Wednesday, June 2, 2010

JamesCameron to the Rescue????? and Other Random Thoughts

Frustrated with all the non solutions to the oil spill, the Obama regime has enlisted the aid of famed movie director James Cameron of "Titanic," Avatar," "Alien," and "Terminator" films to help find a solution. According to the NY Post, Cameron's experience with underwater submersables and underwater filming and remote vehicle technologies earned him a seat with elite scientists in Washington in a desparate bid to find a solution. A 21 year old child prodigy from Long Island who is in the Guiness Book of records as the youngest professor to teach college physics at 18 in South Korea and who was reading novels at 2 years old has also offered an ingenious solution of inserting a smaller pipe with inflatable tires around it into the larger pipe, run hoses from the tires to an air pump, inflate the tires so the pipe is snug and then the flow valve can remain open or closed to collect oil into the appropriate vessel. Now why didn't I think of that.!!!!! :D. Just kidding of course, but if 20,000 scientists, engineers and other professionals are working on this why can't they come up with a solution like this instead of relying on a movie director or a 21 year old prodigy from Long Island? Oh well , I guess that's all it takes sometimes.

In other news, but related to this, I heard John Batchelor talking to John Freeman from the Wall Street Journal about Attorney General Eric Holder announcing he is launching a criminal and civil liability investigation into the oil spill. Both Freeman and Batchelor thought this was poor timing to do such a thing especially when they have no facts, or don't know what laws were broken by who or when. The American people don't need an expensive investigation now. They should all be concentrating on fixing the oil mess and cleaning it up. They also mentioned that Holder had poor timing when announcing that Khaleel Sheik Mohammed should have his trial at the courthouse next to ground zero. DUHHHHH!!!! Don't forget that it was Eric Holder who said he was against the Arizona Immigration law, that it was unconstituional and he was going to bring lawsuits against it then admitted he hadn't read it.

As the Obama regime keeps up acts like this they are showing more and more their incompetance at handling things. Even their supporters are turning against them. Chris Mathews has seemingly lost that tingle running up and down his leg every time he hears Obama's name and Peggy Noonan in her column said she thought he was supposed to be competant. These people are seeing wha t we saw from the beginning only it's too late now. There is talk he may resign before his term is up. If that came to pass then we would be stuck with Joe (gaffe a minute) Biden. Which is just as bad in a different way. Just take a look at the other dopes he has surrounded himself with. Robert Gibbs as Press Secretary is a joke a minute as he stutters, stammers and bumbles his way thru press conference after press conference. Janet Napolitano is another idiot who is in charge of Homeland Security and made statements about the Arizona law and then admitted, like Holder, she hadn't read it either. Geez, it's only ten pages guys. You can read that in five minutes or less.

All this incompetance boils down to one thing: What talk show host Bob Grant said to me once when we were talking about Bill Clinton also applies here and that is: This man Barack Obama was not fit, is not fit now and never will be fit to be the President of the United States.

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