Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Whoa!!! They Rationalize Like Crazy
In another interesting commentary, I came across this most interesting comment on a message board written by a medical professional on Obama's healthcare program:
Finally we have a change! Socialized health care is the reality in the US, or rather SSA (Socialist States of America)Everybody is covered, theoretically! Kumbaya... but from now on you are not a customer anymore but a budget number. You are covered, but quality of your treatment will depend on the budget and some bureaucrat or politician. You will get treatment but not necessarily get cured. Welcome to Socialism!!! Since this is the law now, not an open market place, you will not be able to sue if you are not satisfied... but you are free to move to Cuba where according to Michael Moore, is the best health care system in the world. Welcome to Socialism!!! They violated US Constitution to pass this bill, don't expect them to respect your rights. That's a history now. Welcome to Socialism!!! IRS is hiring 16,500 new agents to force you to buy Obama Care. You have no choice now and they will force you to obey or else. Welcome to Socialism!!! Privacy? No more, your tax returns will be available to anybody in health department. Welcome to Socialism!!! You think everybody is equal in America? Think again. Congress voted for themselves a health care package that is superb and based on private insurance and hospitals. They will never be subjected to Obama Care they concocted for us. Every member of Congress will keep that coverage for the rest of their lives even as not a member anymore and make us pay for it. They are called a Political Class. The rest of us has no say anymore, just like drones. Welcome to Socialism! And who will benefit most from Obama Care? While most of hard working people will be too busy trying to make a living, those on welfare, living in public housing, getting fat on food stamps, those having children every other year because government pays them for it, or others living on unemployment year after year or fraudulent workers comp benefits... you get the picture... sooner or later Government will run out of other people's money, rationing will begin and you may very well become a liability. Welcome to Socialism!!! How was that possible? it's simple: Stupid constituency, thanks to government run school system."The most comprehensive surveys, the National Election Studies (NES), were carried out by the University of Michigan beginning in the late 1940s. What these studies showed was that Americans fall into three categories with regard to their political knowledge. A tiny percentage know a lot about politics, up to 50% -60% know enough to answer very simple questions, and the rest know next to nothing.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Something Smells About This Whole Oil Spill Thing
1)Obama makes a speech saying he is favoring more drilling in the Gulf. I think he just said that to appease his critics because we know he hates the oil companies and hates capitalism and big business.
2) Following that speech a news commentator said "His supporters are not going to like that."
3) Two days later "BOOM" the rig blows up. This particular rig is one of the best in all the oil rigs in the Gulf and Obama just presented them with a safety award.
4) Obama waits nine days before reacting to the situation and acts very cavalier about it. He spends more time going to parties,playing basketball and playing golf than going to the site or trying to do anything.
There was plenty Obama could do if he was a competant leader, but he's not. As Commander in Chief he could have ordered the Coast Guard out or Navy with skimmers and vacums to cleanup the spill, but he didn't. He could have brought out the booms locked in the warehouse in Maine, but he didn't. He should have had his people roundup all the experts on oil spills and consult with them, but he didn't. The government has a special plan to deal with oil spills that was implemented in the 90's that would have them burn the oil off while it rises so it doesn't reach the shore, but he didn't use that. Instead he sends lawyers down there to find out in his words "who's ass to kick."
Louisianna Governor Bobby Jindal asks Obama to build berms and send vacums and skimmers and he denies him that. The Dutch offer to send their skimmer there that takes up 20,000 tons of sludge a day, but he declined their offer as he did 13 other countries who offered their services. When criticized about not doing anything about the spill, he pouts like a little child saying,"What do you think I am? Superman?" and " I can't suck it up with a straw" and "I can't dive down there."
Now 64 days later he gives a speech and touts the need for alternative fuels and more efficient cars and other energy sources. Almost in a "I told you so about oil drilling" attitude. He announces a moratorium on all drilling in the Gulf which will put tens of thousands of people out of work. He orders BP to put 28 billion in an escrow account to be paid to the victims families and pay for damages. BP was going to do that anyway and I could go along with this, but he also wants BP to pay for the time all these people are out of work. That's more of his redistribution of wealth that is continuing to destroy this country he hates so much.
Michelle Bachman said on John Batchelor's show that we have to be sure the money goes to the right people because Congress is out of money and looking for more money to pay out and extend unemployment benefits. Hmmmm. Obama is all a about power and not about serving the people.
Meanwhile Bobby Jindal decides to take matters in his own hands and order state barges out to cleanup the oil that is ruining his beaches and environment, but the Coast Guard comes in and shuts them down.
The Coast Guard came and shut them down," Jindal said. "You got men on the barges in the oil, and they have been told by the Coast Guard, 'Cease and desist. Stop sucking up that oil.'"
A Coast Guard representative told ABC News that it shares the same goal as the governor.
