Sunday, November 28, 2010

Obama, Soros And Global Socialism

Well it seems in my previous blog there was quite a little discussion and disagreement going on between two people over Obma's birth whether here or in kenya. It's obvious I'm being monitored by some lefties out there. I always welcome new readers and views.

Even if Obama was born here, he is proving to be very dangerous and destructive to America while blaming everything on his predecessor. He is being backed by George Soros the multi billonaire and darling of the left who's goal is world wide socialism. We have a president who goes around the world apologizing for America making us look weak in the world. He bows down to all the dictators of the world. No president has ever done that. America bows to noone. His wife goes on a crusade against childhood obesity in schools and tells schools what to serve their kids while in the Whitehouse they are having massive banquets where the liquor flows and he smokes a lot. Designers rave about what I consider to be her poor taste in clothes which are atrocious and ghetto like. He chooses to treat and try terrorists in civilian courts instead of military tribunals. The latest one from GITMO Ahmed Ghailani was acquitted of all but one charge out of 285 charges of destroying U.S. government property with our embassies in Africa were 244 people were killed. He faces life in prison, but with a good lawyer will probably be out in a few years. As talk show host Bob Grant used to say,'those that commit an act like this have served notice upon society that they are no longer fit to be among us." I agree.

When Bush left office unemployment was at 5% up from 3% that he brought down from Clinton. Under Obama unemployment is now 10% and closer to 20% if you count the ones who have given up and no longer looking and off the radar screen. When Bush left office the deficet was 500 billion. Under Obama it is almost two trillion. When Bush left office the debt was 1 1/2 trillion. Under Obama it is 13 trillion. All Obama has to do is extend the Bush tax cuts for everyne and everything will come down, but so far he hasn't budged and is considering lowering taxes only for those who make under $250,000.

The Great American Journal has a great article saying the country is fine, but the government is broken. Check it out:

The problem we face is not a lack of good ideas to fix the economy, create jobs, and solve the problems facing our nation. The problem is that the current administration refuses to consider those ideas that would be effective in putting America back on the right track.

As far as the Soros-Obama administration is concerned, America is on the right track. And from their point of view, they are right. Capitalism is being crushed to pave the way for George Soros’ goal of global socialism. He has stated in interviews that the only thing now standing in his way is American capitalism which he intends to destroy if he can.

We can't have incompetent, out of touch, bureaucrats in Washington with no private business experience dictating how businesses should be run. Some of them don’t even understand where these policies are taking the country, but continue to be loyal comrades to the party. Politicians, for the past two years, have been voting for legislative bills - written by Soros’ organizations - without reading them first or understanding what they mean for the country.

The federal government was neither created to run the country nor to control the economy. It was created to represent the country in areas where the individual states could not. These include areas such as foreign policy; national security and defense; immigration; border security; monetary, copyright, and standards of measure; interstate highways; a postal system; and uniform interstate commerce. Federal government today seems to think its job is to run the country and the economy, the Constitution be damned. Major changes are needed if we're going to save our country from global socialism and liberal progressive ruin.

I came across this interesting video of what it would be like if Hitler found out the GOP took the house. The left used to love to compare Bush with Hitler, well they picked the wrong guy. They should look in the mirror because if they did they would find they have met the enemy and it is them. Check this out also below.

If you want to know what the U.S. would be like under Socialism just check out the Rivoli Revue's song U.S.S.of A.. The United Socialist States of America. Very powerful song.

U.S.S. of A.

Our Country Is Fine But The Government Is Broken

Hitler Finds Out The GOP has retaken the House

Trial Guantanamo

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