people will see is the loose change in their pockets from him taxing us all." Anyone who votes for this half black Marxist muslim and his idiot loose cannon VP running mate deserve exactly what they get. Click on the link to learn how we got here.

The Rise of the United Socialist States of America

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe (insert foot in mouth)Biden strikes again

Joe Biden did it again inserting his foot in his mouth by saying "Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking... Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy... And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you... we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right. There are gonna be a lot of you who want to go, 'Whoa, wait a minute, yo, whoa, whoa, I don't know about that decision'..." Joe mentioned that there could be five or six places this could come from. YIKES Joe.!!!!! Let's hold his feet to the fire on this one. If we are attacked again, those of us who survive should remind Joe and everyone else that Biden Knew just like they said Bush Knew after 9/11. For Biden to make such a statement speaks volumes. What does he know that we don't? Bob Eberle has a good article on this very subject and Biden's other gaffes I'm including here:
Leave it to Joe Biden to say in one speech what John McCain has been unable to say for an entire campaign. Yes, there is the issue of the economy. (Obama's ties with Fannie and Freddie have barely been mentioned by McCain.) Yes, there is the issue of taxes. (McCain can't seem to explain how cutting taxes for all is better than class warfare and socialism). Yes, there are a host of issues where McCain has a better plan, but one of the most important, especially in a time of war, is that John McCain is ready to be commander-in-chief from Day 1.
Obama has no foreign policy experience and is not ready. Thankfully, Obama picked Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate. This gives Biden plenty of time at the podium and plenty of opportunities to open his mouth. At a speech on Monday, he reminded everyone what the consequences will be by putting a foreign policy novice in charge of the world's strongest military...

During a speech in Seattle, Biden said, "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking." Biden added, "Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur."
Thank you, Joe Biden! Thank you for saying what we all know to be true. When Ronald Reagan became president was the world lying in wait to test him right away? As I remember it, the day Reagan was sworn in as president was the day our American hostages were released from 444 days of captivity in Iran. America wasn't tested, it was respected.
Obama's socialist agenda puts him on the wrong side of many issues, and foreign policy stands out like a sore thumb. He would hold friendly chats with leaders such as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Doing so, of course, would lend validity to the rhetoric and actions of these people, but that doesn't seem to sink in to Obama.
Then, there is Iraq. Following the success of the major combat operations, the war was not going well at all. Terrorists were moving in, taking control of key locations, and they were winning in their mission to disrupt the transition. McCain not only supported the surge strategy, he was also one of the strategy's strongest supporters. The strategy worked, and now we hardly hear about Iraq in the news at all. I guess if there's nothing bad to report, the media will simply move on to something new like digging up dirt on Joe the Plumber.
Obama, as we all know, opposed the surge. He had no plan of his own other than to simply get out. But retreat is not a plan. Leaving Iraq unstable and in the hands of terrorists is not a plan.
followed-up on Biden's comments by saying, "We don't want a president who invites testing from the world at a time when our economy is in crisis and Americans are already fighting in two wars."
"What is more troubling is that Sen. Biden told their campaign donors that when that crisis hits, they would have to stand with them, because it wouldn't be apparent Sen. Obama would have the right response," added the Republican nominee, who was spending Tuesday in Pennsylvania, another battleground. "Forget apparent. Sen. Obama won't have the right response, and we know that because we've seen the wrong response from him over and over during this campaign."
We can all thank Joe Biden for bringing this up. His affinity for gaffes is legendary, and he may just be the best thing to happen to the McCain campaign. As compiled by
Fox News, Biden's gaffes just keep on coming, including saying that Obama should have picked Hillary Clinton instead of him: "She's easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me."
Biden also tried to score points during the economic crisis by saying, "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed." However, as noted by Fox News, "Herbert Hoover was president in October 1929 when the stock market crashed. FDR wasn't elected until 1932, and television made its debut a decade later, in 1939."
Speaking about coal, Biden said told Virginia mine workers, "Hope you won't hold it against me, but I am a hard coal miner -- anthracite coal, Scranton, Pennsylvania, that's where I was born and raised." But, of course, he was never a coal miner. Fox News reports, "While his great-grandfather was a mining engineer, his father ran a Delaware car dealership and worked in the oil business. His campaign tried to spin the comments as a joke."
Biden's gaffes are great to listen to, but his latest one is also quite serious. America is at war, and we need a president who is ready to lead. McCain has to make that message clear. McCain has a better tax plan, will appoint better judges, will not engage in class warfare, and will bring his wealth of foreign policy experience to the White House. We can't afford a president whom terrorists
will look to "test."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mean, Nasty, Ugly followers of Nobama