"We are all in this together. The enemy is the oil," said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Dan Lauer.
But the Coast Guard ordered the stoppage because of reasons that Jindal found frustrating. The Coast Guard needed to confirm that there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board, and then it had trouble contacting the people who built the barges. The Louisiana Governor Couldn't Overrule Coast Guard.
In today's London Daily Mail there is a huge article describing how Obama was brought up to hate the British since his grandfather was tortured brutally by them in Kenya when the British ruled there in 1949. His grandmother always told him that "the British are your enemy."
Now we have him "kicking the ass"of the CEO of a British owned oil rig and making them pay. We don't even know who or what caused the explosion and leak yet and it is still flowing. I say plug up the leak first and then hold hearings and decide who's to blame.
I think it's just funny that the most successful oil rig in the Gulf that is overzealous about safety and just received an award from the President who hates the British and now touts about using alternative fuels and shuts down all the rigs for six months suddenly explodes out of nowhere. Yes something smells about this whole oil spill mess.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
N.Korea Sub Hit Oil Rig???? SWAT Teams Sent to Gulf??? We Need To Talk
In this link Mark talks about the SWAT teams and wonders why Obama would send a law enforcement group to the Gulf oil rigs. He theories that they are being sent to gather all records there for Obama so he can nationalize the oil industry. I noticed several You-tube videos on the side and several were other cable stations asking the same thing. So something funny is going on.
I also noticed another You Tube video that purports and quotes from a Russian report that says a North Korean sub blew up the oil rig. The report cites that there is a news blackout in America on this and that the oil rig was built by a South Korean oil company that wreaked havoc on the Korean economy and killed many people there. This all sounds fantastic and fodder for conspiracy theories,but when you think of the fact that North Korea just sank that South Korean ship with a torpedo and have renewed their old war against South Korea this may all sound plausible.The report claims that a North Korean sub shot two torpedoes at the gulf oil rig and then sent a small manned submarine with 17 suicide bombers in it to finish the job. This could be a hoax because I notice the person doing the narrating stumbles on some easy to read Korean names and corrects the spelling on a word. I just report. You decide. I am including both links below.
So I ask you. Is this fodder for conspiracy theories or is truth stranger than fiction? I'll appreciate any reactions from my readers.
Here are a few comments that were under the article about the sub:
North Korea attacks US oil rig! Obama sends SWAT teams and has to consider detonating a thermal nuclear weapon to stop the flow of oil which is causing an ecological nightmare doomsday to the environment. This was either a false flag by our own government, a calculated move the by the elites of the NWO or a true North Korean attack upon its two mortal enemies... the USA and South Korea! We are headed for war children! http://www.wral.com/golo/blogpost/752...
Why did Obama send SWAT teams to all oil rigs?This fact is proof the attack took place.Who were involved?Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Syria who paid North Korea to do the oil rig job. and kick his black a^^ in the Gulf.Want more? Google freedomtalk, forum.
The Korea story may or may not be credible, but they leak lies like they leak oil and toxins into the water we need and the air we breath. Bottom line is they want to poison us, in any way they can. Forget your 'peak oil' worries, these sadistic creatures are creating 'peak air' and 'peak water' , and they will own the clean stuff.Thanks for posting.
This rig was the most efficient , safe and most successful rig in the gulf. I know because oil is in my families blood. Oh do you know that Obama wanted to take our right to fish, failed and then this just mysteriously happened. My dad is head of an oilfield division which I will not name. He thinks it's odd how this rig which is overzelous about safety just exploded out of nowhere. Matt
grooveclubhouse this is not fact yet there is no proof that has been released to the public about a submarin. all the information you see about a sub attack is just information gone public that people put together and it looks as if there has been a n.k. sub attack. this means we dont know for sure!!!!!!!!!!!! dont jump to conclusion. and you shoud really really need to report who send you this message. if it was a attack they could be a agent or a spy. not to be crazy but it is possible.
Here's the links:
YouTube - Whose SWAT Teams Went To ALL Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rigs & What The Hell
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Obama Speaks On the Oil Crisis-Finally
Obama said they have been working on this since day one. Another lie. He keeps blaming BP, but there was plenty he could have done from the beginning to show leadership. He could have sent in skimmers and vacums from the beginning instead of sending in lawyers and investigators. The government has a pre-approved plan from 1996 to deal with a disaster like this by burning off the oil and he didn't do that. He could have unleashed the booms that are laying in a warehouse up in Maine. He could have heeded Bobby Jindal's call to build berms and sand dunes to stop the oil flow which he didn't. Now Bobby has taken matters into his own hands and called up the National Guard to do the job. YAY Bobby. Two thumbs up for you.
