Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Barack Hussein Osama Obama

Obama is in the Middle East now telling them we are the largest muslim nation in the world and the media is having orgasms over him and not challenging him. On MSNBC today reporterette Lara Logan said "all the muslims all over the world are having their hopes raised for him and muslims all over the world are expecting so much from one man." What high hopes and what are they expecting? Radical muslims have stated that they intend to make us a muslim state under Sharia law by 2020 and intend to take over from within. They may have their wish sooner than that if Obama has his way. I sincerely believe he is their chosen one for that purpose. He has no knowledge of our history and what is what population wise. So far muslims make up only 1% of the population. Lebanese American author Brigette Gabriel who writes against radical Islamists recenly stated she was shocked to hear Obama in France saying we are a muslim nation. She said Obama should tell muslims to unite against radical islamic extremists and he is very wrong in trying to appease them.

When critics challenge his statement about us being a muslim country, his supporters in the media quickly point out that "he really meant this and he really meant that." Well why can't HE say what he means then instead of them interpreting and spinning for him. He better choose his words more carefully. He can land us all in big trouble which is what he seems to be doing anyway. A few months ago in Europe he said "we are not a Christian nation." Our country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. Obama claims he is a Christian, but I don't believe him, especially after attending that weird church of Rev.Wright's and listening to his anti American retoric for 20 years. It was bound to make an indelible impression on his mind. I don't think he ever converted from being a muslim. A good Christian wouldn't be going around the world apologizing for his country. A good Christian wouldn't bash his country like Obama is doing and a good Christian wouldn't hang around people like William Ayers who doesn't regret setting off bombs at the pentagon, New York police station and U.S. capital.

He also stated that although we have freedom of speech in the United States we shouldn't force our values on other countries. FORCE???? We have fought for liberty and freedom in all our wars in history to liberate people from oppression and dictatorships. When Bush was in office he said how "countries around the world yearn for freedom and we will be there to support that freedom." This is what Obama should be extolling, not trying to wimp out and apologize for everything we've done. That makes us look so weak in the world because he is weak.

Obama hates this country it is plain and clear to see as he goes around the world apologizing for us and making us look like wimps in the eyes of the world. We even fought and shed blood in places to save muslims in Bosina, Serbia ,Kosovo and other places recently and liberated muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan from brutal dictators like Saddam Hussein and the taliban and are still doing so. He should expound on these details and tell the muslim people how the United States was always there for them and not resort to appeasement like he is doing.

With his speech in Cairo it is said it consisted of 6000 words. That's all it was, a lot of words. He called for a new beginning with muslims and the U.S. and called on Isreal to stop settlements. Isreal is one of our most valued allies in the mid-east and Obama is turning our friends into enemies and enemies into friends. Rush Limbaugh pointed out seveal factual errors in Obama's speech like saying Islam is responsible for Algebra when it originated in Greece or saying Islam contributed geat music to the world culture when music is banned in most Islamic countries. He also mentioned about the great inventions of Islam like the compass when the compass actually originated in either China or Central America. Whoever writes his speeches should do their research or maybe it was just him kissing up to the muslims. It's nice he's trying to reach out to the muslim world, but I think he's incredibly naieve about the existence of evil in our time. Like I said, his speech was just a lot of words.

Meanwhile, Osama Bin laden issued a new message from his cave somewhere in Afghanistan comparing Obama to Bush in sending American troops to mid-east countries. Meanwhile the media here calls Osama and Al Zawhiri "has-beens" and makes Obama out to be the new leader of muslims in the world. Obama and the media better be careful what they say. The majority of muslims in the world may be decent people, but remember it only took 19 extremists to kill 3000 of our people on Sept. 11 th and there is talk the next one will be worse.

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