The left is really lifting their ugly head once again as always. These people claim they are the party of tolerance, peace and love, but disagree with them and they become the meanest, nastiest, ugliest people on earth. Disagree with a liberal gay and you're branded a homophobe, disagree with a liberal feminist and your branded a sexist, disagree with a liberal black person and you're branded a racist, disagree with a liberal in general and you're a nazi and fascist and in the dark ages to boot. A McCaine supporter has KKK scratched into his car, young adults show up at a McCaine rally wearing t-shirts calling Sarah Palin the 'C' word (a slang referance for a certain part of the female anatomy). Cookie Gleason(one of Rush Limbaugh's assistants) had a McCaine sticker on her car and an Obama supporter left a note saying "If McCaine gets in and a woman is raped, McCaine and Palin will make that woman adopt the baby". Sheeeesh. See the tolerance and peace and love in these people?

Even the messiah himself Barack Nobama got into it with a man who is now a celebrity called Joe the plumber. Nobama came to Joe's neighborhood and Joe asked him how could he hope to own the business he works for if he keeps raising taxes on it. He said the company was worth $250,000 a year. Nobama said he intends to share the wealth and give it to people who don't have it so they can be successful like Joe. Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of America). Well the media went after Joe like nobody's business, McCaine held Joe up as a hero and example of an average American trying to make the American Dream during the debates. So what does Nobama do? He insults Joe by saying, "McCaine is fighting for a plumber" to the roars of laughter from the crowd. Nobama goes on to say "How many plumbers do you know who make a quarter of a million a year" to which his crowd laughs harder. Nobama should do his research. We recently had a mold problem and one plumber we called wanted $700 so it is quite conceivable that they can make $250,000 a year. Besides if they do make that much like Joe's company,they no doubt are employing people too and not putting them on welfare like Nobama wants. These latest comments by the messiah Nobama go right along with his insult of people in Pennsylvania who he said"cling to their guns and religion in antipathy of people like him." Yes the left is anything but tolerance, peace and love. Nobama and his leftist followers are mean and nasty, nasty and mean, and as the popular bumper sticker I see on cars says,"Mean people suck!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Damnation