For the past few nights now Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee have had ordinary citizens who have ways to clean up the oil spill on their shows. One is a 22 year old girl who was a child prodigy and the youngest person to be a professor in a university in South Korea who met with BP executives with her idea of using a smaller pole with tires that can be inflated and deflated to plug up the oil leak until it can be fixed. Another guy has a chemical that solidifies the oil and makes the water clean. He demonstrated by putting oil in a tank, put his chemical on it then literally picked up the solidified oil and he and Mike drank the clear water. There were several others demonstrating similiar ways to clean it up so why is the gov't and BP so hesitant on using these?
Obama said we are running out of places to drill. What a crock that is. There are plenty of places to drill on land like up in Anwar which is a tundra, but environmentalists say it will disturb the caribou up there which there hardly are any. The annointed one used this to push for greener and cleaner energy and urged people to turn away from oil producing products. He talked about solar energy and windmills, but you can't run a car on solar energy and windmills. People need oil. He said people are starting already by driving more energy saving cars. That's the government telling you what kind of car to drive since the government orders the car companies to make these and regulates the car industry. He's ordering BP to pay for a fund to watch over them run by a third party appointed by the government. I'm not sure that is even legal. The main thing is to stop the leak first and then deal with investigations and lawyers etc. He's also having a six month moritorium on any drilling. That's insane. Tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs and we become more dependant on foreign oil companies who are rubbing their hands and licking their chops. This is all about Obama's and the dems cap and trade or cap and tax programs. He hates the oil companies and hates the private sector. He's all about government control. Never forget Rahm Emanuel's famous quote which seems to be the theme of this administration, "Never let a good crisis go to waste. It gives you an opportunity to do things you normally couldn't do." In the end this was really a pointless address saying nothing new and a disaster for Obama. It was just a lot of words from an empty suit.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Eagles in Concert-Welcome to the Hotel Meadowlands
Opening for the Eagles was "Keith Urban" and " The Dixie Chicks". The concert started at 4:30 in the afternoon and I couldn't get off work until 5 p.m. We got there at about 6:30 just as keith was finishing up. We've seen Keith before and he is excellent and we were hoping to see him again this time. I said "Who starts a concert where thousands will show up at 4:30 in the afternoon during the week when people are working? They can't all be on welfare :D"
When we arrived at the parking lot, which is huge in itself, there were many people tailgating having dinner on their small grills and listening to Eagles songs even though Keith was playing inside. After what seemd like a mile walk in the parking lot we finally got to the stadium. The old stadium is right next to the new one and still in the process of being torn down. It was surreal looking and looked like something out of a nuclear holocaust movie with tall steel beams and stairways extending upwards and partially torn down walls all with weeds and tall grass growing out of them. Once inside the stadium we were told our seats were on the other side so we walked what seemed like another mile inside. Inside is something else to behold with flat screen TV's jutting out from the walls and hanging from the ceilings and even in the elevators. We found all the attendants there very friendly and most accomodating to help you find your way around. Even the refreshment stand people I found to be very exhuberant and chatty making it even more pleasant.
Once we got our seats, which weren't bad at all, on the side facing the stage, we waited for the next act. Next up was The Dixie Chicks. I must admit I wasn't familiar with their music, just their politics and lead singer Natalie Maines which I'm 180 degrees to the right of, but musically I was very impressed. They are a very country style band and very talented. I particularly liked their violinist who played beautifully and had beautiful long blonde hair pulled back and up. Natalie had a buzz cut haircut which made her look very butch, but she did mention her husband so who knows. LOL. Fortunatly they left the politics aside and we enjoyed them. As Laura Ingraham says, "just shut up and sing." :D
After about a half hour break, The Eagles came on about 8 p.m. For those of you who are not familiar with them, The Eagles have been around for almost 40 years now and they look and sound great not like old guys. They are very energetic and you'd think by doing songs for that long they'd sound mechanical and redundant, but no, they are consumate performers and each song sounded fresh and like they just recorded them. The Eagles consist of Glen Fry, Don Henley, Joe Walsh and Timothy Schmidt. They opened up with their hit song "Peaceful Easy Feeling" which got the audience in a good mood as they sang along in perfect harmony and unison along with them. Next the stage grew dark and a lone trumpeter playing a haunting melody bathed only in a red spotlight played. This solo led into the all too familiar guitar rift of Hotel California which got the audience applauding madly and in approval. I've included a link below to it which was from a performance I think was taken about a year ago. I've also included a link that tells some interesting facts about the song while you hear it. Although there have been many interpretations of the song, Don Henley said it's about the excess of the Hollywood elite since they were just four guys from the mid-west. Hotel California is actually an old hotel called The Pink Palace in Hollywood where many stars go.
