Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Idiots in Charge

It's plainly clear to see we have dangerous idiots running the country. Biden let's loose with another famous gaffe saying "We misunderstood how bad the economy was." DUHHHHHHHHH Joe. The whole country knew how bad it was. Obama meets with Medvedev and Putin in Russia to discuss disarming nukes while North Korea is firing missiles over Japan and several more into the sea and threatening the U.S. with them. North Korea sets off two atomic bombs and Iran keeps threatening with creating nukes and wiping Isreal off the face of the earth and Obama meets with Putin to discuss the mutual disarming of nukes? Russia has been pretty silent and non threatening for the past decade so why meet with them over that? Recent Drudge headlines shows the idiocy and disagreement between Obama and Biden:


7:45 AM: Suspected US missiles hit militants...

Obama: 'Absolutely' no green light for Israel to attack Iran...

Biden: Israel has right to deal with nuclear Iran...

Obama and the dems are also considering taxing the rich again to pay for healthcare. The rich are already taxed into oblivion. Who do they think the rich are anyway? They are not some Uncle Scrooge character sitting on a pile of mony. They are people who own companies and hire people and create jobs. They purchase expensive homes and yachts and jewelry that goes back into the economy. They are people who work six and sometimes seven days a week averaging 15 hours a day. Just Google The Rich and see for yourself. Most of the rich are first time rich people not from an inheritance like Ted Kennedy. Why should people who work so hard be taxed to pay for everyone else? When they are taxed they close businesses, stop hiring people and stop spending on items that would normaly lead to stimulating the economy. Yes these numbskulls in charge don't know what they are doing.

Income Surtax on Wealthy Taxpayers Likely in House 'Health-Care' Bill...

1 comment:

Niki said...

Right on Blogger. I love the truth and this blog is full of pure truth. Seems odd that Pelosi would call those that disagree with her "Nazis" when she and Obama's leadership is the epitome Nazi dictatorship.
