Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Thoughts

Much has been said about Obama's birth certificate naturally and I myself in my previoius blog have expressed my belief it is a forgery, but I agree with the editor of the The Great American Journal, JR Dieckmann who I have a lot of trust and respect for that even if it is a forgery like many have espoused in letters to him, that noone is going to care, not the media naturally, not the left and not the supreme court so the best thing is to vote him out in 2012. Until that time we're stuck with this lying lunatic until Jan.20th 2013. God help us all......Donald Trump is very popular now and says he's running for president. He' s no.1 in the polls and people love him.The reason for that is Donald is very up front in opposing Obama and is not afraid to say it like it is. Sure he's supported dem candidates in the past ,but he supported republicans too. He bashed Bush, but he also bashed Clinton and now Obama which shows he's non partisan and calls the shots where they fall. People wish poiliticians had the guts he does to confront their opposition not like these gutless republicans who cave at the slightest criticism. Donald gets criticized left and right and still he persists. He loves his country unlike the current occupant and has dealt with countries like China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. He knows the economy inside out and know s all it's workings and knows how to wheel and deal. He's doing the job of these republicans we elected to do.

Take the budget deal for instance. They first said they were going to cut 100 billion from the budget from a debt that is 14 trillion and a deficit that is almost two trillion, then it was 68 billion, then it was 20 billion now we're down to just millions and they plan to raise the debt ceiling while cutting the budget. Be strong you guys and not so milquetoast. Get some backbone in you like Trump has and is doing. If you're going to cut 100 billion then by all means do so, don't fluctuate after you made the statement. Don't let these dems walk all over you. People like to see a good fight that's why Donald is so popular. Don't wimp out like you always do........Dick Morris has an excellent commentary comparing Libya to Vietnam and us getting into a another quagmire there. This time it is under Obama and you can't blame Bush. First we were going to bomb Libya to protect civilians, then we were going to bomb Libya to cripple the Libyan army, now we are sending in advisors from Britan,France and India, to train the Libyan army and teach them how to fight and use weapons, now we're sending in drones to bomb his compound and the next step will obviously be to send in ground troops, allied ground troops followed by U.S. ground troops and we 're stuck in this quagmire again.

I am enclosing two links below. One is a computer expert examining Obama's birth certificate in great detail and the other is Dick Morris' excellent video.

Dick Morris video:

To access the video - Go here!

Obama's BC manufactured:

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