Another favorite of mine is "Lyin' Eyes." The melody is so catchy and intriguing that sucks you in everytime and the lyrics about a cheating wife are so direct and sincere. When Glen Fry introduced the song he said it took them about two days to write that song and today it would take two weeks."We did things fast in those days," he said. He dedicated it to his first wife called "Plaintiff".:D. I love the beginning lyrics:
City girls just seem to find out early/how to open doors with just a smile/a rich old man and she won't have to worry/she'll dress up in lace and go in style/Late at night the big old house gets lonely/I guess every form of refuge has its' price/and it breaks her heart to think her love is only given to a man with hands as cold as ice/so she tells him she must go out for the evening/to comfort an old friend who's feeling down/but he knows where she's going as she's leaving / She's headed for the cheatin' side of town.
The video graphics the had were also fascinating to watch. In one song they had a repeated phrase that says "Hit 'em when they're up, Hit 'em when they're down".While they sang that song, media talking heads appeared on the screen such as Bill O"Reilly, Glenn Beck, Keith Olberman, Ann Coulter, Whoopi Goldberg , Jerry Springer and Dr.Phil. After several minutes of this it was followed by flashing sensational headlines from trashy tabloids like the Enquirer and The Star, People magazine and US magazine and many others. "Hit 'em when they're up. Hit 'em when they're down." It was humorous and made sense in a bizarre way.
Next came Joe Walsh who I think is one of the greatest guitar players around if not ever. Joe has been with the Eagles since the beginning and has gone out on his own too. He has very interesting features and an almost rubbery face that is really expressive. He did his famous song "In the City" which is featured in the move "The Wanderers." As he sang this, a video of the earth from outer space appeared and zoomed in on the East coast and eventually New York City and continued showing various parts and people indicative of New York City. Joe's guitar solos are outstanding and out of this world sort of speak. The video accompaning the song is appropriate in many ways considering he makes notes that sound like they are coming from outer space. He even mouths notes in weird sounds like Peter Frampton was known to do while adjusting his guitar strings to make long up and down sounds. The end of the video is in reverse and you leave New York heading out until you see the earth again from space as the song closes. WOW!
They played for two hours straight without a break and at the end came on for about three encores including their hit "take It Easy"and did my wife's favorite Eagles song "Desperado."
The Eagles are a clean, classy and professional group that really gets you rockin' and feeling good. Mrs. Jaycee agrees and has this advice for you. When going to a concert like this don't jump up and dance in front of people sitting behind you. Go out on the floor where other people are or in the main aisles. Don't selfishly obstruct others' view as we had with two couples in front of us forcing us to move our seats.
Here's a video taken last year of The Eagles doing Hotel California. Joe Walsh is the man dressed in black . Watch his hands on his amazing guitar solos. Don Henley is the one singing and playing the drums, Glen Fry is the one in the plaid shirt and Timothy Schmidt is the one with the long hair.
Hotel California - The Eagles Ca
Here's an interesting video that tells you interesting facts about Hotel Califoirnia with images as you listen to it. Enjoy.
MHere'susic Facts: Hotel California
Here's another video shot the nightwe were there 6/10/10 featuring Joe Walsh
The Eagles - Life's Been Good Live at New Meadowlands Stadium, NJ 6/10/10 East Rutherford
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
JamesCameron to the Rescue????? and Other Random Thoughts
In other news, but related to this, I heard John Batchelor talking to John Freeman from the Wall Street Journal about Attorney General Eric Holder announcing he is launching a criminal and civil liability investigation into the oil spill. Both Freeman and Batchelor thought this was poor timing to do such a thing especially when they have no facts, or don't know what laws were broken by who or when. The American people don't need an expensive investigation now. They should all be concentrating on fixing the oil mess and cleaning it up. They also mentioned that Holder had poor timing when announcing that Khaleel Sheik Mohammed should have his trial at the courthouse next to ground zero. DUHHHHH!!!! Don't forget that it was Eric Holder who said he was against the Arizona Immigration law, that it was unconstituional and he was going to bring lawsuits against it then admitted he hadn't read it.
As the Obama regime keeps up acts like this they are showing more and more their incompetance at handling things. Even their supporters are turning against them. Chris Mathews has seemingly lost that tingle running up and down his leg every time he hears Obama's name and Peggy Noonan in her column said she thought he was supposed to be competant. These people are seeing wha t we saw from the beginning only it's too late now. There is talk he may resign before his term is up. If that came to pass then we would be stuck with Joe (gaffe a minute) Biden. Which is just as bad in a different way. Just take a look at the other dopes he has surrounded himself with. Robert Gibbs as Press Secretary is a joke a minute as he stutters, stammers and bumbles his way thru press conference after press conference. Janet Napolitano is another idiot who is in charge of Homeland Security and made statements about the Arizona law and then admitted, like Holder, she hadn't read it either. Geez, it's only ten pages guys. You can read that in five minutes or less.
All this incompetance boils down to one thing: What talk show host Bob Grant said to me once when we were talking about Bill Clinton also applies here and that is: This man Barack Obama was not fit, is not fit now and never will be fit to be the President of the United States.