Monday, July 20, 2009

Obamacare and Obama Economics. Fear Them !!

Obama is fast turning this country into a fascist state with the government in charge of our lives. The government now can tell you what kind of car to drive, the government can tell you how much you can make, the government now regulates the banks and owns the insurance companies and now is going after the best healthcare program in the world. He is destroying our America and I suspect someone very powerful is behind him. Could it be America hating billionaire George Soros and some muslim countries like the Saudies financing him? Can a muslim state be far behind since he is a muslim and they said they will take over from within by 2020.

With Obama's healthcare plan it's all about power. They don't care one iota about the American people. There will be doctor rationing, long lines and inferior care as they cut medications and MRI's also. If you don't have a healthcare plan by the time it goes into effect, you can't choose a private plan for yourself, but will have to go with the government plan. If you don't have a plan you will be charged a 2% tax on your annual income tax, small businesses that don't provide healthcare for their employees will be charged a 5% payroll tax and those making over a million dollars a year will be charged an 8% tax. This will cause unemployment to rise as companies will lay off employees to afford this. There is talk that those that do have healthcare will have their benefits taxed and eventually they won't be able to afford it and have to drop it and join the government's plan.

Senior citizens will be affected by this monster also as there is an "end of life counseling" clause in the plan. This requires all senior citizens to be counseled every five years on how to conduct their lives as they will cut back on any affliction or disease connected with old age and not treat it to save money. In other words, put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.

Here is an excerpt from an e-mail I received called Do You Fear Obama?

Not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand. Do you think there is no reason for this?

The Basic Facts:

Barack Hussein Obama is foreign born, period (Kenya)

Regardless of his birth place, his parents had foreign loyalties (strike 2)

He has foreign loyalties, demonstrated in every policy decision (strike 3)

He’s not Christian, but Muslim

He’s not “black,” but Arab

There is NO U.S. birth certificate, other than the forged COLB

NO Hawaiian hospital will confirm his birth place (he has named two)

His policies are designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic, not to uphold or defend (strike 4)

He won’t go away without a blood bath

These are the basic facts as they exist today. This is the basis for where we are headed…

Marxists established control of academia, the press and the courts years before establishing filibuster-proof control of congress and unfettered control of the executive branch. Obama has appointed more unelected Czars in thirty days than the Soviet Union did in thirty years.

I've said it before and I'll say it again "OBAMA IS NO DAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!"

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