Rush Limbaugh reported on his show yesterday that the media noting that Obama's ratings have fallen 19 points since January stated it must be because of racism in this country, after all, his healthcare plan is perfect, cap and trade is perfect his stimulus plan is perfect so it must be racism. Excuuuuuse me state run media, but it's your guy Obama himself who is the racist.
In his autobiography he states how he sought out black radicals in his college years. These were people who rebelled against white society like Huey Newton and Angela Davis and others. He describes his grandmother as "a typical white woman who would cross the street if a stranger were walking down her side." That's not toooooo racist a statement. He also puts down his mother's white heritage and hails his father's black heritage. Obama spent 20 years in a black afro-centric church led by Rev. Wright and swore to uphold the charter and principles of that church which swears allegiance to Africa and not America and backs the idea of reparations for slavery.(A little aside here. My own feelings about reparations for slavery is why should I have to pay for something I didn't do to someone who wasn't there.) I'm sure that being in that church and listening to Rev.Wrights America hating, racist sermons all those years has undoubtedly made indelible impressions on his mind.
Most recently was the incident involving black scholar Henry Gates, (Obama's friend) and white police sgt. Jospeh Crowley. Obama immediately sided with Gates and played him as the victim and said the cops "acted stupidly." Obama later admitted he didn't know the facts so it was HE who acted stupidly when he spoke too soon.
Meanwhile conservative talkshow host Glenn Beck comes under fire for calling Obama a racist and a black group called Color of Change led by one of Obama's Czars convinces advertisers to withdraw from Beck's show. As luck would have it, Beck's show has since given FOX its biggest ratings so far, So as far as Obama being a racist goes, he owns it.
By the way, Obama recently admitted he misjudged the deficet and it's almost two trillion times greater than estimated. The CBO stated that the unemployment rate is actually 16% if you count the people who have since given up looking for a job. How's all that hope and change working out for you?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
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