Jesse Jackson Jr.recently stated in an Obama administration Isreal would not be a top priority and all the attention will be to the Arab nations to bring America closer to Islam and the muslims. This after his father said similiar remarks about Isreal saying under Obama Zionists who have protected Isreal for decades will lose clout. The Obama faction immediately went into defense mode saying Jackson doesn't work for them. However his son does and is somehow connected in a close position. This is very scarey. Isreal has always been our closest friend and staunchest ally in the war on terror. To put her on the back burner in favor of the Arabs speaks volumes about where Obama's interests lie and what he plans for this country. I have always said he was a muslim hiding behind being a Christian and is the muslim's man for over here in their quest to make this an Islamic state by the year 2020 they say. So far they are right on schedule. Obam's actions of intimidation to anyone who opposes him and his comments about sharing the wealth of those who are rich are all straight out of the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. Consider his sending 20 lawyers to Alaska to find stuff on Sarah Palin.All they came up with is that stupid trooper incident which was a whole lot of nothing. Or how about sending those so called truth squads to Missouri to intimidate anyone who said anything negative about him. Fortunately the governor of Missouri had the cajones to write him a letter saying to back off. Or how about when the sheriff in North Carolina at a McCaine rally referred to Obama by his middle name,"Hussein". Secret Service agents were dispatched to tell him you must never utter his middle name. Liberals loved to compare Bush to Hitler, but with their man Obama, they HAVE Hitler and Stalin live and in person. Anyone who votes for this fake,phoney,fraud half black commie muslim deserves exactly what they get. Don't come crying when you find your freedoms are gone. You make your grave and you lay in it. Below is a letter written by a retired Colonel Harry Riley about what a danger Obama is to this country: DEADLY THREAT Friends,Political games in our nation have gone too far....America is at the brink of committing internal destruction...we must knock off the stupidity, infatuation with an "empty suit" and come to our senses.Obama plans, along with radical American citizens and Muslim radical butchers abroad, to destroy our nation by any means, violent or non-violent. Anybody believe this, think I'm nuts? We going to sit idly by and watch America go up in smoke or down the socialist/marxist path? What has happened to America to allow a slime bag like Obama to get such a grasp on the ignorant minds in America?Ok folks, forget all the b.s. that Obama and McCain are saying, there's not much difference in their "solutions", and consider the background of the two presidential candidates...which do you think should be the next President of the United States, our Commander-In-Chief based on the following?Obama is unknown, there is some question if he is an American citizen, and can only be evaluated based on what he has done and who he associates with. Here, to name a few, are people and organizations he supports and yes, pals around with:Bill Ayers, Co-founder of radical Weatherman terrorist group who bombed the US Capitol and Pentagon; Saul Alinsky, communist, radical anti-American mentor; association with Black Panther Party; foreign Muslim contacts while in college; Saudi Arabian monetary support for college; association with Louis Farrakhan, radical American Nation of Islam leader; Rev Wright of "G.d damn America" who Obama cites as his spiritual mentor; Palestinian Liberation Organization connection; possible Hamas terrorist organization connection; college roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chando and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan; travels around the world (to include Pakistan) while in college funded by whom; close association with Antoin "Tony" Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, convicted felon in Chicago; Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now(ACORN)as their trainer and attorney, trained ACORN organization under investigation/involved in voter fraud.McCain has warts but served in the military 22 years, a POW for 5.5 years, and has fought hard to win the war in Iraq.Forget about all the issues and focus on what these two men represent...God help can Americans of any party consider putting the worldly fate of our nation in the hands of Obama, an unknown, untested, "phantom figure" that has spent most of his life with criminals, terrorist, and anti-America elementsMy dear friends, wake up before it is too late..........Obama spells destruction for America, the only choice now is John McCain/Sarah Palin.Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

Friday, October 10, 2008

Chris Mathews on MSLSD

Tonite I had to take my wife to the hospital for what turned out to be a case of the flu.While we were in the waiting room, they had Chris Mathews on MSNBC or MSLSD as Mark Levin calls it and appropriately so I may ad. As I was forced to watch him I faceitiously said to my wife,"They shouldn't have him on in a hospital waiting room with people with high blood pressure here." Just then a man with high blood pressure was sitting next to us and they took his BP right here it was 280/160. I said to my wife,"See what listening to libs does to you?" Anyway, Mathews was talking about the latest Obama/McCaine debate. He played the part where a person from the audience shouted out to McCaine"ACORN" referring to the group Obama helped found and is associated with all kinds of voter registration fraud. Mathews just dismissed them as a welfare assistance group that's been around for decades. Excuse me Chris, but ACORN has given subprime mortgages to 5 million illegals who couldn't pay them back. Excuse me Chris, but that welfare assistance group has registered more phoney voter registrants than there is population and the FBI has raided several headquarters in California and Missouri using such names as the Dallas Cowboys. Mathews then went on to have a guest who was a Sarah Palin staffer who must have been a disgruntled staffer for Mathews to have him on. Chris asked him what he thought of Sarah.He said she was a good person,but not qualified to be VP. Like Obama IS qualified to be president. (sic). Mathews asked him how she got to be governor and he said she ran against a governor who was so hated that she won easily. When Mathews realized he couldn't get much out of him he said, "Well you're no use to us." I was nauseous and ready to have my BP checked at this point, but then again what do you expect from a guy who gets a tingle up and down his leg at the mere mention of Obama's name.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Election Warning

