Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good News and Bad News

Yes that's right, there is good news and bad news on this blog. I'll start with the bad news first. A recent Harris Interactive poll taken in six countries, The United States, Britain, France , Germany,Spain and Italy asked 6,135 people between the ages 16 and 65 who they thought was the most respected world leader. Well you guessed it these imbeciles voted for Obama. The man who is bankrupting America, socializing America and destroying the private sector came in ahead of the Dali Lama who came in second. Maybe that's because these other countries are all socialist countries like Obama is. Hillary Clinton came in third and Angela Merkle of Germany came in sixth. The Pope. Yes the Pope Benedict came in seventh. Keep in mind that Germany and Italy were polled here too. So the annointed one Obama came in ahead of the Pope in respect even. Can you believe that??? The article mentioned that the pope came in seventh despite the recent scandals. Do I detect a little influential bias here??? I'm sure when this poll was taken these people were all listed and you had to check them off instead of writing in your own which shows me a media bias naturally in favor of Obama in an effort to boost his stature in the world since his ratings are so low here and falling fast.

Now for the good news. In the same poll, people said the least respected leaders were Ahamadinejad of Iran, Moammar Khadafi of Libya and Hu Jintao of China.

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