Wednesday, June 16, 2010

N.Korea Sub Hit Oil Rig???? SWAT Teams Sent to Gulf??? We Need To Talk

To begin with I'm not a conspiracy theorist like those 9-11 nutjobs like Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen and others, but I have stumbled across some interesting things that are worth looking into. I was sent a link by Mark Levin talking about Obama sending 30 SWAT teams to the Gulf. For those of you who may not be familiar with Mark, he was Ed Meese's Chief of Staff during the Reagan years and has three very sucessful best selling books out. He is also the host of a very popular talk radio show and is known as The Great One so his credentials are impeccable.

In this link Mark talks about the SWAT teams and wonders why Obama would send a law enforcement group to the Gulf oil rigs. He theories that they are being sent to gather all records there for Obama so he can nationalize the oil industry. I noticed several You-tube videos on the side and several were other cable stations asking the same thing. So something funny is going on.

I also noticed another You Tube video that purports and quotes from a Russian report that says a North Korean sub blew up the oil rig. The report cites that there is a news blackout in America on this and that the oil rig was built by a South Korean oil company that wreaked havoc on the Korean economy and killed many people there. This all sounds fantastic and fodder for conspiracy theories,but when you think of the fact that North Korea just sank that South Korean ship with a torpedo and have renewed their old war against South Korea this may all sound plausible.The report claims that a North Korean sub shot two torpedoes at the gulf oil rig and then sent a small manned submarine with 17 suicide bombers in it to finish the job. This could be a hoax because I notice the person doing the narrating stumbles on some easy to read Korean names and corrects the spelling on a word. I just report. You decide. I am including both links below.

So I ask you. Is this fodder for conspiracy theories or is truth stranger than fiction? I'll appreciate any reactions from my readers.

Here are a few comments that were under the article about the sub:

North Korea attacks US oil rig! Obama sends SWAT teams and has to consider detonating a thermal nuclear weapon to stop the flow of oil which is causing an ecological nightmare doomsday to the environment. This was either a false flag by our own government, a calculated move the by the elites of the NWO or a true North Korean attack upon its two mortal enemies... the USA and South Korea! We are headed for war children!

Why did Obama send SWAT teams to all oil rigs?This fact is proof the attack took place.Who were involved?Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Syria who paid North Korea to do the oil rig job. and kick his black a^^ in the Gulf.Want more? Google freedomtalk, forum.

The Korea story may or may not be credible, but they leak lies like they leak oil and toxins into the water we need and the air we breath. Bottom line is they want to poison us, in any way they can. Forget your 'peak oil' worries, these sadistic creatures are creating 'peak air' and 'peak water' , and they will own the clean stuff.Thanks for posting.

This rig was the most efficient , safe and most successful rig in the gulf. I know because oil is in my families blood. Oh do you know that Obama wanted to take our right to fish, failed and then this just mysteriously happened. My dad is head of an oilfield division which I will not name. He thinks it's odd how this rig which is overzelous about safety just exploded out of nowhere. Matt

grooveclubhouse this is not fact yet there is no proof that has been released to the public about a submarin. all the information you see about a sub attack is just information gone public that people put together and it looks as if there has been a n.k. sub attack. this means we dont know for sure!!!!!!!!!!!! dont jump to conclusion. and you shoud really really need to report who send you this message. if it was a attack they could be a agent or a spy. not to be crazy but it is possible.

Here's the links:

YouTube - Whose SWAT Teams Went To ALL Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rigs & What The Hell

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