This election will be the most important election in our lifetime and determines the future of America. It is more than republican vs. democrat, it is the difference between socialism and freedom and eventually us becoming a muslim state. I was never a big fan of John McCaine's and disagreed with him many times, but the alternative of an Obama presidency is far far worse. Obama is a socialist pure through. He wants to destroy this government and establish a new one. So far with the help of the liberals who support him and most of the mainstream press behind him, that is happening. Do you want to be dependant on the government for everything from cradle to grave? Barack and the libs want that.
Don't believe this malarky about him giving the middle class a tax cut and only raising taxes on those that make over $250,000 a year. He plans on rasing taxes back up to 30% or higher from the Clinton years after Bush lowered them to 15%. We've heard that before when Bill Clinton campaigned on giving the middle class a tax cut and then a month after he got in office he made his now famous speech,"I worked harder than I ever did before to bring you a middle class tax cut but I can't." He then proceeded to give us the highest tax increase in history. When you raise taxes on people who make that much you increase your problems. These are the people who hire people and give raises.When you increase taxes on corporate heads they lay people off and don't give raises. These are the people who buy luxury items like yachts and large homes which goes back into the economy. When you raise taxes on them they lay people off and hold back buying expensive items. Obama also plans on raising the capital gains tax to 30% or higher as he does with the inheritance tax and death tax. This means if you sell your home, 30% of what you make goes to the government. If a loved one dies and leaves you an inheritance, 30% or more of what is rightfully yours goes to the government. John McCaine will at least keep the Bush tax cuts.
In the debate with John McCaine tonite,Obama made several errors. He said we invaded a country that has nothing to do with 9/11. This is not true. We were asked to come in under the Iraq Liberation Act signed by Bill Clinton. People don't understand that Iraq is the center of terrorism. Terrorists from all over the middle east want Iraq for the oil to finance attacks against us. We're there fighting to prevent that and to help build Iraq up to protect themselves and be more democratic. Freedom is contagious and once other middle east countris see Iraq thriving they will want to be free also and the world will be a safer place. I understand Iran's people want us to come in there and free them also. Obama wants to pull out and announce a timetable. McCaine acknowledged that and said what a dangerous move that would be. Then AlQueda and Iran would just sit back and wait. AlQueda has annouced they support Obama, Hamas says they support Obama, Most of the middle east and muslim countries and our enemies all support Obama. Doesn't that tell you libs anything? Don't any bells go off? I mean the Big Ben kind? Surely it's not to just get along peacefully. Muslims have said they intend to take us over from within and so far they are right on schedule. A vote for Obama is avote for Islam. The critics and libs say "'no, no, No it can't happen here," but it does just like in Nazi Germany. So think hard before you pull that lever. Real hard. The future and freedom is in your hands now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Was Obama born here?

I recently received the following article about whether Obama was born here or not and thus be able to be President of the U.S. If this is true he may very well be an illegal alien also who never filed for citizenship.This article says it better than I could so read it and spread it around. If enough people see it things can surely "change." Let's "Change" the half black muslim's future rein of power and prevent it before it starts.

