Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr. Appeaser

Folk singer Bob Dylan once said in one of his early songs "While some poor soul with his tongue on fire tries not to come up any higher,but rather pulls you down in the hole that he's in." And so it is with all these countries around the world that supposedly hate us. They hate us because we're not like them and want us to be down to their level rather than come up to ours. Along comes Mr. Complacency himself, Mr.Appeaser Barack Obama. Obama goes on this apology tour around the world telling them America has been arrogant in the past and apologizes for it's transactions. What an a------. He even went to Cairo, Egypt and delivered a similiar speech. Now before the world's dictators at the U.N. he spoke of a new world order with everyone being a global citizen and banning nuclear weapons. Let's all join hands and sing "Kumbaya."

He's treating all our friends like enemies and our enemies like friends. Gordon Brown of Great Britain tried to contact him several times and I understand Obama refused his calls. Maybe Gordon Brown should take back the pen and desk set made out of the wood of the slave ship he gave Obama at his inaugaration and send back the incompatible formatted DVDs Obama gave him. He abandones protecting Czechoslavakia and Poland with a missile defense base and leaves them wide open for a takeover by Russia once again. He annouced this on the anniversary of Russia moving into Poland that time. He's also told our most important ally in the middle east, Isreal, not to build anymore settlements and warns them against attacking Iran's nuclear sites. Yet he gives Hamas 900 million dollars so they can rebuild. So to recap, Great Britain, Isreal and Poland and Czechoslavakia are now on their own. Disgraceful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really liked Benjamin Netanyahu's speech where he said of people who gave Ajamadinajad (the holacaust denier) an audience and not walked out like the others did during his speech,"Have you no shame? Have you no honor?" That is a direct attack on Obama too since he wants to meet with the president of Iran. Khadafy referred to Obama as "his son" and said he should be president for life. Fidel Castro praised Obama also. These are all violaters of human rights and ruthless people and Obama sucks up to them instead of saying how great America is and how generous we are and how we feed and protect the weak and unfortunate of the world. Instead he appeases and tries to equalize every one. I really believe he is naieve like most liberals and doesn't believe that evil exists and wants to destroy this country and make it his own socialistic country with us dependant on big government for everything. Remember dependency is slavery. That coupled with the fact he feels like he's king of the whole world. Even Michelle said he has an over inflated ego. Overinflated is not the word for it. It's a supercalifragilisticexpealidocious ego :D

On a scary note Obama refused to participate in the World Day of Prayer saying he didn't want to offend anyone, yet he has no problem with hosting muslims for Ramadan and allowing anti-semetic muslims from having a day long prayer day of Islam in Washington as noted in the following article: The imam who will lead the recitation of the Koran, Sheikh Ahmed Dewidar, is a Manhattan cleric who once said that "through the domination of Islam and its ideas, the White House will change," and spoke approvingly of another cleric who said that one day "the White House will become...the Muslim House."
He has also claimed that Zionists "control the government, the politics, the economy, and the media in the U.S."
In other words, this Islamic prayer event is being led by men who harbor both anti-Semitic and fundamentally anti-America views.
President Barack Obama has barely acknowledged the Christian heritage of the United States, refusing to participate in the National Day of Prayer and issuing only a perfunctory proclamation which he was required to do by law. Yet he has hosted a dinner celebrating what he called "the Holy Month of Ramadan" in the White House, and recently issued a proclamation at the end of Ramadan which concluded with an Arabic blessing.

Obama Continues to Apologize to the World

Obama's Time Warp: The U.S. Is Still The Bad Guy

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