Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Whoa!!! They Rationalize Like Crazy

Recently the left critized former BP CEO Tony Hayward for taking his son to the Yacht races and see his yacht on father's day while the oil spill is gushing. Obama in the meantime went Golfing like he always does while the oil spill gushed. The Obama team defended his golfing outings during this crisis ,(of which there have been seven) saying he needs time off to clear his head. At leastTony Hayward was with his son on father's day and he resigned last week so he is no longer CEO. When I was a kid and someone said something like that defending themselves when it was soo obvious we would respond saying, "Whoa !!!You rationalize like crazy." In fact since this crisis began Obama has partied with the Yankees, played basketball, gone on vacation with his wife and gone to barbecues, partied with Paul McCartney and played basketball and met with BP executives for just 20 minutes. On one day he spent three hours at the sight and five hours on the golf course. So let's review now,massive debt, out of control spending, continued high unemployment, a Gulf coast disaster, and on and on, while Obama lives it up. If Obama is "on the job," then I want that job. This after saying he would not rest until the leak is contained. At least when he's on the Golf course he's not messing up the country. Now if we can only keep him there until 2012. :D

In another interesting commentary, I came across this most interesting comment on a message board written by a medical professional on Obama's healthcare program:

Finally we have a change! Socialized health care is the reality in the US, or rather SSA (Socialist States of America)Everybody is covered, theoretically! Kumbaya... but from now on you are not a customer anymore but a budget number. You are covered, but quality of your treatment will depend on the budget and some bureaucrat or politician. You will get treatment but not necessarily get cured. Welcome to Socialism!!! Since this is the law now, not an open market place, you will not be able to sue if you are not satisfied... but you are free to move to Cuba where according to Michael Moore, is the best health care system in the world. Welcome to Socialism!!! They violated US Constitution to pass this bill, don't expect them to respect your rights. That's a history now. Welcome to Socialism!!! IRS is hiring 16,500 new agents to force you to buy Obama Care. You have no choice now and they will force you to obey or else. Welcome to Socialism!!! Privacy? No more, your tax returns will be available to anybody in health department. Welcome to Socialism!!! You think everybody is equal in America? Think again. Congress voted for themselves a health care package that is superb and based on private insurance and hospitals. They will never be subjected to Obama Care they concocted for us. Every member of Congress will keep that coverage for the rest of their lives even as not a member anymore and make us pay for it. They are called a Political Class. The rest of us has no say anymore, just like drones. Welcome to Socialism! And who will benefit most from Obama Care? While most of hard working people will be too busy trying to make a living, those on welfare, living in public housing, getting fat on food stamps, those having children every other year because government pays them for it, or others living on unemployment year after year or fraudulent workers comp benefits... you get the picture... sooner or later Government will run out of other people's money, rationing will begin and you may very well become a liability. Welcome to Socialism!!! How was that possible? it's simple: Stupid constituency, thanks to government run school system."The most comprehensive surveys, the National Election Studies (NES), were carried out by the University of Michigan beginning in the late 1940s. What these studies showed was that Americans fall into three categories with regard to their political knowledge. A tiny percentage know a lot about politics, up to 50% -60% know enough to answer very simple questions, and the rest know next to nothing.

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