JUDGE ORDERS OBAMA TO PRODUCE BIRTH CERTIFICATE By Jon Christian RyterOctober 3, 2008 On September 29, 2008 US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick, the federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in the matter of Philip J. Berg vs Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the world was distracted by the $700 billion subprime mortgage crisis. Obama sighed a breathe of relief as the mainstream media chose to ignore the question: "Can Senator Barack Hussein Obama legally seek the office of President of the United States?" The flap began in June when National Review's Jim Geraghty raised the question and asked the Obama Campaign to release a copy of his birth certificate in order to prove that he actually was born in the United States. (Reports had previously surfaced claiming that Obama's Kenyan grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, told reporters that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. She reportedly told reporters that when her son, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. returned to Kenya hewas accompanied by a pregnant white wife who was close to term.) Obama's family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama well according to Sarah Obama becauseshe was white. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama's grandmother said the baby was born in Kenya and that shortly after Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii. Purportedly, when she arrived back in Hawaii, Stanley Anne registered her son's live birth as an event which had just happened­in Hawaii. This supposition is based on the appearance, shortly after Nov. 6, 2007, of a Hawaiian birth certificate that was issued, as a duplicate birth certificate, by the State of Hawaii to a US Senator who requested it. While the Internet screamed that the birth certificate, which appeared on the Obama Campaign's "Fight The Smears" website and was also downloaded and used by far left blogger Markos Zuniga on his website, Daily Kos, it was not an electronic image concocted by Daily KOs as was hypothesized by a self-described cybersleuth who uses the cyber pseudonym Techdude. It was the real McCoy­even if it was issued as a political favor to a prospective Democratic presidential candidate by a Democrat official in Hawaii. The county clerk who issued the document, which purports to be a copy of an original document, was date stamped "Nov. 6, 2007" on the reverse side of the birth certificate in blue ink which bled through and is visible on the front of the electronic image. Attorney Philip J. Berg, the former head of the Montgomery County. 20 Pennsylvania Democratic Party and a former member of the Democratic State Convention and, reportedly a Hillary Clinton supporter, wanted to learn the truth from the myriad of rumors that also suggested that Sen. Obama may also have been a citizen of Indonesia. The only consistent part of the story was Stanley Ann returning to Hawaii to claim he had been in the United States and was a US citizen. In his ruling, Judge Surrick noted that the "...cause came before the United States District Court Judge, Honorable R. Barclay Surrick on defendant Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic National Committee's motion to dismiss." The order continued, "Having reviewed the motion and plaintiff's opposition to said motion and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that the motion to dismiss pursuant to F. R. C. P. 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6) is denied. It is further order of this court that the following discovery is to be turned over to plaintiff within three (3) days. 1. Obama's "vault" version (certified copy of his "original" long version) birth certificate; and2. a certified copy of Obama's Certificate of Citizenship;3. a certified copy of Obama's oath of allegiance." In his original filing, Berg specifically asked for those three items. Berg told the court that " the time P laintiff's complaint was filed, Plaintiff was requesting protections from the court in order to stop Obama from being nominated by the DNC as the Democratic Presidential Nominee as Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States. However, Obama was nominated by the DNC... For that reason, Plaintiff must amend his complaint and will be amending this complaint to file a First Amendment complaint...." Berg argued that he felt it was the role of the Federal Election Commission to ensure that presidential and congressional candidates are eligible to hold the positions for which they were seeking, and that those candidates run a fair and legitimate campaign. "In vetting the presidential candidate," Berg argued, "the DNC and the FEC are required to ensure the eligibility requirements pursuant to our Constitution are met and the Presidential nominee, if elected, is qualified and eligible to serve pursuant to our United States Constitution. In order to be eligible to run for the Office of President of the United States, you must be a "natural born" citizen. "There appears to be no question that Defendant Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a US citizen. It is also undisputed, however, that his father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a citizen of Kenya. 20Obama's parents, according to divorce records, were married on or about February 2, 1961. "Defendant Obama claims he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. on August 4, 1961 and it is uncertain in which hospital he claims to have been born. Obama's grandmother on his father's side, his half-brother and half-sister all claim Obama was born not in Hawaii but in Kenya. reports reflect that Obama's mother traveled to Kenya during her pregnancy; however, she was prevented from boarding a flight from Kenya to Hawaii. at her late stage of pregnancy (which apparently are normal restrictions, to avoid births during flights). By these reports, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama gave birth to Obama in Kenya, after which she flew home and registered Obama's birth. There are records of a "registry of birth" for Obama, on or about August 8, 1961 in the public records office in Hawaii." Berg's investigators revealed that Obama's own half-sister Maya Soetoro­with whom he was raised seemed not to know where her own brother was born. In the Nov., 2004 interview by the Rainbow Newsletter Maya Soetoro said Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961 at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. In February, 2008 Maya was int erviewed by the Star Bulletin. This time she told reporters that Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Kaliolani Medical Center for Women and Children. On June 9, 2008 Wayne Madsen, a journalist with Online Journal published an article in which he said a research team went to Mombassa, Kenya and located a Certificate registering the live birth of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. to his father, a Kenyan citizen and his mother, a US citizen. Berg's argument to the court was that under the US Nationality Act of 1940, Section 317 (b), a minor child follows the naturalization and citizenship status of his or her custodial parent. In Obama's case, Berg argued, a minor child follows the naturalization and citizenship status of his or her custodial father. Obama's Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetora signed a statement acknowledging Obama as his son, giving Obama natural Indonesian citizenship, which explains the name "Barry Soetoro" and his citizenship listed as Indonesian. Loss of US citizenship, under US law in effect in 1967 required that foreign citizenship be achieved through "application." Which, according to Berg, is precisely what happened to Obama when his mother married Soetoro and the family moved to Indonesia. =2 0When Obama and his mother moved to Indonesia, Obama had already been enrolled in school, something that could not have happened under Indonesian law if Soetoro had not signed an acknowledgment (the application) affirming that Obama was his son, it deemed his son to an Indonesian State citizen. (Citizenship of Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 9 of 1992 dated 31 mar. 1992, Indonesia Civil Code): "...State children of Indonesia include: (viii) children who are born outside of legal marriage from foreign State citizen mother who are acknowledged by father who is Indonesian State citizen as his children and that acknowledgment is made prior to children reaching 18 years of age or prior to marriage; Republic of Indonesia Constitution, 1945." Furthermore, under Indonesian law, if a resident Indonesian citizen married a foreigner - ­in this case, Lolo Soetoro marrying Stanley Ann Obama­she was required to renounce her US citizenship.In his lawsuit, Berg demanded a copy of Obama's Certificate of Citizenship, a document Obama must have applied for to regain his citizenship ­which was lost in Indonesia. He will have that document only if the proper paperwork was filed with the US State Department when Obama returned to Hawaii in 1971 since that is the only way Obama could regain his US "natural born"status. Berg is convinced20that Obama was never naturalized in the United States after his return. Obama returned to his maternal grandparents in Hawaii without his mother. Since she is the only one who could have filed for the reinstatement of his citizenship, it is unlikely it ever happened. If it did, his Certificate of Citizenship would affirm his right to seek the office of President. Without it, Barack Obama is just another resident alien who can not legally hold his seat in the US Senate.

