Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama's Healthcare Speech

As I watched the Annointed One give his healthcare speech last night, I wanted to throw my shoe at him like that Iraqi guy did with Bush. His speech was lie after lie after lie and he did it so smoothly too. Actually anyone could do that speech smoothly reading from a telepromter like he was doing. He claims that he won't allow illegals to be insured in his plan. It's against the law to insure illegales anyway, but that never stopped him. If you think about it carefully, that is a big lie since he wants to cover everybody. Frank Luntz who does focus groups for FOX News pointed out on Sean Hannity's show that if you noticed Obama changed the figure of the uninsured from 50 million to 32 million to circumvent the illegals and be able to say they aren't insured in his plan. Rush Limbaugh so aptly pointed out today that Obama will grant amnesty to all the illegals and thus be able to insure them that way.

During that part of Obama's speech Congressman Joe Wilson a freshman from South Carolina yelled out "You lie,"which Obama was lying. I was glad to see that as Wilson had the guts to say what everyone of us was thinking and his fellow congressmen and Senators couldn't say. Naturally the left is chastising him today even though Democrats booed Bush during his State of the Union speech. Wilson later apologized and Greta Van Sustern read it on her show, however democrats never apologized for booing during Bush's speech naturally.

Obama also told the audience that his plan was being criticized by opponents using scare tactics. He said there were no death panels in his plan and that is totally false. Not true!!! While Sarah Palin was the one who used the term 'death panel" and it is a little strong, what she was referring to is the part of the plan where senior citizens would be required to have end of life counseling every five years to see if they should be covered or not or have what treatment if any. If a bureaucrat doesn't see you as fit for an operation or a certain procedure you will be denied that procedure because it may be too expensive for your age and you wouldn't want to be a burden to your family,etc. Right now if a person has a heart attack or accident, you dial 911 and professional medical personnel are there in an instant and take you to the nearest hospital where you are treated right away regardless of age and regardless if you have insurance or not. They will give you the best treatment available. No hospital can refuse you treatment. If you don't have insurance they will pass it onto the state or work out a monthly payment plan with you. No other country on earth has this and now Obama wants us to throw all that out the window because of him and his dem co-horts??? Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama also posed what appears to be a typical Chicago threat to the public and his critics saying "if you misrepresent any of this plan we will call you out." How dare he say such a thing when the majority of people oppose this plan and nationalizing healthcare while he is only interested in ramming this down our throats and governing against the will of the people. He and his dem cohorts: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, John kerry, Barney Frank and others. Obama suffered his lowest ratings in August and they continue to fall faster than any president in history, people have protested and spoken out in town halls across the country culminating in a big march on Washington on Saturday and he acts like nothing has happened.

Obama also mentioned that he intends to take from all the abuse in medicare and use that to pay for his plan and claims it won't add to the deficet. That's baloney also. This “ObamaCare” healthcare plan imposes at least $1.5 trillion in new taxes and forces Americans to “hand over” their health care decisions to politicians and bureaucrats. This nationalization of our health care system will cripple businesses and cause a massive increase in government control over our lives. As the bumper sticker says. "If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's free."

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