Saturday, July 4, 2009


When I saw the pic of Obama huggiing a cancer stricken woman who had no health insurance, it immediately evoked images of when Bill Clinton was promoting his Hillarycare program. There he was, sittting on a stool at the counter in some diner in the mid-west, microphone in hand, cameras rolling, taking questions from pre-selected audience members, "Oh Bill, my husband just died and I have six children and we don't have any insurance. Please help me Bill," said one.

"I feel your pain," he replied. This is where his famous 'I feel your pain ' quote came from.

"Oh Bill,I'm a single mother with breast cancer and I have two children and am unemployed with no insurance, Please help me."

"I feel your pain," he replied.

And so it went, on and on as he explained the need for government run health insurance. Now today we have Obama pushing his agenda for government run health insurance which would surly be a disaster and he has medical people and groups agreeing with him. To win people over he's showing pure emotion and ideology devoid of the facts and realities. Don't get me wrong, I think there should be some sort of program for people who can't afford medical bills today, but government run is not the answer. I have heard there are things a person can do such as arrange for ways to pay their costs off or pass it onto the state if they are in a certain financial bracket, but having people like Clinton and Obama running health care is certainly not the answer. In fact, I've been in hospitals and seen signs on the wall saying no person can be refused because of lack of payment.

I recently had an appointment with a doctor who was very good and a talkative fellow. I asked him what he thought about nationalized health care and he confirmed everything I've been hearing from pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Dick Morris. He told me that people who could afford it would get the best care and people who couldn't would come last. He also said how they would be rationing doctors and there would be long lines. I told him how I heard that in Canada they are halting the use of certain breast cancer drugs because they can't afford it and he said firmly in agreement,"That's right." We can expect that to happen here too.

Obama claims that those who have insurance and are happy with it won't lose it and can keep their doctors, but here's the catch. He plans to tax employee benefits and after a while you won't be able to afford your insurance and have to drop it and then join the government's plan. Now more and more people are being laid off and out of work because of Obama's policies and I believe Rush when he says Obama's policies are intentional so people will become dependant on government for everything. These people don't care about whether you have insurance or not. To them, healthcare is all about power just as it was with Bill and Hillary. I've said it before, Obama is a real coniver and you have to watch him closely. What he says and what he does are two different things. As a columnist I read recently said, " If you need an operation, you better get it now."

1 comment:

Niki said...

This is the best blog that I have read ever! This blogger sees what is going on with Obama and his hoods. American people are getting fed up and if an Obama blogger watcher read this ... I say go tell Obama he is a one time President ... he is on his way out the door of our white house.