Sarahmania strikes again

Sarah Palin hit a grand slam homerun in her debate with Joe Biden last night. She proved she was more than capable of the job. She was very responsive, lively and vibrant in her answers and showed the audience she knew what she was talking about. She was able to connect with the common person and especially women all over. Joe Biden was good in his responses and answers too and although he was very statesman like and proved knowledgeble he struck me as being tired and testy. He represents the old congressional way of thinking while Sarah represents something new and refreshing. I noticed Joe Biden had a "me too" air about him. Every time Sarah sited some accomplishments of hers or John McCaine Biden came out with an "I did that too" attitude.
After the debate many people were interviewed. In one focus group conducted by Frank Luntz consisting of a good cross section of people of all political factions, the feeling was overwhelming in favor of Sarah. One pollster even said it was a 9/11 moment with everyone coming together. On Hannity and Colms, Alan Colms tried unsuccessfully to counter Sarah with former Bush advisor Karl Rove who cited 10 dead wrong mistakes in Biden's arguments and with former NYC mayor Rudy Guiliani. Alan finally had to concede "I'm having a tough time tonite." Alan even got into a heated argument with Dick Morris. After interrupting Morris several times, Morris interjected back, "Look Alan if you're going to keep interrupting me then get another guest otherwise listen to what I have to say." Dick went on to say,"Hillary better move over because there's a new NO. 1 girl in town." Way to go Dick! :D. Even the libs they had on to counter Sarah had to concede mentally even though on the outside they said their guy won, you could tell on the inside they knew other wise. I have never seen such dour looking people in all my life. Greta Van Sustern was elated too and all smiles. She interviewed two people from Alaska Public radio. One, a woman who supported Sarah and said this is the Sarah they all know in Alaska and that's how she is in private too if you were to meet her in a supermarket and the male counterpart who had a look on him like he just finished sucking on a bowel of lemons and all he could say was this was the folksy side of Sarah.
The left has been vicious and raging in their attacks on Sarah. It's one thing to be critical, but their attacks are so reminiscent of an abusive husband verbally abusing his wife. That reprobate and scumbag Bill Mahr calling her a bimbo and Tina Fey portraying her as clueless and Charlie Gibson and katie Couric slicing and dicing her interviews to make her look and sound like something she's not is totall youtrageous. Now McCaine's camp has to get her out there more and let her be herself. In her interviews with katie Couric and Charlie Gibson she seemed too rehearsed and too crammed with knowledge like studying for a college final. Here she was herself and admitted this is her best forum. Biden kept bringing up the failures of the Bush administration and saying the dem talking points that McCaine will be more of the same. Sarah rightly and humorously pointed out that for a guy who talks about the future he keeps going to the past. Long past I might ad. Yes Sarah kicked is tookus alright and did it with class, humor, dignity and sophistication. Sarahmania has struck again. Now onto the lamestream media and their planned agenda to put the half black muslim in power. Defeat of this muslim is America's last great stand for freedom here.