Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Anointed One is Doing What???????

During the campaign Obama had a video where he said he would work for a world without nuclear weapons. When I saw that I knew this was a typical naieve liberal approach and a dangerous one too with the world the way it is today. Liberals always believe that if you're nice to them they'll be nice to you. They can't get it through their heads that evil exists in this world and terrorism is pure force. It is their way or the highway which is why you have to show them strength. Reagan proved that with his ideology of Peace thru Strength. Because of our nuclear capabilities and show of strength the Soviet Union collapsed and we didn't have to use any. Why can't they see this as clear as the nose on their face? Now Obama wants to disarm us.

Hillary goes and tells the Iranians they can go ahead with their nuclear program. Ajhamadinajad has said he wants to destroy Isreal and cripple the United Statrs. All he has to do is fire a missile from international waters and detonate it 100 miles above us. The shear shock of that would knock out all our power grids and millions could die within a week. I say before you disarm us make sure these rouge nations are completely disarmed first, but to be on the safe side I believe in the Reagan doctrine of Peace thru Strength. Obama wants to limit the use of nuclear weapons in cases of self defense even if they launch an attack with biological or chemical weapons or a cyber attack. That's insane!!!! This is so wrong especially when the Russians are building up their defenses. During the Iraq war we said we would retaliate with nuclear weapons if they used chemical weapons. It ended up they didn't use them and they had them. Containment is the only answer.

Here is Obama's statement in the issue: Asked about the escalating confrontation with Iran, Mr. Obama said he was now convinced that “the current course they’re on would provide them with nuclear weapons capabilities,” though he gave no timeline.
He dodged when asked whether he shared Israel’s view that a “nuclear capable” Iran was as dangerous as one that actually possessed weapons.
“I’m not going to parse that right now,” he said, sitting in his office.

As democratic advisors Doug Schoen and Pat Caddel said on Hannity last night,"Obama is inviting an attack by doing this and being very naieve on foreign policy.

Obama will go down as the president who weakend America.

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