Thursday, February 25, 2010

Socialist Obama and the Healthcare Summit

So Obama claims he's not a socialist and claims he's all for free enterprise. Oh really???? You could have fooled me. That's why he took over the auto industry which is now regulated by the government so they can tell us what kind of car to drive. It's Government Motors now not General Motors anymore. That's why he took over the banking industry so the government regulates all financial transactions now and that's why he and Pelosi and Reid are grabbing one seventh of the U.S. economy with this health care bill that nobody wants and jamming it down all our throats whether we like it or not. He trashes our country overseas, he trashes big business and takes from us thru tax after tax and redistributes it. He trashes the rich and anyone who makes a profit as if they are selfish hoarders never minding that the rich are people who drive this economy and create jobs. . No he's not a socialist. MY ASS he's not!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama Rejects Cries of 'Socialism'.. *

Speaking of healthcare. Today Obama held a healthcare summit with republicans for six hours that was broadcast on live TV . It was supposed to be a trap for republicans so the world could see how they are rejecting Obama's bill, but it ended up embarassing Obama as he plainly showed he had no clue as to what was in his 2400 page bill he's proposing and stuttered and stammered in trying to grasp for answers to republican's questions. So much so that he had to have an aid come to his rescue and whisper in his ear what to say. This is a leader???
These recent headlines from Drudge say it all.:


News channels quickly lose interest in summit...

'I don't count my time because I'm the President' -- Obama on why Dems had double the speaking time...

TIMES OF LONDON: Obama bores America into submission...


Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs 'Almost Immediately'...

CNN Poll: Only 25% want Dems to pass their health bills....

McCain invokes 2008 campaign promise at summit...

President scolds Rep. Cantor for bills on desk..

Biden: 'It's easy being vice president -- you don't have to do anything'...

New Dem Party tool aims at flooding talkradio airwaves...

Columnist Ron Kessler of Newsmax has an excellent column on Obama's polices are built on hot air which I couldn't agree with more. I'm enclosing it here for you all to read:

Obama's Political Skills Built on Hot Air
Thursday, 25 Feb 2010 08:07 AM

By: Ronald Kessler

Most of us learned from our parents that you don’t put the cart before the horse. That’s most of us. President Obama apparently never learned that lesson.The latest example is Obama’s orchestration of a bipartisan healthcare summit to listen to ideas from Republicans and come up with a new plan. But days before the summit, Obama released his own version of a healthcare bill that was even more costly than the ones passed by the House and Senate.Obama’s strange way of approaching governing goes back to his first days in office, when he announced that he would close the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay even though he had no idea where the prisoners would go. More recently, Obama let Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. designate Manhattan as the location of a civilian trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed without checking with law enforcement officials to see what impact such a trial would have on the security of the city.Obama’s lack of basic executive competence should come as no surprise. Beyond his own campaign and his senatorial office, Obama never ran anything. Only one of the measures Obama proposed as a U.S. senator was enacted: a bill to “promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” It would be difficult to imagine a more mediocre record. Yet with the help of fawning reporters, Obama managed to parlay extraordinary speaking and political skills into a presidential campaign built on hot air.In his memoir, Obama wrote an extraordinarily revealing passage. He recalled how being a community organizer taught him different ways to motivate the powerless and work the government to help them. As his chief example, he cited an effort to remove asbestos from Altgeld Gardens, an all-black public housing project on Chicago’s South Side. After three years working as an organizer, Obama could say he helped obtain grants for a jobs program and got asbestos removed from some pipes in the project. But as the Los Angeles Times noted, the “large-scale change that was needed at the 1,998-unit project was beyond his reach.” To this day, most of the asbestos remains in the apartments. Despite this failure, Obama devoted more than 100 pages of “Dreams From My Father” to his experiences at Altgeld Gardens and surrounding areas.“When classmates in college asked me just what it was that a community organizer did, I couldn’t answer them directly,” he wrote. Instead, he said, “I’d pronounce on the need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds. Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt. Change in the mood of the country, manic and self-absorbed. Change won’t come from the top, I would say. Change will come from a mobilized grass roots.” Thus, Obama admitted that he accomplished very little but that he was able to cover that up with fancy talk.Now Obama is bringing that same cynical approach to governing the country. Instead of electing a president, America has elected a sloganeer.

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